That Park Again

Bella and Carla looked at Arthur's cell phone curiously.

They seemed to be wondering when they saw the old man's video.

"Boss, can you estimate his strength?" Rose asked.

"He's a Knight, but I believe he's not a Senior Knight yet," Arthur replied.

It was difficult to estimate another person's level just by going through a video, but the way the old man walked showed enough of his characteristics that Arthur could guess.

"Then what are we going to do about him?" asked Rose.

"I'm sure you can contact him, tell him to meet me at the park TTT!" Arthur replied.

It was the park he had visited with Carla and Bella. It was always deserted, so if there was a fight, no one would see.

After that, Arthur stepped towards the direction of the park, followed by Carla and Bella.

When the two girls saw the park, they remembered the day they followed Arthur here.

Some things made them smile, like how the agents of the God Eye Organization thought that they were having fun here.