Is our Family Poor?

"I will tell you when we return to the hut." Zhen Yuan said.

He held his husband's hand, and they slowly walked back to the hut.

As they walked, Shen Xu looked around and saw the situation in Blue Deer village.

The village was about three thousand square metres and had less than fifty households. Each household comprised a hut and a small garden planted with everyday vegetables.

When he saw this, Shen Xu sighed.

Although the original owner was disliked by his family, he lived in a prominent environment.

Most importantly, the spiritual aura in the village couldn't compare to that in the capital.

'I have to convince Zhen Yuan to leave this place.' He thought and clenched the hand that wasn't held by Zhen Yuan.

He was married and no longer in danger of becoming the protagonist's concubine.

However, Shen Xu did not want to live a life of obscurity.

His transmigration was a heaven-defying chance. Not only did he transmigrate, but he also got a space and a god-level cultivation technique.

If he didn't take advantage of the opportunities given to him, he would feel sorry for himself and the fate that brought him to the Canglan continent.

More importantly, he wasn't convinced that his entanglement with the protagonist would end just because he was married.

He firmly believed the original plot would find another way to entangle them.

If he wasn't strong enough to protect himself, his and Zhen Yuan's lives would surely end in disaster.

"Ayuan, have you ever thought about leaving the village?" Shen Xu asked.

Zhen Yuan looked at the person and turned the question around.

"What about you? Do you want to leave?"

"I want to leave." Shen Xu did not deny his thoughts.

Zhen Yuan was his husband.

Since they were married, they were destined to walk the same path and arrive at the same destination.

"Where do you want to go?"

Shen Xu thought of what he knew from the book, and combined it with the original owner's memories.

After organising everything, he had the answer he wanted.

"I want to enter the Divine Rainbow academy." He said.

The Canglan continent had three major empires.

The three empires were equally powerful, and each had a royal academy.

Once a year, the royal academies would recruit new students, and Shen Xu wanted to register.

Although the protagonist and his first wife were also in the Divine Rainbow academy, there was no helping it.

Shen Xu didn't want to miss the opportunities available to academy students.

"Can we go together?" He asked cautiously.

"I will listen to you." Zhen Yuan sighed and rubbed Shen Xu's hair.

Originally, he didn't plan on entering the academy or joining other forces.

However, he could see that Shen Xu wanted to enter the academy, and he didn't want to disappoint him.

In that case, his only choice was to change his plans and enter the academy to accompany his wife.

"Are you really willing?" Shen Xu was excited, and he squeezed Zhen Yuan's hand.

"I am willing."

Shen Xu smiled and didn't say anything else as they continued to walk.

However, when they arrived at the door of their hut, he frowned.

"Ayuan…" He called.

"What's the matter?"

"Is our family poor?"

Shen Xu looked at the broken roof and overall dilapidated hut, and couldn't help but ask.

The recruitment of the Divine Rainbow academy was only three months away, and each person needed two thousand spirit stones as a registration fee.

If his family couldn't afford to replace the roof, would they have enough for the registration fee?

"Our family is only temporarily poor."

"Is that so?"

"Don't worry about it."

Shen Xu looked at the person and entered the hut without saying another word.

'I need to quickly learn alchemy. I don't want to live a life of poverty.' He shuddered at the thought.

Shen Xu didn't want to wrong himself.

He wanted to live as he liked and not have to compromise because of poverty.

"If we want to enter the Divine Rainbow academy, we should leave for the capital as soon as possible." Zhen Yuan brought the topic around.

"Have you ever been to the capital?" Shen Xu asked.

"I don't know."

Zhen Yuan didn't have any memories of before he was adopted.

Since he couldn't remember, he couldn't say with certainty that he had never been to the capital.

"Why don't you know?" Shen Xu frowned.

"My memories start from the day I met my adoptive parents."

"Awh." Shen Xu didn't know what to say, so he changed the subject.

"We need a lot of spirit stones to go to the capital. I also heard that many things need spirit stones in the academy."

"I will handle the matter of spirit stones; you don't have to worry."

As he said this, Zhen Yuan mentally calculated the number of talismans in his storage bag.

He had one thousand first-level talismans, four hundred second-level talismans, and ninety third-level talismans.

Depending on their function, first-level talismans sold for ten spirit stones at the lowest and one hundred at the highest.

Considering his stash, Zhen Yuan would get at least seventy thousand spirit stones if he sold all the first-level talismans.

If he also sold the second-level and third-level talismans, he would have seven or eight million spirit stones.

However, seven million spirit stones were not enough if they entered the Divine Rainbow academy.

From the little he knew about the academy, they needed spirit stones for everything.

This everything included lodging, cultivation resources, and training resources amongst other things.

"Alright, I believe you." Shen Xu said.

He sat on the bed and waited for Zhen Yuan to sit beside him.

"You said you would tell me your cultivation level when we get to the hut." He reminded.

Zhen Yuan sighed and removed a formation disk from his storage bag. He activated the formation, and the two were enclosed in an isolation array.

Shen Xu saw the preparations and was a little surprised.

From the book and memories, he knew formation disks were only available in big towns and cities.

However, Blue Deer village was a remote place, and the closest town was a fifth-tier town.

When he saw Zhen Yuan's casual use of the formation disk, Shen Xu couldn't help but think that his new husband was a little mysterious.

He also guessed that Zhen Yuan had a lot to hide since he had activated a formation disk just to talk about his cultivation level.

'Wait, I also have a lot to hide.' Shen Xu suddenly remembered.

Initially, he only told Zhen Yuan that he was an alchemist but didn't mention he was also a poison refiner.

At the time, he didn't think much of it since Zhen Yuan was a stranger.

However, a lot had changed since then.

The stranger was now his lifelong husband, and Shen Xu had to reconsider his thoughts.

'What should I tell him?' He wondered and panicked a little.

Not only was he a poison refiner, but he was also a transmigrator who had a portable space.

When he thought of that, Shen Xu had a headache.

He didn't know if he should reveal everything and if he confessed, would Zhen Yuan believe him?

Shen Xu looked at Zhen Yuan and was conflicted.

"What's wrong?" Zhen Yuan asked.

He saw his wife's unnatural expression and couldn't help but ask.

"I…" Shen Xu started and then closed his eyes to clear his mind.

Although revealing everything was risky, he knew he had to do it.

After all, he and Zhen Yuan would be together for as long as they lived. He couldn't hide the space and didn't want to keep things from the other.

Although Shen Xu had never been in a serious relationship, he understood the basis of a long-lasting relationship was communication and trust.

Since Zhen Yuan was willing to tell him his secrets, he should also take the opportunity to confess everything.

In this way, they could start with a clean slate which would prevent misunderstandings in the future.

"I also have something I want to tell you." He said.

"You don't have to force yourself. I can wait until you are willing."

"I am not unwilling. I am just worried you won't believe me."

Zhen Yuan looked at the person, and his eyes softened.

"I am also willing to believe your lies." He said.

Shen Xu chuckled when he heard that.

Zhen Yuan was only sixteen but sounded like an old driver. Shen Xu was simultaneously amused and a little envious.

He had lived for more than thirty years in his previous life, but his composure was a little worse than the sixteen-year-old in front of him.

"You won't have a chance to believe my lies because I will never lie to you." He promised.

"I will hold you to that."

After that, the mood between them became a little more harmonious, and Zhen Yuan began.

"I don't have a spirit root." He said.