
Inside the castle, a group of people gathered, from the old to the young. One of them was Logan, accompanied by an old woman of the same age as him.

It was just that, although Logan was a successful politician, in that hall his status didn't seem to be that significant, evident from the sofa he was sitting on being slightly off to the side.

On the other couches were quite a few people with statuses that seemed stronger than his.

Some of them were bosses from major European banks.

They were members of the Armstrong Family, and their family did own most of the banks so they could claim to be the masters of the economy.

If they wanted to, they could easily create a crisis, just by creating a little chaos in their banks.

In fact, it is very rare for them to get together, sometimes they don't even get together at all in a year, only communicating by phone.

Now, however, they were interrupted by a Magus who seemed to be starting a new power.