Do as I say


This time a strange aura lingering in Lamodras clan as if the whole clan is death silent. Even the members of the clan not talking with each other. At this moment inside the main hall of the Lamodras clan leader and other Elder are sitting in their respective spot,. Dead Bodies and blood have already been cleaned. If not for the broken wall and destroyed ground everyone would thought nothing happened. But what surprising is among all of this elders 1st elder is sitting in his respective position

One of the elder broke the silent " So, the 7th elder was the spy. No wonder all of ours meetings would be leaked"

" Hmm, but we also failed to locate Nefias location." Said another elder. At this moment the Patriarch Looked toward the 1st elder. " 2nd brother what do you think. What do you planning now"

The 1st elder who looks even more skinner Looked at everyone " I don't who where she could go, but it's a good thing. Now everyone will know all her ties with us has been severed. With this we can make preparations of leaving this place and when the times comes we will tell everything to her"

Hearing this no one said anything, even though they felt the plan is very weak they didn't raised any question. The 1st elder continue. " We are destined to leave this place. After all, we are not from this place to begin with. If we wants our next generation to prosper then we have to leave this Place "

Their clan actually from the main land. Thousands year's ago they left the main land and came here. Just few years ago 1st elder discovered a secret place. When he tried to open that place his life force sucked away and he get injured and wasn't able to recover his strength after that. But surprisingly enough he was able to enter that secret place and was found a hand written letter from Their ancestor.

He also found a book left behind the ancestor where he was able to learn about many types of physic. But the book was already old and many of it's page was missing. After reading that book he was able to guess that his daughter is actually born with a special body that have similarities with the things he have read.

Then understood his child could be the key to get out of here. After all Nefia only start cultivating in the age of 12. In just 3 three years she open all of her meridian broken through to the spiritual access 3rd realm. He didn't heard or seen something Like this in his life time. After that he talked with all of the elder. But it get leaked and top three clan start sending marriage invitation one after another.

At that moment they had only two option first marriage her to one of the top clan or nurture her in the clan. But if they choose 1st they would be wasting her talent and if they chose the 2nd other clan would attacked them. So after talking with all the elders 1st elder came to another decision. They would let her be free. So she can grown on her own. When the times comes they will explain everything to her.

At this moment a voice reach everyone's ears. " look at this all you are in the same place, It will indeed save lot of my time."

When everyone Looked at the voice they noticed a young boy no older then 10 Years standing at the entrance of the main hall there is also a four eyes creatures they haven't seen before. " Who are you boy, what are you doing here"

At first they thought this boy is actually one of their clan's descended. But with a closer look they realize it not from Their clan.

Jin ignored that elder question and approach elders the summon demon Golem also followed him from behind. Seeing the boy not stopping one of the elder Looked toward the Patriarch. He nodded. It would have been a different story if it was a member of the clan but this boy is not. And they will not tolerate this kind of behavior from a child who belongs to another family. But when the elder stood up he felt a terrifying strength descending on his body. " What the hell is this"

It's not just him all the elders are feeling the same. All of the elders take fighting stance. " Who are you. Stop right there or else you won't be able in the condition to take another step"

However, to Their surprised Jin didn't stopped. They also didn't said anything else and took actions. Even though they are feeling a terrifying aura from the monster with little boy they didn't back down. Soon a fight broke out. The fight just stayed for a few seconds before all of the elders slammed in the wall. All of them fall on the ground is a thud sound, some half dead and some have minor injures.

They were left that way since Jin doesn't have any interest killing them. Jin approach the 1st Elder. He is currently very weak. He cultivation actually get degraded to the 4st stage of the spiritual access realm.

Jin looked toward the 1st elder and take the sword from his hand. The 1st elder wasn't able to stop Jin from snatching his sword. " You have to die for me. After that can I only start my plan"

Jin slowly unsheathe the sword and in the next second pierced the heart of the 1st elder. The 1st elder only kept looking at Jin with his big eyes wasn't able utter a single words. After a few seconds later his body stopped moving as he left the world with regrets. Seeing this everyone's eyes widen as they cannot believe the 1st elder just died like that. All of them Looked toward Jin with hatred in their eyes.

Jin ignored their killing intent, after all what can ants do to him. He approached the Patriarch. Placed his leg on the head of the Patriarch and slammed him on the ground. Patriarch control his anger. He realized they are no match for the creature with this boy. "I apologize to the young Master, please tell us how we offended you?"

" Should I call out supreme elder ? No I cannot disturb him" thought by the Patriarch

However, Jin completely ignored the Patriarch question " Today your clan will announce that the 1st elder and her daughter betrayed your clan they broke clan's rules and killed the 7th elder. And you will personally tie this man outside of the City. Do you understand what I have said, or is there something you haven't understood yet?"