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"Aunt, you didn't hit your head on anything, did you?" asked Arthur as he took a deep breath.

He suddenly felt that Isabel had gone completely mad.

"You don't dare the things you start yourself," Isabel said, continuing her nonsense.

"Aunt!" Arthur called out to her, hoping she would come to her senses.

Unfortunately it didn't seem to work at all.

"Young man, you interest me quite a bit," she added.

Arthur's parted lips froze at that.

He wondered if she was possessed to say such a thing.

The problem was that she wasn't drunk now, so she should be sober and have control over what she was doing.

Fortunately, after saying that, she lowered her hands from his shoulders.

With a smile, she said, "come on, let's find some good fish to cook."

She signaled for Arthur to step up.

Surprisingly enough, her hand grabbed his, holding his palm so that they were holding hands again.

"Aunt, aren't you afraid of other people's misunderstanding?" asked Arthur in a hesitant tone.