The nurse just laughs at her and takes the boxes in my hands. "Thanks," Anna said. "For what?" "For helping us in the clinic and the café, also for free snacks. Are you even resting or are you even going to work?" I chuckled when I heard what she said, she worries even about my work.

I place my hand on her head and mess her hair a little. "Of course, I do. Would I look this handsome if I don't have enough rest?" she looked at me, not pleased with what I said. She even dared to raise an eyebrow and rolled her eyes at me.

"What? Don't believe me? Why don't you live with me then? So, you can see with your very own eyes," I wiggled my eyebrows to make fun of her. She just rolled her eyes at me again, instead of being annoyed, I found it cute of her. She looks cute when she's pissed.

After we eat the cakes, we visit Brandon in his cage where he is excitedly waiting for us. When Anna called him, she made her voice sound cute while we were approaching him. She releases him from his cage and runs towards us while wagging his tail.

I crouch to take him in my arms then he immediately licks my face when he is up, it's ticklish. I love dogs, they're not just loyal but also intelligent. They are annoying sometimes but they are cute most of the time.

Anna is happily watching us while sitting on the stainless table inside the room. "I will visit my parents on my birthday," she said. I stop playing with Brandon and stand next to her then put Brandon on the table. "Would you like to come?"

At first, I was confused about why she suddenly asked me to come, but then I remembered what she said back at the cliff. Am I ready to face my parents? What would be their reactions when they see me?

I was lost in my thoughts until Brandon whines at me. I pet his head and smile. "What do you think?" I want to see them and apologize for what I've done before. I want to ask for their forgiveness, especially from my mother whom I caused so much stress and worry.

"You should see them. I'm sure they'll be happy about what you've become now," she said leaning backward with her hands supporting her weight. I knew she'd say that. All she wants for me is to get back again with my parents and to be me again, the happy-go-lucky Kyle Nicholas Smith.

She was about to say something else but I interrupted her, "Ok," she was surprised by my sudden answer. I'm sure she's going to say that 'it's up to you if you want to come that's why I spoke before she could.

"I'll come with you. As long as you are there with me, I'm going," I looked at her and she was in a daze when a nurse entered the room. "Ms. Black, Mr. Lee is here for his dog's monthly check-up," she said.

"Ok, I'll be right there. Thanks," when the nurse left, Anna jumped from the table and hit my head with a ballpen in her hand. "Idiot! Stop with your cheesy lines. Be careful, I might fall in love with you," she said before she leaves the room.

"That's what I wanted, idiot. I want you to love me just like how I love you," I mumble. I can't help but smile. If someone catches me smiling, they might think that I'm getting out of my mind.

When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened on the cliff, and this morning. I want us to go back to how we were back then, the days when we are inseparable. I've enjoyed a lot of her accompaniment at the amusement park, and I want to spend more time with her though she's a doctor and she can't be available most of the time, I still want to be with her even just for a day. So, I decided to ask her out again, but no more rides this time.

Today is Sunday, so I don't have work to do but she said that she needs to visit the café first before she goes to the mall. We set our meeting time by eleven o'clock but I got too excited, I'm already here before ten. I tried to entertain myself first by looking around the mall and buying something for her that I could give her once she arrived.

After a few hours of waiting, she finally arrived at our meeting place. I almost drool when I see her, she looks stunning. She's wearing a sleeveless dirty white top that shows her slim arms tucked in a yellow skirt revealing her white and long legs. Her white heels and white sling bag make her outfit perfect.

I almost faint when she turns around and smiles at me. You can't blame me; this is the first time I saw her wear these girly clothes. She's like an angel that fell from the sky and walks among the people here on earth. Everything starts to move slowly, it's like just the two of us in this place.

I smiled widely at her while I approached her. "Hi," I sound like an idiot when I say that word. "Hi," she replied and smiled back at me. "Is there something on my face? Why do you keep staring at me and smiling like an idiot?" Her giggles are like bells that ring softly in my ears.

"I-I'm sorry. Did I stare that long?" I scratch the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed. "It's just ... you looked different," she remained silent for a moment. Did I say something wrong? "Well, is that difference you're talking about a good thing or a bad thing?" She tilted her head to see my face, her hair falling from her shoulder smoothly.

"I-it's a good thing," I don't know why I'm stuttering. I'm not like this when I'm complimenting Stephanie before. I take a deep breath and repeat what I said, "You looked great today, Anna," I finally said.

I saw her face blushing but she immediately turned her head to hide it from me. "Let's get going," she said when she turned around. "So, when did you learn to wear this stuff? I thought you love shorts and pants the most?" My curiosity is killing me. Did she dress up like this for me?

"Well, since Elaine became my roommate when we were in college, she noticed that I only have shorts and pants in my closet so she pushed me to wear this kind of stuff until I became used to it," she explained. She looks womanlier now than when we were in high school. I liked Anna in the past but I love Anna in the present.

We visited almost all the stores in the mall but we didn't buy anything, just like when we were young. I told her to buy some clothes but she refused again and again telling me that she had plenty of clothes with her. But in the end, I convinced her to buy something for herself and I also bought mine, of course, I'll choose mine in the men's section.

I sent her home afterward since she lent her car to Elaine at the café and took a cab to go to the mall. It's tiring but it's a great day, I wish we could stay like this forever. Hanging out becomes our weekly routine, sometimes with Elaine and Liam but it's just me and her most of the time.

One night, I decided to visit the café after work with Anna's favorite mango graham shake with tapioca pearls on my hand. I parked the car before the café, I can see Anna standing before the counter when a man in a white long-sleeved shirt approaches her.

He approached her carefully so that she would not notice him. I was startled at what he did next, I lost my grip on the bag in my hand. He kissed Anna's cheeks and presented her the bag with him.

At first, Anna seems to be annoyed about what the man did but when she looked at the man's face, frowning, her expression suddenly changed into excitement. What makes it even worse is when she tightly hugged the guy and he hugged her back.

Why didn't she tell me that she has someone special in her life? This is too much for heartbreaks. I think I'm going to die from so much pain. Someone else already owns her heart. I'm a coward for not facing my feelings for her back then, and now that I'm ready to face her and say what's inside my heart, the truth slaps me very hard, she's already taken. My world is starting to fall apart.