Based on my estimation, the travel from the city to the countryside is about three hours, more or less. So, this car is the right choice if you want to enjoy the refreshing breeze of the countryside since it is roofless.

I feel a little nervous thinking about what's going to happen once we are there. How should I face my parents? What should I do next? Are they still mad at me for not showing myself up for almost four years?

All my worries were gone when I saw Anna beside me. She's leaning her head on the passenger door, enjoying the scenery and the cooling wind. When she feels my gaze, she turns around to look at me and smiles while she's holding her hair that is blowing on the open roof of the car. The rays coming from the setting sun glimmer in her dark brown eyes like a star in the night sky.

"Stop staring at me and look on the road," she said to me between her giggles. I can't help but look at her now, I know that she's just sitting next to me. That she's just within my reach. I swear to myself that I will never let her go again. If she does, I'm going to turn this world upside down just to see and hug her again.

After a long trip, we finally reached our destination. I miss this place, the side of the road that has tall trees, and green grasses that are neatly cut. The houses in the neighborhood and the carefree laughter of the children playing around the town.

I stopped the car in front of Black residences but my eyes darted at the neighboring house. I'm looking at the house where I used to live with my parents. My heart starts to beat so hard and loudly. My mind is clouding with worries and pain. Imagining how my parents might look at me with hatred in their eyes.

My grip on the wheel tightened as the thoughts of my parents' reaction flooded my mind. I feel Anna's warm hand on top of mine. She knew what was going on in my mind. Concern are dancing in her eyes but I smiled at her to say I'm ok. She's here with me and I believe in her.

We get out of the car and walk to her parents' doorsteps. After ringing the bell, I heard footsteps approaching the door in a hurry. Once it finally opened, Mr. and Mrs. Black greeted us with huge smiles on their faces.

"Oh! Anna, my baby," Mrs. Black greeted her with teary eyes. "Mom, I told you I'm not a baby anymore." "Your child is right, Hon." "Dad!" They all giggled upon realizing that he called her a child. I can't help but admire how this family treats each other full of love and respect. I hope my parents are the same as them once they see me.

Her parents both looked at me with wonder in their eyes. Maybe they didn't recognize me. "Who's this, Anna?" Her Dad asked her with a frown on his face. "Is he your boyfriend?" Her Mom blurted out excitedly. Anna's eyes widened when she heard what her Mom said. I just laugh at their reactions toward me.

"Mom, stop talking nonsense," she slaps her forehead in annoyance. "What? You didn't tell us who was with you so we assume that you finally found yourself a boyfriend," her Mom wiggled her eyebrows at me while her father's frown got deeper.

She looked at me with an apologetic expression on her face. Her face is crimson red because of embarrassment. "You know him," she said after a loud sigh, her parent's indifferent expressions became one, of confusion. "He is the only son of the Smith family, Kyle Smith," she introduced me.

Her parents' head snaps in my direction upon hearing my name. "Hello Uncle, and Auntie," both of their eyes widened in shock before they could look at each other to process the new information they got.

Anna's Mom's eyes become teary again while her Dad is reaching for me for a hug. Both of her parents hug me tight like I am their own. I didn't miss how Anna wiped her tears with her fingers after witnessing the heart-melting scene.

"Welcome back, son," her Dad said to me. I smiled at his welcoming words. "We missed you so much, Kyle. It's nice to see you back," her Mom said to me with her tears rolling down her cheeks. "Thanks," I didn't expect this warm welcome from her parents. They believe that one day, I'll be back to myself. It was all thanks to Anna who didn't push me and ran away after we saw each other again.

They led the way to their living room where we could have a seat and catch up. They told me about the changes in the town when we are not around and some stories about my parents who are in good health, thank goodness.

"You've changed a lot, Kyle. You look handsome and with your build, you are more masculine than my husband. If I were younger, I would chase after you until we get married," Auntie said to me while her hands cupped her face like a teenager dreaming about her crush. "I looked like him too when I was younger. Good looking has a good build and a loving person," Uncle said playfully before he holds and kisses Auntie's hands.

"And more importantly, I'm still as handsome as ever, isn't it Kyle?" He asked. "Yes, you are Uncle," I responded to him. We laugh while we're having a rest when Anna's future suddenly becomes their topic. "And you. You're turning twenty-five the day after tomorrow but you still don't have a boyfriend," her Mom scolded her. "Hon, let Anna take her time. She knows what she's doing," her Dad talks to her Mom sweetly.