Taken Away

Of course, there was no way Jenny wouldn't recognize the two women as they were famous celebrities.

Maybe she had met them before considering her work.

"This is surprising," she said after calming down a bit.

Her eyes as she looked at Arthur seemed even more amazed.

Knock! Knock!

"Is there anyone inside?" And suddenly, the door of the room was knocked and a man's voice echoed.

Jenny quickly sat up when she heard that.

"Is it the police?" she asked, thinking that the matter outside was over.

She turned back on the screen beside the door to see.

Sure enough, it was a policeman fully dressed and carrying a long-barreled gun.

Arthur quickly put on his clothes, he also signaled to Jenny to get dressed.

Of course, it was not suitable to wear a bikini in this kind of situation, so Jenny took the nightgown prepared in the closet.

She then ponytailed her hair so as not to look so messy before opening that door, surprising the policeman.