Erika’s Jealousy

Selena's POV

"It seemed like you were unhappy, Selena," Stan said after he noticed I was not eating my food heartily.

"I was worried about my quiz this afternoon," I lied, and he furrowed his forehead as he looked at me.

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with our plans? I know you are a good person, but you have to believe me that it would not affect my brother's career; at least he will experience how it feels to be rejected." Stan declared without taking his gaze away from me.

"You don't need to feel guilty; just think of it like you have given him a chance to be a better person." He added.

"Unless you are beginning to feel something for Sky, it would be a shame, Selena; you can't fall for my brother." My best friend continued, and I could see the seriousness on his face.

I desired to tell him the truth, but I didn't want to add to his worries. I took his hand over the table without taking my eyes away from his face.

"Stan, I am not falling for your brother, and I am doing all this for you, but you should know I don't want your brother to hate me forever," I responded.

"He is your elder sibling, and we are best friends; I will always see him around in your estate and the academy," I added.

"Don't worry, Selena, he will not take it seriously; maybe for a couple of days he will be down; but you should remember my brother is the most popular in the Academy, and Sky could have anyone he likes; besides, he loves his career more than anything." He responded as he squeezed my hand.

"Are we good?" He asked after a long while as I tried to devour the food on my plate.

"Yes, of course," I responded.

We left the restaurant, and Stanley drove us back to the academy. I was walking beside Stanley while my mind was in disarray; this was the first time I couldn't think straight, and I was worried about what would happen now that I was sure about how I felt for Skyler.

I was hoping he would confess his feelings for me before the final games so that I could dump him immediately and I don't need to prolong my agony. I am torn between my best friend and his brother, and I know my loyalty would be with Stanley since I knew I was only Sky's conquest at the moment.

He was curious and fascinated by me for the time being, but I knew it would be over soon. I need to safeguard my heart, and if I get hurt after I reject him, I have to deal with it alone; at least it was my

choice, and he wasn't the one who dumped me; that is my only consolation.

"Thank you for lunch, Stan," I said, trying to smile at my best friend even if my heart was in chaos.

"You are welcome, Selena," he said with a wide grin

on his handsome face. He ruffled my hair before he walked away from me.

I let out a heavy sigh before I got inside my classroom, glad that our English teacher was not yet around. I ignored the meaningful stares and whispers around me, and I walked straight and collapsed on my seat as I tried to shut off everything.

I used to be invisible; I only got extra attention every time I was with Stanley, but as of that moment, I could feel that all eyes were on me, and my classmates were talking about me, and I couldn't stop feeling conscious.

"How does it feel to be the flavor of the month of the hottest basketball star in Santa Clara Academy, Selena?" One of my female classmates dared to ask me while I could hear the rest of them laughing.

I stiffened as I clenched my fists on my armchair, and I felt so glad when I opened my eyes; our teacher got inside our classroom; the rest of my classmates fell silent.

I knew I was blushing, and I couldn't believe my teacher would make it worst by calling me to the front and being the first one to do our activity of the day.

As I was standing in front of my classmates, I could see the difference, every one of them was looking at me with interest; they usually ignore anyone who comes in front except someone like Erika, who is intelligent, hot, and beautiful.

It felt like they were looking into my inner core and not only at my physical appearance, and I wished to disappear, but I needed to do great in class since I badly needed it for my college education.

"Well done, Ms. Castroni," my teacher declared after I read my essay, and I felt glad I could answer the follow-up questions. I returned to my seat with a smile on my face, and I knew I wasn't good as my classmates on the honor roll, but at least I had originality.

I got out of my room faster than I could, and I ignored someone who was calling me, and I tried to get away from anyone, and the only place safe for me was the restroom. I got inside and felt glad the stalls were empty.

I sprayed the bowl's rim with alcohol and wiped it with the bathroom tissue. I sat on the bowl and let my uneasiness subside. I should never allow Skyler to hold my hand, and I will not receive mocking stares from all his fans.

I quickly stood up when I could feel my heart beating back to normal. I didn't want to be late for my next class, so I had no choice but to stand up and walk out of the restroom. I need to survive this high school drama, or else I won't graduate.

I wished Stanley was with me as I walked towards my room, and I felt glad the hallways were empty. My steps faltered, and my heart summersault when I found Skyler leaning on the wall near the door of my next class.

"Hey, where have you been?" He softly asked as he closed the distance between us.

"I had been looking for you during lunch, I knew my brother kidnapped you since I couldn't contact his phone, and I believed your phone was off," he added, and I was shocked to see him waiting for me.

"You have my number?" I asked innocently, and his laughter reverberated through the hallways.

"Come on, Selena, how could you ask that question?" He asked back.

"I just couldn't believe you have my number," I mumbled.

"Anyways, can you watch my practice later?" He asked, and my face turned crimson. It had been my dream, but my face fell when I remembered I had promised to go with Stanley to the mall.

"I am sorry; Stan asked me to accompany him to the mall after class," I replied, and his face fell.

"Mr. Alcarzo, I know you are the superstar of this school, but I won't tolerate it if you flirt with one of my students during class hours." I heard my literature teacher say, and for the first time, I saw Skyler blush as he turned around and faced my teacher.

"I am sorry, Sir, there is something important I need to speak with Miss Castroni; this will not happen again." He said and walked away from us without taking a second look.

"Wow, so the rumor was true," my teacher said as he motioned me to get inside the classroom, and when I raised my head, I got the same treatment from my previous class, and I guess I needed to deal with it until the day I break Skyler's heart.

I was on my way to meet Stanley when a group of hot cheerleaders blocked me. I stopped in my tracks, and I suddenly felt nervous about what they wanted from me, but I remained standing as they stood before me.

"Well, look at you, my dear," Someone from the back said, and the girls suddenly moved to the side to give her access, and I was no longer shocked to find Erika looking daggers at me.

She was wearing an above-the-knee length skirt, and I couldn't stop admiring her flawless legs, and when I looked at her face, she made me breathless; Erika was beautiful, and I couldn't believe she would spend her precious time with me.

"You are Selena, right?" She asked, and like a little girl, I nodded my head.

"Just a piece of advice, girl, my boyfriend is only playing games with you; I just want you to know, it was common for the basketball players to have bets, and I guess you were one of the lucky ones, Selena," Erika said. I pitied her, and I could feel her insecurities beneath her smiles.

"Stay away from Skyler if you want to have a peaceful life, Selena; I knew your case; your dad is only a mechanic in the Alcarazo household, meaning an employee; a pathetic widower. So, you better act as his daughter and stop flirting with my boyfriend." She said, and her friends laughed at me.

I could feel the blood in my veins boiling with anger; my mother was not yet dead, and I hated Erika for reminding me of what my mom had done to us.

"Don't dream too high, or you might fall hard," she added.

"I am not flirting with your boyfriend, Erika, and you better tell him to stop bothering me," I responded, and I could see the shock on her face.

Erika may be beautiful, but I don't particularly appreciate how she looked down on me, especially my father, because she was jealous of me. She didn't know how much my dad suffered just to raise Gwen and me; Erika has no right to insult him, and I will do everything I can to protect my family.

I put my books and notes in my bag, and I felt delighted I survived my day even if I had a hard time. I didn't know this would be the perk of being one of Skyler's flings; I couldn't deny the exhilaration I felt, but because of Stanley's plan of breaking his brother's heart, it made me feel unhappy and anxious.