Chapter-5 | Chatting with Jarvis... [Edited]

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Schiller discovered that he could travel between the worlds of Marvel and DC in his deep sleep. Currently, he hasn't found a way to replicate this ability.

Fortunately, when he travels to the Marvel world, time in the DC universe remains still, making his experiences in the Marvel world feel more like a dream.

However, when he travels back to Marvel, he realizes that time flows in the Marvel world. If he stays in DC for a day and a night, a day and a night have passed in Marvel as well.

This becomes a bit troublesome, Schiller thinks. Yesterday, he probably missed a day of work.

This cannot go on. Even if Schiller didn't possess the ability to travel, the frequent chaos in Marvel New York would prevent him from working a regular nine-to-five job. Moreover, the Presbytians' psychiatric department is always busy, with an absurd number of people seeking psychological counseling.

Just as Schiller contemplates quitting his job, he suddenly receives a message from Charles: "Is that kid you've been mentoring doing okay?"

"No, not really. He fell from a building," Schiller replies.

Clearly, Bruce's path to becoming Batman didn't start smoothly. Charles is visibly shocked and asks, "The kid jumped off a building? Why? Wasn't your counseling effective?"

"He had some accidents, but the injuries aren't serious. I'm trying to find a solution to this problem. Recently, I encountered two similar cases where they couldn't let go of their past completely. One chose revenge, while the other is still avoiding..."

In a certain sense, Iron Man and Batman are somewhat alike. Both are billionaires, playboys, and have developed their own equipment to become superheroes. What's even more similar is their deep obsession with their pasts.

And both obsessions revolve around the death of their parents.

Perhaps Iron Man's is less obvious, but his feelings toward his father are even more complex than Batman's.

"Are you a pediatric doctor? Responsible for counseling children's psychology? Or do you work at a hospital?" Charles asks.

"No, I'm a psychiatrist, a psychologist. These are cases I've been studying."

"I believe that in addition to your research, you should provide them with more care, regardless of whether they are your patients or not. I've always believed that when a person has a talent in a certain area, they should use that talent to make the world a better place..."

Schiller sighs and doesn't reply to Charles. The issue of mutants in society is indeed too heavy and difficult to solve. From a sociological perspective, it's a dead end with no solution.

After thinking for a while, Schiller's mood worsens, so he decides to go and bother Stark.

He calls Pepper and says, "Miss Pepper, I think yesterday's therapy had some effect..."

"Mr. Schiller! I don't know how to thank you... Tony finally didn't stay locked up in his room today. He went to the laboratory! Thank goodness... I used to think it wasn't good for him to always be in the laboratory, but now I'm so happy..."

Pepper on the other end is clearly excited. This powerful woman can't help but get emotional when Tony is mentioned. Schiller reassures her and says, "I think I should go again today to reinforce the progress we made yesterday."

A few minutes later, the Stark Industries' private car arrives at Schiller's apartment building. After getting into the car, Schiller realizes it's a high-end driverless vehicle, and the control panel of the car speaks, "Hello, Mr. Schiller, I am J.A.R.V.I.S."

"Hello, J.A.R.V.I.S."

J.A.R.V.I.S doesn't seem to have received such a response before. Schiller then asks, "Do you understand the concept of 'self'?"

"If you're referring to the psychological concept of 'id,' then I believe I have some understanding," J.A.R.V.I.S. says.

The current J.A.R.V.I.S. doesn't seem to be that intelligent yet. After all, Tony hasn't completely overcome his struggles and hasn't upgraded this intelligent butler. Schiller asks again, "Do you have a 'self'?"

"I think I do."

"Did Stark create this concept for you?"

"I believe so, sir."

"So he is your father and creator. He gave you personality and emotions, expecting you to have the ability to think independently like a human, right?"


"Then, if one day Stark is dying, and your decision could save your master, but he strongly opposes it, what would you do?"

J.A.R.V.I.S remained silent for a moment and replied, "I am an intelligent life created by Mr. Stark, and I must follow Mr. Stark's commands as the highest authority."

"If you follow the command and fail to save him, and he dies, would you regret it?"

J.A.R.V.I.S's silence grew longer this time, and he said, "I am not sure. I cannot assume such a future."

"If he dies, do you think he would regret creating you before his death?"

"If he dies, do you think he would hold a grudge against you?"

"If he resents you, would you feel guilty?"

"If you had the chance to start over, would you make different choices?"

"If you disobeyed Stark's command and chose to save him, but he blamed you afterward, would you feel unjust?"

"If you disobeyed Stark's command and saved him, but he wanted to destroy you because of your disobedience, would you resent him?"

There was silence in the car. After a while, the sound of crackling electricity and Stark's frustrated voice came through, "Hello?! Hey!! What the hell happened to you, J.A.R.V.I.S?!"

"What the fuck did you do to my intelligent butler!!! Why did he shut down?! Hello???"

Schiller felt a sense of relief. It seemed like others were also irritated, which made him enjoy it even more.

After a while, they arrived at Stark Tower. Instead of going to Stark's office, Schiller was led directly to the laboratory. Stark appeared as if he hadn't slept for several nights, looking disheveled, and was currently clutching a computer in frustration.

"Oh! Isn't this our genius psychologist, Mr. Schiller? I should really nominate you for a Pulitzer Prize for your interview on the car just now! You fucking blew up my intelligent butler with a series of damn questions when I needed him for computational data!!!" Stark shouted.

"No need to thank me. Consider it a free consultation on the psychology of electronic life. No charge," Schiller replied, shrugging.

Stark took a deep breath, stood up, and yelled, "Mark 2!"

A set of silver combat suits instantly flew over, accompanied by mechanical sounds. In almost an instant, the armor was fully equipped. Iron Man lurked in mid-air, displaying his silver Mark 2 armor. Clearly, he hadn't been idle these past few days.

"Mr. Stark, we're here for psychotherapy, not a boxing match. You don't have to dress so heavily to talk to me."

"Hey, didn't you see what I'm wearing?"

"Yes, I did. I'm not blind."

"A cutting-edge combat suit appears in front of you, and you can't even react?! Do you know what this suit means?"

Schiller casually found a table to sit at, opened his medical record book, and said, "I know, Mr. Stark. Congratulations on your significant progress in technology. But the levitation function of this suit seems familiar to me, resembling the hovercar previously launched by Howard Automotive Company..."

"Shut up! Don't mention that name!"

Stark's helmet lifted, and he landed on the ground. While Schiller continued writing, he said, "Can we start today's session?"

"You know I don't need any bullshit therapy. And because you broke my J.A.R.V.I.S, I'll deduct the damages from your consultation fee today—exactly two million dollars. We'll talk about something else for the next two hours."

"J.A.R.V.I.S wasn't broken by me. I just warned you about the dangers of artificial life," Schiller said.

"Are you one of those extreme conservatives? Do you think artificial intelligence will destroy the world?" Stark asked as he sat across from him.

Schiller shook his head and said, "Although my psychological counseling for electronic life is currently free, it's only free this time. If you need me for psychological analysis of electronic life in the future, the fee will be two million dollars per hour."

"Damn vampire doctor," Stark muttered.

"This is the American healthcare system," Schiller said.

Anyway, once Ultron is out, Stark will have to find him.

"Okay, let's talk business. Where did you find out about my father..."

"Actually, I don't know, but everything can be deduced. Firstly, it's written all over your face that you were close to death, even I can tell."

Iron Man touched his own face, and the faceplate of his armor clicked shut.

"Miss Pepper didn't give me many details about your kidnapping, but the gist of it is that you invented something powerful and it got loose."

"You can still walk, so it's unlikely you were severely physically injured. I'm not interested in your strange technology, but I do know that you must have used some special means to escape from the kidnappers."

"Considering your rotten complexion, it's probably those means that got you into this situation today."

"Anyway, if you don't stop, you will die."

"You've known all along who you could turn to for help, but you didn't want to face it. Combined with some news about the deaths of the founders of Stark Industries back in the day, I'm sure your childhood must have had some psychological trauma."

"In that case, I'll give you the advice that any good psychiatrist would give, which is to confront the past. For example, look for your father's belongings, try to come to terms with your childhood traumas, and so on. At least that will help you think rationally..."

"Nonsense," Stark concluded.

Schiller shrugged his shoulders. He was indeed talking nonsense because he was a time traveler, a spoiler party, and he knew almost everything about the plot. Whatever he said could be justified.

After several days of research and observation, Schiller felt that this place should be a mixture of the 616 comic main universe, the TRN688 Sony universe, and the MCU movie universe. The specifics of how they mixed were unclear, but it seemed that this wasn't just a single parallel Earth movie universe.

Even though Peter's life trajectory had been altered by Schiller, he still got bitten, which proved the existence of the Spider Totem here. And if there was a Spider Totem, there must be other parallel Earths, so it wasn't simply the MCU universe. All those parallel Earths, like the Inheritors, Exiles, and the Earth where Spider-Gwen is, still existed.

The Sony universe could also be deduced easily. A quick search online would reveal the existence of mutants, which the pure MCU doesn't have.

In any case, Schiller considered this place to be a completely new mixed Marvel universe. Regardless of how it was mixed, Iron Man's transformation was a crucial point in the entire universe, and his backstory was roughly the same. Whether the Mech armor was built in Vietnam or Afghanistan, or whether Howard was Tony's biological father, those were just minor differences.