Warm Morning

Since she is not the heir to the throne, if she hooks up with a commoner without status, at most she will only lose her noble title. It is not prohibited even if the man is a foreigner.

And actually it didn't matter to her because she always believed what made her tall was not the noble title.

'And he's obviously a man who has no boundaries with women, he acts like an ancient emperor, am I going to be this kind of man's woman? Doesn't that mean I'll just be one of his women?'

Yukiko had another problem that she found hard to accept.

'I'd better stop thinking about this,' she said to herself.

She picked up her fork and spoon, starting to eat.

Unfortunately, that didn't make her special attraction to Arthur disappear.

Her eyes seemed to want to keep staring.

It was fortunate that she was a ninja so she had no trouble hiding her expression.

After that, she put a piece of fish meat into her mouth and was immediately surprised by the flavor she found.