
"They've arrived," Arthur said when Bella wanted to keep talking to him.

Hearing that, she chose to press her lips together and stare at the park path.

Slowly, she began to feel the presence of two people where one of them gave her a sense of threat.

"How strong is he?" She wondered, looking at Arthur.

"Fifth stage," replied Arthur who could already detect the person's strength.

That surprised Bella a little because she knew it was the peak of the Junior Knight.

"But he's still weaker than you, right?" she asked spontaneously.

Arthur didn't answer the question, but Bella could tell the answer just by looking at Arthur's smile.

Right after that, she finally saw the figure of the old man she saw in the video.

On the other hand, the old man frowned when he saw a young man who was accompanied by two young women.

However, when Anton saw Arthur, he immediately whispered to Samuel. "That young man, he's the one."

Samuel then narrowed his eyes, observing Arthur more carefully.