
While Arthur enjoyed a quiet evening, some people in Vera City couldn't rest easy.

Not long after evidence of Erick's crimes was uncovered, Police Headquarters in Brussels sent a high-ranking police officer to Vera. He will take over the leadership of the police here and lead the investigation into Erick's case.

This made General James so dizzy that his head wanted to explode.

First he was suddenly asked by the Armstrong Family to find a thief and he didn't even know what was stolen.

The problem was that they pressured and threatened him to do more.

Now, his son suddenly has an accident. For him, it was indeed an accident, a very fatal accident.

However, as a man who has been around the black and white world, his son's fate would not be enough to make him sad.

He only had one concern, and that was himself. What if the evidence of his crime was also uncovered.

This was a problem that made him always wonder if the enemy had evidence of his crimes.