"Thank you for bringing Kyle home, Anna," Mrs. Smith said to me while still in tears. I know that Kyle didn't expect this expression from his parents. I'm happy to see them this happy and whole again.

On our way here until we drop by my parents' house, Kyle looks so anxious. Though he told me he was fine I know and I can feel that he's not.

From the way, he grips the steering wheel of his car, and from how he stares at his parent's house, his eyes are full of worries. Mrs. Smith gives Kyle many hugs and kisses while Mr. Smith is messing with his hair.

"You've grown so much, kid," I heard his Dad say to him excitedly. "Thanks, Dad. And you look older than before," he said in return and they both laughed at their comments to each other.

"Let's continue this chat inside, shall we?" Mrs. Smith suggested, "Anna, would you like to join us?" She added. "No, thanks, Auntie. You should catch up since Kyle just got home. I'll just stay at my parent's house for a while," I don't want to disturb their family bonding. This is the first time that Kyle went home after so many years so this is an important time for them.

"We'll talk later?" He asked me while gently squeezing my hand. I just nodded to him before I waved my hand to them and left, "later."

When I returned to my parent's house, our dinner was already served on the table and waiting for us to eat them.

"Wow!" I exclaimed with my eyes wide open because of excitement. The dish my Mom prepared for tonight was Lasagna, which is my favorite food.

"Well now, wash your hands first before we start to eat," she said as she slapped my hand that was supposed to pick up the fork on the plate. "Go on, Anna, listen to your Mom," I pouted at my Dad when I saw him already seated in his chair.

After we ate dinner and did the chores downstairs, I went to my room to take my rest. I wonder how Smith's doing? I waited for Kyle's text the whole night but I didn't receive any until I fell asleep.

The next morning, while reading a book in my room, I heard my Mom call me. "Mom?" I responded to her. She's in the kitchen looking for something. "Can you give me a hand, please? The Smiths are having dinner with us tonight."

"Sure," Mom asked me to go out and buy the things needed for our preparation. She doesn't want me to help her with cooking since I am a terrible cook. I only knew how to make soups and nothing more. How do I survive in the city alone? Well, I survived with Elaine's help. She cooks, I'll do the chores and of course, she also tries to teach me some dishes that I can learn fast.

I went to the market to buy what my Mom asked me to buy. After completing the ingredients needed, I decided to go to the bookstore to look for a new novel since I'm almost done with the current one I have. I also visited the best ice cream shop in town. I bought my favorite cookie and cream ice cream.

On my way back, I saw some familiar faces and we said our greetings to each other. Some are my classmates from grade school and high school of course. "I'm back," I said when I opened our oak door. I put all the things I bought on the table so my Mom can sort them.

I help her to cut the ingredients, wash some meats, and be a food tester, my favorite part of my job when helping in the kitchen. Mom let me go to my room to prepare myself. I took a quick shower since the water here is cold compared to when I was in the city. I went to my cabinet to pick out my clothes.

I picked my casual wear checkered polo. I folded the sleeves to elbow length and paired it with black ripped pants and sneakers for my feet. I just let my hair down for tonight.

After I dressed, I went downstairs to help my Mom set up the table. "Everything is set. Now, let's just wait for the Smiths to come," my Mom said in her singsong voice. While waiting for the visitors, Mom got herself prepared and I stayed in the living room to read a book. Dad is still at work so it's just me and my Mom inside the house, but he will come home tonight. I'm all focused on reading when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I almost threw the book in my hand to my surprise. It is a text message from Kyle.

Kyle: I missed you

It is the only message written. I ignored it because I know that he was just making fun of me. Not so long when I received another message from him.

Kyle: See you soon

I don't know if I should feel irritated or happy with the messages he sends me.

Anna: Whatever

I replied coldly.

His stupid words. I'm not going to fall for it again. I have already overcome my feelings for him. That's what I know.

I was lost reading my book when I was startled again not because of my phone but because of the doorbell ringing outside. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost dinner time.

I rush to the door to greet whoever is ringing the doorbell. There are smiling faces that greet me when I open the door. "Good evening, Anna," Mrs. Smith greets me. "Good evening, Auntie, and Uncle," I greeted them back, "come in, Mom prepared so many foods for us," I opened the door enough for them to get in.

"Good evening," I was shocked when someone whispered in my ears. "Good evening," I said in an irritated tone. I led the way to our living room where my Mom was waiting for them.

"Ellen, Lawrence, how long has it been?" My Mom greets them with a hug. "It's been almost four years, I think. Sorry if we didn't visit you," Auntie said with an apologetic smile. "It's fine Ellen. We know what you've been through all those years," Mom said while caressing Auntie's hand.