Stay Away

Shen Xu frowned and tried to remember every detail from the book.

A moment later, he shook his head, and Zhen Yuan sighed.

"XiaoXu, Bai Guo is your twin brother." He said.

"Twin brother…" Shen Xu shuddered.

He didn't want to believe the outcome and looked at Zhen Yuan pleadingly.

"That's not all."

"What do you mean?"

"You and Bai Guo share the same mother but have different fathers."

When Shen Xu heard that, his mouth fell open in shock.

He had heard of superfecundation when he was on Earth but never expected it to happen to him.


"Don't worry, I am right here." Zhen Yuan said and pulled the person into his arms.

For a long time, the two didn't speak.

Shen Xu allowed himself to be held until his emotions calmed down.

When he could think again, he shifted out of Zhen Yuan's arms and looked at the young man.

"What else did you find out?"

"Bai Guo's body is special." Zhen Yuan said, and Shen Xu glared at him.

'This…what did I do?' Zhen Yuan panicked and looked at his wife cautiously.

"Say that again…" Shen Xu asked through gritted teeth.

"I said, Bai Guo's body is…"

The more he talked, the angrier Shen Xu was.

Fortunately, Zhen Yuan was not completely stupid.

Before he dug himself into a deeper pit, he realised the implication of his words and immediately backtracked.

"What I mean is that Bai Guo has a special physique."

Hearing this, Shen Xu's mood lightened, but he still glared at Zhen Yuan before speaking.

"Special physique? Does he have a furnace body?"

"I am not sure. The laws on his body are too complex, and I can't comprehend them at my level."

The two fell silent after that.

At the beginning, Shen Xu thought that marrying Zhen Yuan would solve everything.

However, things were getting more complicated.

With a drawn-out sigh, he turned to Zhen Yuan.

"For now, let's focus on our more urgent matters." He decided.

After three days, they would leave Blue Spring town with the Myriad Treasures Pavilion caravan.

Before then, Shen Xu wanted to study the books they bought and try to refine some basic weapons.

"Two days outside are twenty days in the space. It's enough time to learn something." Zhen Yuan said, and Shen Xu nodded.

"Will you also enter?"

"No, I will stay outside."

After all, the protagonist was eyeing them.

If the person came to visit and found no one, he may grow suspicious.

Considering that, Zhen Yuan planned to stay outside to deal with Xiao Weimin.

"Sorry for the hard work." Shen Xu looked at Zhen Yuan and apologised.

He knew Xiao Weimin was eyeing them because of him.

If he had not pulled Zhen Yuan into the plot, the other would never have fallen into the protagonist's eyes.

However, Zhen Yuan shook his head to stop his apology.

"You and I are one. There is no need for apologies between us." He said.

"You…" Shen Xu blushed and looked at him shyly.

A moment later, Shen Xu kissed Zhen Yuan's cheek before disappearing into the chaos flame space.


At dawn of the fourth day, Shen Xu and Zhen Yuan rode their demon horses to the town square.

When they arrived, there was already a gathering of more than three hundred people.

"I didn't expect so many people to be going to the capital." Shen Xu said.

"Not all of them are going to the capital. Some are going to towns and cities along the way." A male voice clarified.

"Manager Zhang." Shen Xu greeted.

"Young master Zhen, young master Shen, are you ready to leave?"

"Thanks to manager Zhang, we finished all our preparations." Shen Xu thanked.

"That's good." Manager Zhang said and took another look at Zhen Yuan.

When he first saw them, he felt Zhen Yuan was different.

However, he couldn't tell the difference until he noticed Zhen Yuan's suppressed cultivation level.

'Seventh level of the qi refining realm?' The man narrowed his eyes.

'As expected, this young man is not simple.' He thought but didn't try to get to the bottom of it.

From their frequent interactions, he knew that Zhen Yuan was not inferior to the genius talents in the capital.

Knowing this, Manager Zhang did not want to aggravate their relationship by sticking his nose into the other's business.

"We are still waiting for people from the town lord's residence. When they arrive, we will leave right away."

"Is manager Zhang also going to the capital?"

"I have been promoted to the capital branch of the Myriad Treasures Pavillion." Manager Zhang said proudly.

Although he wouldn't be the manager of the capital branch, his new position was not low.

"Congratulations for your promotion." Shen Xu said, and his eyes narrowed in thought.

In fact, he was happy that Manager Zhang was also going to the capital.

After all, Manager Zhang had a good relationship with them.

Using that relationship, they could secretly sell talismans, formation disks, inscriptions, weapons, and pills in the capital.

"I hope Manager Zhang will continue to take care of us when we settle in the capital." Shen Xu spoke cryptically.

Shrewd as he was, manager Zhang immediately understood.

He thumped his chest and looked at them with a sincere look in his eyes.

"Two young masters don't have to worry. We will naturally take care of each other when we reach the capital."

"Naturally." Shen Xu promised, and Manager Zhang sighed in relief.

Most of the reason for his promotion was inseparable from the talismans he bought from Zhen Yuan.

If he could maintain the relationship when they settled in the capital, his status would continue to rise.

At this time, a loud galloping sound was heard from the distance.

"The people from the town lord's residence are about to arrive." Manager Zhang said and looked at the two.

"Remember to find me if there is anything during the journey." He continued.

"Thank you, manager Zhang." Shen Xu nodded appreciatively.

After that, the man left, and the two were left alone.

"What do you think?" Shen Xu asked.

"It's good to keep the relationship."

In this way, he and Shen Xu would have a way to secretly earn spirit stones.

"I also think so." Shen Xu said and smiled.

He stayed in the chaos flame space for more than twenty days.

During that time, he studied the weapon refining introductory book and successfully became a first-level master.

Although he wasted a lot of materials, he successfully refined three first-level swords.

When Shen Xu thought of earning spirit stones from selling the swords he refined, he couldn't help but be happy.

"Ayuan, what kind of weapon do you want? I will refine it for you." He asked excitedly.

"Can you refine a brush?" Zhen Yuan asked with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"You are bullying me." Shen Xu complained.

The introduction book only had three refining formulas.

One formula for a first-level sword, another for a whip, and the third for a hammer. Even if Shen Xu wanted to refine a brush for Zhen Yuan, he didn't know how.

Seeing that Shen Xu was a little depressed, Zhen Yuan rubbed his hair with a doting smile on his lips.

"Take your time, I am not going anywhere." He said.

"Don't worry, I will learn it soon and refine a brush for you."

"I am looking forward to it."

As the two were teasing each other, an annoying voice floated over.

"Young master Shen, you are finally out of seclusion." Xiao Weimin said excitedly.

"Young master Xiao." Shen Xu greeted without much enthusiasm.

When Shen Xu was practising in the space, Xiao Weimin visited two times.

At both times, Zhen Yuan sent him away, which made Xiao Weimin dislike him more.

"Did you gain something from your seclusion?" The protagonist questioned.

"It was only two days." Shen Xu said without clarifying anything.

"Young master Xiao should go back to his people. The team is about to leave." Zhen Yuan suddenly said.

When he heard that, Xiao Weimin clenched his hands and glared at Zhen Yuan.

However, Zhen Yuan did not lie.

The carriages had already started to form a line and would soon start moving.

"When we stop for the day, can I invite young Master Shen to talk?"

"Young master Xiao should be mindful of manners. What do you mean by inviting a married double in front of his husband? Is young master Xiao trying to pick a fight?"

As Zhen Yuan spoke, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He wanted to attack Xiao Weimin, but Shen Xu spoke before he could.

"Young master Xiao is too discourteous." Shen Xu said with a cold look in his eyes.

Although he knew Xiao Weimin was the main protagonist and shouldn't be casually offended, Shen Xu was also angry.

He disliked how Xiao Weimin kept undermining his marriage, and he could no longer tolerate him.

"I hope young master Xiao will stay away from our husband and wife. Our relationship does not tolerate the interference of a third person."

After saying that, Shen Xu took Zhen Yuan's hand, and the two rode away from Xiao Weimin.