She was silent for a little while but responded later on. I was worried that she would refuse my request, but I am thankful that she agreed to chat with me after the tedious operation she did. She told me to wait for her at the café around this area. I let Liam bring the car with him and go home first after he dropped me off in front of the café.

The café is not that big, it is not that small either. It has an orange and brown theme exterior, they added green bushes in front of the large glass panel to complement the colors. When I got inside, the guard cheerfully welcomed me while some of the crew were smiling brightly at me. This place has a positive vibe that everyone will surely love.

I sat down next to the large glass panel so I could see her quickly. Not so long, when a black car pulled up in front of the café, she got out of the car and locked it before she proceeded inside. Just like what the guard did to me, he cheerfully welcomed her and chatted a little with her, they seemed to know each other. The other crew members did the same and smiled brightly at her. She looked around the café until she found me, she walked gracefully in my direction and smiled.

"Thank you for waiting," she said as she sat down opposite mine, "No, it's fine, I didn't wait that long," she looked different from the time I last saw her, she looked more womanly now compared to before, "You've changed," my stupid mouth runs on its own.

She looked surprised at my comment but instead of hitting me with all her might, she said "Thanks," after so many years of not seeing each other I should have expected our conversation to be awkward. "Do you want something to eat or to drink?" she asked, breaking the awkward silence surrounding us. She called one of the crews to present a menu, "Thanks John," "No worries, Ma'am," the crew said and winked playfully at her before he went and entertained the other customers.

"Do you know him?" I asked out of curiosity, "You could say that," she said smiling at me. She handed me the menu with some familiar snacks and drinks from our hometown. "This is," "Yeah, they are from our hometown, I added our favorite drinks and snacks here," her statement made me confused which seems obvious in my expression. "I own this café, Kyle," she confirmed, smiling brightly. After those years, she became this successful all by herself, while, I just slack off and wasted my time torturing myself.

"You're a big time now, huh?" I didn't mean to say it that way, I'm not myself today. Maybe because I'm still surprised and happy that I finally saw her. It's awkwardly silent again, I don't know where to start. Should I ask her why she left before?

"I know you have too many questions for me," she said, sensing how tense I am, women's sixth sense is scary, "but I would like to ask you first, how are you, Kyle?" I don't know which part of me she is referring to. Is it me after she left? Or is it my relationship with Stephanie?

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking," when I looked at her, she was wearing this 'not me' expression. "That's the truth! I'm fine, promise," she arched her eyebrow even more. Her parents must have told her about me, that's why she's making this expression. She wants to hear it from me.

I sigh heavily, knowing that I don't have any escape from her suspicions, she didn't forget me after those years. "I went to a university in town, to the university we dreamt of before. I took a business administration course while she took fine arts," I'm sure she noticed the way I refer to Stephanie, I also did this when we first broke up. "We're doing great at that time except for the fact that I'm ... a little depressed."

She looked down at the glass of orange juice in her hand, she might be blaming herself. "But despite that, I managed to overcome it and graduated on time then moved out of the city for better opportunities. I was hired by a big company from the next city, and I'm currently working as a department manager," it feels like I am answering interview questions instead of talking to a friend. She grins upon realizing the same thing.

"And?" She waited for me to respond. I don't want to tell her about it, she will only feel guilty which I don't want to happen. "It's fine," she sighs, "you don't have to force yourself to ..." "We broke up ... again," I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. It's not surprising though, she knows what it means when I use the 'her or his' to address someone.

"I'm ..." she said with hesitation, "I'm sorry to hear that," I shake my head and continue the story.

"We've been doing great since we started attending the university. She's taking good care of me, she's studying with me, and she even excels in her subjects compared to when we were in high school, but everything changed when we were in our third year. One of my classmates told me that she was in the lady's room ... with some guy," I hesitated if I should continue my story when I noticed how tense she was, but I saw how determined her eyes are, I knew I should continue it.

"At first, I didn't believe it because I knew she changed, you can see it in how she looked at me. But I still went where she possibly could, when I stood in front of the said lady's room, I heard moans from inside and I heard her and a man's voice. I don't want to barge in because it's still the lady's room so I waited for them outside to see them with my very own eyes," I clench my hands on the cup in my hands while recalling the memory.

"After a few minutes, I saw her come out in one of the cubicles, fixing her clothes and her hair. I also saw the guy's reflection in the mirror. She looked surprised when she saw me standing outside, I was staring back at her. The guy also saw me but instead of feeling guilty, he gave me a smirk that annoyed me. I didn't punch him though, I don't want my hands to get dirty," I said proudly and chuckled a little.

If it is some man, they surely teach the cheater a lesson but not me. She remains quiet while listening to me. I didn't dare to look into her eyes because I know, all I can see there is anger.

"I walked out from there, annoyed and disappointed. I waited for her in our apartment. Once she was inside, I asked her why? She just said that I'm very distracted. She was there with me and cared for me, but all I could think of was someone who was not around," I was surprised when someone suddenly hugged me.

She didn't say anything, she hugged me tightly, which I returned by hugging her back. I buried my head on her shoulder, her sweet scent traveled to my nostrils and remained there. This breakup doesn't hurt that much compared to the first one but what hurts the most is when she left the town and I can't do anything but try all day and all night, wishing for her to come back.

After breaking up with Stephanie for the second time, I realized who I want to be always with me. Who cares for me or sticks with me whether I'm in deep thought thinking of something, or someone else. A person who can truly understand me through my ups and downs and never leaves me. A person who never gets tired of being with me.

She pushed me gently and cupped my face with her tiny and soft hands. "I'm sorry if I'm not around when you need me the most," she said with her teary eyes. She's always like this, so considerate to others. She always thinks of other people before herself, I like this side of her but I also hate it for the same reason.

I put my hand on hers and caressed it, "I told you, I'm ok. You don't have to worry about me," I felt relieved when I told her that it was as if a thorn had been pulled out of my chest. "I'm so proud of you," she gave a smile that I'm wishing to see, her sweet, sincere, and loving smile.

We didn't talk about that again. We are both enjoying our snacks, drinks, and having each other's presence; Talking about things that had happened in the past when we were away from each other, when a woman in her twenties came into view, "Excuse me," she said, "can I borrow my friend for a while?" She asked me politely.

"Let me introduce you first. Kyle, this is Elaine, my manager in the café and my roommate," she introduced her as she stood up, "slash friend," Elaine said, adding another word to say their relationship. "Elaine, this is Kyle, my childhood friend," I stand up and reach my hand to have a handshake with her. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Elaine," I said, Anna, chuckling upon seeing her friend's face flustered.

Annoyed, Elaine playfully hits Anna's arm in return for her chuckles, "There are additional documents that need your signature," she said coldly then turned around but before they left, Anna returned to our table without Elaine's knowledge. "Try her desserts, especially the ice cream cake," she winked playfully to me when Elaine called her name, irately. "Later."

She never changed, as stubborn as ever. Not so long when Anna came back to our table, wearing a big smile. "Sorry to keep you waiting," she sighs heavily as she sits opposite me. "Is everything ok?" I gave her the remaining ice cream cake that I ordered when she was not around. "Yups, thanks for asking," she cheered up instantly upon seeing the cake in front of her. She looks mature but she's still acting like a spoiled child.