Private Thoughts

"Brother Xiao, what's wrong?" Qin Ran asked.

Since they met Shen Xu and Zhen Yuan, Qin Ran noticed that Xiao Weimin and Bai Guo were acting strangely.

They occasionally fell into a daze and seemed kilometres away from Blue Spring town.

Qin Ran didn't like to be ignored.

If it were someone else, she would already have lost her temper.

However, she still wanted to be Xiao Weimin's woman, so she endured and didn't dare to be angry.

"Brother Xiao…" Qin Ran called again and finally caught Xiao Weimin's attention.

"Brother Xiao, is something wrong?"

"I was thinking about breaking through. It will be time when I return to the academy." Xiao Weimin said with a frown on his face.

Hearing the words, Qin Ran knew he was lying.

However, she chose not to focus on that.

She didn't care that Xiao Weimin was lying.

What she cared about was that he was about to break through.

After all, Xiao Weimin was only twenty years old.

When he broke through to the mid-stage of the foundation establishment realm, the academy and his master would value him more.

At that time, even if Qin Ran didn't get the meat, she would have a share of the soup.

"Brother Xiao is a genius." Qin Ran said.

Her bright eyes were full of adoration, and Xiao Weimin felt a little better.

As Qin Ran observed, Xiao Weimin had not been in a good mood since he met Shen Xu and Zhen Yuan.

For some reason, he disliked Zhen Yuan as soon as he met him. He felt that the man had robbed him, and he wanted to fight him for Shen Xu.

Xiao Weimin felt that Shen Xu belonged to him, and he couldn't stand that his person was with someone else.

However, this was not the time to think about that.

With a smile on his face, he turned to Qin Ran.

"Young Miss Qin is also very talented." He said.

"How can it be the same?" Qin Ran refuted and continued.

"I am only at the sixth level of the qi refining realm. I still haven't met the minimum requirement to enter the Divine Rainbow Academy."

"There are still three months before the assessment. If young Miss Qin doesn't mind, I have a qi gathering pill that can help you break through to the seventh level."

"Is Brother Xiao really willing?" Qin Ran asked with stars in hers.

"How can I be unwilling?"

As Xiao Weimin and Qin Ran went back and forth, Bai Guo was lost in thought.

When Shen Xu left the Myriad Treasures Pavilion, Bai Guo had the strongest urge to run after him.

The impulse was so strong that Bai Guo clenched his hands until he drew blood.

'What's going on?' He wondered with a distressed look on his masked face.

"GuoGuo, there are many things on this floor. Do you want to take a look?" Xiao Weimin jolted him from his thoughts.

"Okay." Bai Guo said and began to look around.

When Bai Guo was cultivating in his clan's forbidden area, he encountered an unexpected space crack.

By the time he reacted, it was already too late to avoid the space crack, and he couldn't stop himself from falling in.

Fortunately, Bai Guo was a genius.

His clan had given him many defence treasures and the treasures helped him survive the accident.

When he came to, Bai Guo was injured and in the cave of a two-headed lion.

As luck would have it, Xiao Weimin was practising in Blue Deer Mountain, and he saved Bai Guo from the two-headed lion.

That was a few days ago, and Bai Guo had been following Xiao Weimin since.

"GuoGuo, do you see anything you like?" Xiao Weimin asked, and Qin Ran turned pale.

Her eyes darkened, and she clenched her hands in anger.

Qin Ran disliked that Xiao Weimin hadn't asked if she liked something but asked Bai Guo.

'Why is Brother Xiao so confused?' She thought angrily.

She knew that Xiao Weimin and Bai Guo hadn't known each other for a long time.

However, Xiao Weimin called her 'young Miss Qin' but called Bai Guo 'GuoGuo'.

This showed that her position in Xiao Weimin's heart was lower than Bai Guo which made Qin Ran extremely unwilling.

'What's so good about a half-man, half-woman?' She thought angrily and became angrier when she remembered Shen Xu.

Unable to control herself, she stomped her foot, and the other two turned to look at her.

"Is something wrong with young Miss Qin?" Xiao Weimin asked.

"Nothing is wrong. What can be wrong?"

"Young Miss Qin just stomped her foot."

For a moment, Qin Ran didn't understand.

However, she quickly connected the dots and realised that she must have subconsciously stomped due to anger.

With an upward curl of her lips, she looped her arm through Xiao Weimin's and pulled him away.

"Qin Ran saw a fly and subconsciously stepped on it."

"Is that the case?"

"It's true." Qin Ran said, and her face turned.

In one moment, she was coy, and in the next, her face was full of grievances.

"Isn't Brother Xiao too partial? What about Qin Ran? Qin Ran also likes a lot of things on this floor."

When Bai Guo heard that, he almost rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Xiao Weimin was his saviour.

When Xiao Weimin saved him, Bai Guo decided to follow him.

On one hand, he wanted to repay the life-saving grace and on the other…

With a sigh, Bai Guo looked at Xiao Weimin and blushed.

He didn't know why, but his heart fluttered when he looked at Xiao Weimin.

"Does young Miss Qin like something? I will buy it for you."

At that, Qin Ran chuckled and shook her head.

"I am joking with Brother Xiao. I am already happy to be near Brother Xiao. I don't need anything else."

After that, the three walked around the second floor of the Myriad Treasures Pavilion.

Because of the accident, Bai Guo didn't have many things, and Xiao Weimin bought some necessities for him.

At the same time, he bought a whip for Qin Ran before the three left the Pavilion.

"It's almost time to meet young master Shen." Xiao Weimin said, and Qin Ran narrowed her eyes.

Bai Guo also felt uneasy when he heard Xiao Weimin's words.

After all, they weren't just meeting Shen Xu; they were also meeting Zhen Yuan.

However, neither Bai Guo nor Zhen Yuan said anything.

They just followed Xiao Weimin and hoped that they were overthinking the implications.

Unfortunately, they soon realised they weren't because Xiao Weimin wouldn't stop talking about Shen Xu.

"Young master Shen is so young, but his cultivation is already at the peak of the twelfth level. His future is limitless." Xiao Weimin said with a frown on his face.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Shen Xu belonged to him.

"Breaking his body at a young age will affect his future." He grumbled and narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Brother Xiao, young master Shen and young master Zhen are a Taoist couple. It's not good to interfere." Qin Ran reminded through gritted teeth.

"You are right. I won't interfere." Xiao Weimin said.

However, his thoughts were running wild.

From their previous encounter, he knew Shen Xu and Zhen Yuan wanted to enter the Divine Rainbow Academy.

He felt this was an opportunity for Shen Xu to see the world.

When Shen Xu entered the academy and saw more talented people, he would realise that Zhen Yuan was nothing.

He would realise that Zhen Yuan was ordinary and break the Taoist contract.

At that time, Xiao Weimin would find him and let him become his own.

'What belongs to me can't be taken away from me.' Xiao Weimin thought and nodded in self-satisfaction.

Now that he had a plan, he wasn't too uncomfortable that Zhen Yuan was occupying what shouldn't belong to him.

Instead, he was filled with complacency.

"Brother Weimin, we are here." Bai Guo said, and Xiao Weimin was jolted from his thoughts.

In front of him was the Blue Spring teahouse.

The teahouse was about one hundred square metres and had two floors.

The first floor was for ordinary guests, while the second had private rooms for more important guests.

"My Qin family has a private box in the teahouse." Qin Ran said with a hint of pride in her voice.

After all, the Blue Spring teahouse was the best restaurant in town.

Other than the town lord, the manager of the Myriad Treasures Pavilion, and a few others, everyone else couldn't have a permanent box in the Blue Spring teahouse.

"Brother Xiao, I will ask the manager to prepare the box for us."

"I am sorry to trouble young Miss Qin."

"It's no trouble." Qin Ran dismissed and immediately called for the manager.

Soon after, the three were taken to a luxurious box on the second floor.