Myriad Treasures Pavilion

The following day, Shen Xu and Zhen Yuan left the chaos flame space as soon as they woke up.

They planned to pack and leave Blue Deer village on the first ox cart.

However, before they did anything, Zhen Yuan looked outside and frowned.

'Did we sleep for a whole day?' He wondered and then shook his head.

It didn't feel like they slept that long.

"What's the matter?" Shen Xu asked.

"It's still dark."

Shen Xu looked outside, and his eyes filled with confusion.

For a moment, he didn't understand what Zhen Yuan was fussing about. However, when he thought about it, his mouth fell open.

"Is there a time difference between the space and outside?" He asked.

"It could be."

Zhen Yuan fell silent and tried to recall when they entered the space.

After some mental calculations, he found an answer and turned to Shen Xu.

"The time in the space is faster than the time outside." He said.

"How can that be?" Shen Xu was confused.

He didn't notice the time disparity when he first entered the space.

Did this mean he was inattentive or had the space changed?

"Is it because of the spirit stones?" He wondered.

"Maybe. Is there nothing in the inheritance you received?"

Shen Xu looked at Zhen Yuan and then closed his eyes.

Other than the superficial things, he hadn't had time to carefully examine the inheritance of the red pearl.

At this time, he accessed the inheritance and opened his eyes after a few breaths.

His eyes shone brightly, and he excitedly grabbed Zhen Yuan's hand.

"Ten days in the space is one day outside." He said.

When he heard that, Zhen Yuan was also a little excited.

"Zhen Yuan, this is really good. We will have ten times more time than others." Shen Xu continued.

"You are my lucky charm." Zhen Yuan smiled and rubbed Shen Xu's hair.

"Didn't I say you will profit by marrying me?" Shen Xu puffed his chest and asked for praise.

"Blame me for being blind. I didn't recognise a treasure when I came across it."

"It's good that you know."

Zhen Yuan laughed, and his eyes softened.

He had never been this way with anyone, but he found he wasn't unwilling to indulge Shen Xu.

"I will reward you with a good breakfast." Shen Xu said and looked around the hut.

Unfortunately, he didn't find what he was looking for, and his lips curled downwards.

"I have the corpse of a gold-patterned bear in my storage bag." Zhen Yuan stated, and Shen Xu rolled his eyes.

"What about salt and spices?"

Zhen Yuan looked away and felt ashamed of himself.

The gold-patterned bear was a peak level two monster.

After hunting it, Zhen Yuan planned to sell the meat, use its bones to engrave formation disks, the blood for rune liquid, and its skin for talismans.

He never thought about keeping the meat for his own consumption.

"Bear with me for now. We will buy everything when we go to town."

Shen Xu shook his head and had to forget about food for the time being. Although he liked to eat, he didn't want to eat unpalatable food.

"It's almost dawn. Shall we pack and get ready to leave?" Shen Xu asked.

Zhen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, and Shen Xu secretly smiled.

They hurriedly packed everything and put the things in the chaos flame space.

After that, they left the hut and stood outside the door.

"What's your plan?" Shen Xu asked.

"No plan." Zhen Yuan answered.

The hut was where he was raised, but it was unlikely that he would ever come back.

In that case, he didn't need to make any plans.

When the villagers discovered that the hut was abandoned, they would naturally find a use for it.

"Will you regret it?"

"No. It's enough to have the memories."

Shen Xu held Zhen Yuan's hand, and the two walked to the edge of the village.

They said goodbye to Zhen Yuan's adoptive parents and then went to the village entrance.

At this time, the villagers had already woken up, and some were already waiting for the ox cart.

"Boy Zhen, are you also going to town?" A man asked.

The man was middle-aged, and Zhen Yuan had seen him around the village.

However, he was an ordinary person, and the two had never talked except for the occasional greeting.

"My wife and I are going to town." Zhen Yuan answered and nodded.

The middle-aged man and the other villagers looked at Shen Xu in curiosity.

Although they had never seen the young double, they didn't ask Zhen Yuan about him.

"You are sixteen this year. It's good to marry a wife." An old man said and nodded in approval.

Soon after, the ox cart arrived, and everyone climbed on the back.

The ride to Blue Spring town was not long but it was bumpy.

As a modern person who rarely went to the countryside, Shen Xu was used to tarmacked roads and enclosed vehicles.

Fortunately, he was a cultivator at the twelfth level of the qi refining realm, and his body did not suffer from the tossing.

When they arrived at the entrance of Blue Spring town, Zhen Yuan paid ten silver coins and got off the cart.

"Grandpa Wen, my wife and I will not return to Blue Deer village. Don't wait for us when the time comes."

Grandpa Wen waved his hand and took out a pipe to smoke.

"Young people have their own ideas." He said and drove away in the empty cart.

"Let's go." Zhen Yuan said.

"Where to?"

"The Myriad Treasures Pavilion."

"Myriad Treasures Pavilion…" Shen Xu muttered and recalled the novel.

From the book, the Myriad Treasures Pavilion was owned by the Song family.

It had shops in most towns and cities in the Canglan continent.

However, the Song family in the Canglan continent was only a branch family.

The main family was in a higher-level continent, and its merchant ships went to and from different continents.

"Is there something wrong with the Myriad Treasures Pavilion?"

"Not something wrong." Shen Xu said and told everything he knew about the Myriad Treasures Pavilion and the Song family.

"What you mean is that our Canglan continent is a low-level continent. If we want to go to a higher-level continent, we need to board one of the ships of the Myriad Treasures Pavilion?"

"It's like that but…"


"The merchant ship comes to the Canglan continent every one hundred years."

"When is the next time?"

Shen Xu frowned and tried to remember.

Originally, he lost a wager and was forced to read the stallion novel.

Since he didn't like harem, he skipped many pages and missed a lot of details.

'If I knew I would transmigrate into the damned book, I would have read it more carefully.' He grumbled and then sighed.

"I don't remember the exact time. However, I remember it was after the opening of the Demon Plants Forest."

"Demon Plants Forest?"

Shen Xu thought for a moment and then answered.

"The Canglan continent is divided into three major empires. The Divine Rainbow empire, the Blue Fern empire, and the Dry Mist empire."

"The Demon Plants Forest is a secret realm at the intersection of the three empires. Every fifty years, foundation establishment realm cultivators enter for one year to kill demon plants and search for opportunities."

"It is said that the spiritual aura in the Canglan continent is too low, and no one can naturally break through to the golden core realm. Finding the golden dew flower in the Demon Plants Forest is the only way to break through."

"When will the secret realm open?" Zhen Yuan asked after a moment of thought.

He didn't need spiritual aura or the golden dew flower, but Shen Xu needed them.

In that case, they had to enter the Demon Plants Forest and board the merchant ship to leave the Canglan continent.

"It should be three years from now." Shen Xu said uncertainly.

In the original book, Shen Xu went to the Divine Rainbow academy with the protagonist.

After joining the academy, he retreated to break through to the foundation establishment realm.

When he came out of seclusion, he entered the soul training tower to improve his soul power.

He spent one year in the soul training tower and another year improving his alchemy from the second to the third level.

It was only then that the protagonist became a little serious about him.

Right after he became a third-level alchemist, the book Shen Xu followed the protagonist to enter the Demon Plants Forest, and their destiny became inextricably entangled.

"That means the merchant ship will dock in the Canglan continent in about four years." Zhen Yuan stated.

"I think so." Shen Xu said and nodded.

He wanted to be a little more certain, but there was no way.

His most vivid memories were about his character in the novel, general situations, and things that didn't happen amidst the protagonist's love affairs.