
Arthur waited out the night in the store. He was on the second floor, in a room where only he and Amanda could enter.

The latter was sitting on the sofa, looking up at the sky which over time began to become somewhat dark while the former was lying on her thighs.

Just now they were talking about gold. Amanda asked where the gold was from and Arthur calmly told her.

"Oh, look, your aunt has come," Amanda said suddenly.

Looking down the street, Arthur indeed found the woman's car.

She had apparently come early, apparently wanting to see her nephew's first business.

Jade got out of the car and opened the door for her.

After getting out of the car, she immediately entered the store while Jade remained standing outside, looking at the store curiously.

At the same time, Arthur sat up and said to Amanda, "Tell your subordinates to bring her here!"

For his aunt, there was no way he wouldn't treat her specially.