Baby's First Lethal Weapon

After I had breakfast with Ying'er I headed down to Jinzi's home. Along the way a recurring thought kept popping up in my mind. It was about what Ying'er told me last night.

At the time I didn't think anything of it and simply dismissed it. A single girl was enough, at least that's what I thought at the time, but is it really? The fact that this thought isn't going away might be a sign that I desired more. Even if I did want a harem I can't just pick anyone.

What I said about having 9 at most was true. Any more and I wouldn't be able to spend enough time with anyone, after all I can't be everywhere at once right? I won't disregard what she said, but I don't think I'll be actively looking for candidates. If love occurs then great, if not then so be it.

With that being thought I arrived in front of the house.

*Knock* *Knock*


After a bit of time I finally heard some rumbles and steps inside. They even sounded a bit frantic as they rushed downstairs.

*Click* *Eeenn*

The squeaks of the door hinges sounded after the sounds of the locks were undone.

In front of me was the short girl who I was going to be training, yet there was a sensual air to her currently.

Her face was flush and wisps of steam looked like they were coming off her. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel and so was her body as well. Fortunately or unfortunately the towel was small, but able to cover her body, though it seemed to stick to her skin emphasizing her curves. It covered the most sensitive parts of her mountain peaks, but there was a deep and cavernous valley that showed.

She had opened the door most of the way, but still leaned out forward. Her peach poked out from behind, unable to be completely covered by the dainty towel.

Her cute and innocent face completely contrasting the body that she owns stuck out towards me, flushed with a shade of red.

"Big Brother! You came! Come on! Come on in!"

She completely opened the door, even though just a moment later she grabbed onto my left hand and began to lead me somewhere.

"I just took a shower, so don't mind me! I'll go get changed so just wait over here!"

"I can see that."

While she was leading me I was looking elsewhere. Her peach seemed so close, yet so far away. It seemed like it was tempting me as every step she took the towel would raise just that tiny bit more. There was even a slight jiggle in her every step. Something else was starting to awaken as I realized there was no barrier between her cove and the outside world. But forcefully I tried to stop that feeling.

"Here! Just sit on the couch and I'll be down soon!"

As soon as she led me to the living room she started running out of the room, and for just a moment I saw a flash of that forbidden place.

There on that couch I sat brooding over these thoughts.

'That's just my disciple! I can't think this way about them! But they aren't an official disciple, right? So does it really even count? What about her age! She's too young! The age of consent is 14 here and even on earth where I came from it was at most 18, she's 21! Even though age didn't really matter in the cultivation world much, when she's a Junior, my disciple nonetheless, by so many generations I feel it's a bit awkward.

What about adding her into the harem? Then it'll be fine, won't it? Hmm, but would she agree to be in a harem? I don't even know what kind of affection she has towards me. She always calls me "Big Brother," but that doesn't mean she loves me.

I've seen numerous girls on earth that play games like that. Just because they are acting like this doesn't mean they are trying to flirt, it could just mean that they feel comfortable around me or something similar.

Besides, young girls like her usually fantasize about a man who would be with them forever, not men who already have some girls around them. They usually aren't fond of sharing are they?

I shouldn't think about this anymore, I came here to train her for that competition. Not to gain a new harem member.'

At that moment the footsteps of the girl were rushing down the stairs.

"Alright! Big Brother, I'm ready!"

When she reappeared in front of me She wore the robes I had given to her before, yet it was significantly baggier now. Her mountains had shrunk down to hills, they still popped out a little, but they would definitely be less of a hindrance during training.

"Let's go outside."


Jinzi seems excited today for some reason, everytime she speaks there's a sense of energy contained in her voice.

When we got outside we went through the same training I taught her beforehand, only this time there was nothing getting in the way. Her movements at the start were alright, but they got better over time.

As she ran around in circles a certain thought came back to me. Should she be one of the members in this harem? It was a harem after all, but I suppose if she doesn't mind it's alright. Although it's only been a little while since I met her I feel a little bit of attachment to her.

Perhaps it's because of her childlike personality or because it's been a while since I really had something to do. I think the last time I had taught my disciples was around 25 years ago. Since then I've just enjoyed some hobbies and crafts for 15 years before I met Ying'er. And from then on my time had mostly been with her and of course some bits of work for the sect.

After watching her run around for so long I finally called it a day.

"Jinzi! That's enough, that'll be all today, tomorrow I'll teach you some combat. So over the night think of a weapon you want to use. If you still can't think of one we can go to storage and you can test out some weapons against some dummies to see which one suits you best."

"Okay! Big Brother, see you tomorrow!"

In the morning I was accompanied by Ying'er.

*Knock* *Knock*

This time the door was opened sooner and Jinzi was already dressed. Actually with the way she looks now it would probably be easy for people to confuse her as a young teen, perhaps between the ages 12-13 by height alone. Even her face looks like it could be considered childish, and not to mention her attitude and personality at times. The only thing that would make it overwhelmingly clear she wasn't a child was being covered up and restrained.

"Ah! Big Brother, you're here! Oh.. Big Sister, you're here too!"

"Big Sister? Me?"

"Of course! You two are together right? He's my Big Brother, so naturally you'll be my Big Sister too!"

"A-ah? I suppose that makes sense."

"So! Big Brother said that we're going to choose a weapon for me. Are we going now?"

"Yeah, that's right. Let's go."

I extended out my hand to her and once she grabbed on we headed out to a small storage area.

Along the way I once again thought about her as a harem member.

'She's innocent, perhaps a little too innocent. Does she even know what sex is? Would I have to teach her all about it? Knowing that gives me an odd feeling though. Giving her practical lessons from the get go. I wonder if that would go well or horribly?'

Soon we reached the place, it was actually an old practice field I used to use to understand other types of weapons.

At the corner of the field was a small shed where I kept an array of different weapons. From the weapon which almost every cultivation novel seems to have their protagonist weld, the sword, to the more realistically powerful spear. The four main weapon groups which cultivators use were here: the sword(The Gentleman of Weapons), saber(The General of Weapons), staff(The Grandfather of all Weapons), and spear(The King of Weapons). But that wasn't all, even some less common ones were here, such as hook swords, rope darts, butterfly swords, meteor hammers, guandaos, axes, and etc. The only thing about them was that they were all for training, so none of them were sharpened, instead only dulled.

Those uncommon weapons were placed toward the back of the shed though since they weren't weapons I would probably encounter often, but that didn't mean I neglected them. I merely placed the main four categories in the center of the shed while others surrounded them from the edges. I was most proficient with the four in the center while I only dabbled in the one on the edges, some more than others.

When the shed doors were open the sunlight creeped in slowly before it seemed to suddenly poured into the dark environment. Glimmers of light reflected off the metals, they sheened across the edges almost like we were unearthing a treasure trove. A shame that all that was inside were just generic iron weapons.

Jinzi took the first steps inside, turning her head all around the room.

"Whoa! They're all so shiny!"

She glanced at the weapons on the sides multiple times before finally setting her eyes on the four central weapons.

"Why are these placed in the middle? Are they better than the ones around the edge?"

"I guess you could say that. At the very least these four weapons will be the ones you encounter the most out in the world. But that doesn't mean you have to follow the rest of the people. You can pick any of the weapons here, but the extent I could provide help for your training depends on which one you pick. If you pick any of the central ones then the amount of knowledge I could impart to you is considerably more substantial then the rest."

"Oh! Okay! I should pick one of the central four then! I remember seeing dummies outside, could I try these weapons on them?"

"Of course, go on ahead."

I gave her a slight wave and she soon picked up one of the weapons and walked over to the dummy. The first weapon she chose was a long pointy stick. She stabbed and slashed at the dummy all the while trying to do some interesting moves. She looked down at the weapon in her hand before switching it out for a long stick with weights at either end. Using either end she kept hitting the dummy, even using a technique similar to when someone was rowing their boat.

Next she tried single sided sharp metal and used only cleaving motions. Finally she chose double sided sharp metal and mixed in stabs with slashes. In the end she put up all the weapons in the center and looked to the sides. Through the weapons on the racks she chose a few and tried them such as butterfly blades and hook swords.

After trying a number of weapons she walked over to the doorway to take a look at all the weapons together.

"Um, Big Brother."

"Yes? What is it?"

"I, uh don't know which one to pick."

"You don't even have a general idea?"

"Well I know I want to pick a weapon from one of the central racks, but I don't want that staff, it looks weird. Why don't I just choose what weapon you use since you could teach me the most with that one."

"Oh? You want to use the same one as me? Okay, I mainly use the sword. But are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm sure, besides I think I see quite a lot of people who use the sword. If there's so many then surely it's the best right?"

"Ok, it's your choice in the end. For now you'll be using that iron sword, I'll get you a real sword later on, but since you haven't had any experience just use that dull one."