I check my watch, it was already five in the afternoon. I wonder how they talk? A loud ring of the bell pulled me back to my senses, the school is finally over but I still don't know how I will return his phone.

I inserted my things inside my bag when someone called my name, "Anna, someone is looking for you," after my classmate left the classroom, a familiar tall guy appeared and leaned on the doorframe.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asked me. It seems like their talk goes well, he's in a good mood. I cleaned my desk and walked to the door to meet him.

He asked me if we could stay a little while near our school. He led the way to the bench next to the vending machine. He gave me an orange juice that he got from the vending machine before he sat down next to me. I was about to insert the straw in my juice box but I froze at what I heard from him, "She wants us to be together again."

She wants to go back to his side after realizing how precious he is. Those are the stupidest words I've ever heard in my life. "What's your response to her?" I asked him calmly, then inserted the straw and took a small sip.

"I'm thinking about it," he retorted while playing with the ring on top of his soda can. "So? Have you thought about it carefully?" I leaned on the head of the bench, staring intently at my orange juice. "What do you think?" he looked at me, asking for my opinion about his situation.

I fight with myself. How should I know the answer? Should I say forget about her? Or should I convince him to give her another chance to prove that she changed? I'm lost in my train of thought but I can feel that he is staring at me, waiting patiently for my response.

Thinking about this makes my head hurt. I sigh heavily after a few moments of battling with myself. "Can you stop staring at me? I might melt and disappear in front of you, you know," he immediately looked away and leaned on the head of the bench like me. "Are you willing to give her a second chance?" He was surprised by what I said, even me, I was surprised that I asked him that.

"You see, she asked you if you two can go back to what you were before. There is nothing wrong if you gave her another chance," I looked at him straight in his eyes, waiting for any response. "Maybe she changed. Maybe she's regretting what she did before. That she realized how valuable the person she lost," I said, I hope it sounds convincing. I want him to stay by my side until he realizes my feelings for him, but I don't want to be selfish.

"But it's just my opinion, the final decision is still up to you," I said, then lifted the juice box like we were having shots. He didn't disappoint me and slightly hit the can of his soda to mine and smiled, "Ok."

We didn't talk to each other after that. I hope he thinks about it carefully, I hope he will choose the one he will not regret. I also hope that Stephanie truly changed and that she will not do the same thing again.

The news about Kyle and Stephanie getting back together spread like a wildfire on our campus. Every student is talking about how cute and perfect they were. It made me irritated but that's true. They looked like royalties from a fairy tale.

As for me, I'm observing them from afar. They seem fine and happy, I hope it will last. Kyle and I limited our meetings for our sake, but we still made eye contact if we saw each other, no more hide and seek.

We are like that until our graduation comes, but before we leave school, we need to choose the career and the university we want to attend. Kyle and I planned to attend the same university in the town, but since he has Stephanie now, I think it's time for me to choose my path and not because we both decided it.

I tried to apply to a big university in the city and went there for the entrance exam. I didn't let Kyle know about it, I'm sure that he will be against it, and it's just an entrance exam. I am not sure if I can pass, especially with the kind of questions in there. He didn't also ask me about the exams at the university in the town.

A few weeks after my examination in the city, I received a message through my email that I passed and I should be ready for the next step, the enrolment process. I'm shocked and glad at the same time that I made it to that well-known university. I immediately told my parents about it, and of course, they were happy for me too.

"Did you tell Kyle about it? What did he say?" Kyle, yeah, I forgot about him. Should I tell him about this? Will he be happy for me when he finds out about the decision I made?

I think about it carefully if I should tell him but I don't have enough courage. I'm such a coward. It's not just it, he and Stephanie seemed to get along well compared to their past relationship. That made it even harder for me to say. I may even be the cause of the breakdown of their perfect relationship when I suddenly appear in front of him and tell him about my plans for my life.

I didn't say anything about it until our graduation came. His house is just meters away from ours, but it still feels like it's so far away. We always meet at school, but I can't open it up to him.