Chapter-22 | Heroes and Mortality... (1)

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Although Peter said that he would get the medicine in a bit, it was already late afternoon when he headed to the pharmacy. Matt's leg was bleeding a bit, and he had to change the dressing several times.

Peter didn't have time to eat. He was very hungry. When he came to the clinic, he smelled a charming fragrance.

When Schiller heard the doorbell, he came out and saw a big boy in a sweater standing at the door. He sniffed hard as if he wanted to inhale all the fragrance into his stomach.

Schiller wiped his hands and said, "Come in."

Peter scratched his head and said, "Good afternoon, sir. A friend of mine asked me to come here to get medicine. He said you would know."

"Oh, I know." Schiller said, "But after I finish eating, he shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

Peter said: "Fortunately, his blood has stopped, but the pain is a bit severe. He needs some painkillers."

"Have you eaten yet?" Schiller asked. Peter blushed a bit.

Schiller said: "If you haven't eaten, just stay and eat, or you can bring Matt one."

So, with that said, a little yellow creature ran up to the table with a big bowl on it. He was still very humanely twitching his nose and then licking his lips as if he couldn't wait.

Schiller made Chinese dishes, rice, sweet and sour short ribs, hot and sour shredded potatoes, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

As hungry and panicked as he was, Peter stared directly at the dining table, unable to refuse it.

Since he acquired the spider ability, Peter's appetite has also increased a lot, and he was extremely famished. After eating a whole rice cooker, Peter was really embarrassed. He put down the bowl with red ears and said, "Really, I'm sorry, doctor, I seem to have eaten all your meals, that... I'll pay..."

"No, no need," Schiller said. "I was planning to make another pot of rice. After all, I have to bring it back to my old friend. There are still some spare ribs in the pot. Go get that lunch box in the cupboard and bring it back to Matt."

The little spider ran to the kitchen and not only made a new pot of rice but also cleaned the pots and bowls.

Schiller thinks this version of Spider-Man is still very likeable.

In contrast, Pikachu had a round belly. After eating, he spread out on a chair and started snoring. Schiller grabbed his lightning-shaped tail and shook it, saying, "Even if someone is in charge of washing up today, this is not a reason why you can avoid the work of throwing away the garbage."

"Oh, sir, I can do it along the way," said Peter.

"Okay, please, oh, by the way, there is no garbage disposal area in Hell's Kitchen. Go ahead, there is a corner, there is a pile of waste, just throw the garbage there."

After picking up two large bags of kitchen waste, Peter walked out of the back door of the clinic and saw right away where Schiller pointed. It was a short distance from the clinic, and there were a lot of broken bricks and waste wood. There was also some junk thrown by others, which was piled high and had a strong odor.

There are a number of beggars next to these garbage heaps, all pointing to the food waste left behind by others or not consumed by them.

When Little Spider walked past, these beggars were all on the other side of the waste heap. He didn't see them. Maybe he was full, or maybe the Chinese food made by Schiller was just too scrumptious for his taste, and the depression in Peter's heart was swept away. With two bags of garbage in hand, he ran a short sprint and threw the garbage to the top of the heap.

"Bingo!" yelled Peter, as he used to do when he and Uncle Ben used to take out the trash, far away, and then tossed the trash bags hard, hoping they would land right in the trash.

But he didn't have that much strength before, and it was often Uncle Ben who cleaned up the mess for him. Peter thought, the next time he has to throw garbage, he must let his uncle see his current arm strength.

He threw the garbage bags up, and one of the garbage bags shattered. There were bones left over from a few people's meals, some leftover minced meat from Schiller's cooking, a little shredded potato that wasn't finished, and half sprouts. There were just potatoes, but those beggars wanted to grab them as if they had seen some rare delicacy.

The waste heap has been piled up into a hill. The beggars have to step on broken bricks and wooden boards when they want to climb up. Moreover, the top of the waste heap is a triangle formed by several large broken walls. The beggars struggled to climb up. Climbing, then Peter saw someone picking up trash.

He felt a little embarrassed, so he climbed up to the top of the waste heap, trying to get rid of it.

The beggars are not Spider-Man with mutation ability. They have been hungry for a long time and have no strength. One of the old women was close to the top of the mountain, but she broke a piece of waste she was holding when she was rushing. Down, losing the support of her hands, she fell straight back.

As soon as Spider-Man stood at the top of the waste heap, he saw a beggar on the opposite side fall down. He reached out to grab it, but he was a step too late.

There is nothing but waste in this waste pile. He feared they would die if they hit the wine bottle fragments, steel bars, or spiked wooden boards thrown by the drunkards upstairs.

Fortunately, Peter had supernatural powers. He quickly bent down and grabbed the falling beggar. Before he could be proud, he heard a loud roar, followed by a sharp and harsh braking sound.

Blood splashed. Peter turned his head and looked at the nearest intersection in disbelief. He was very familiar with that figure.

That's Daredevil.

A lot of blood flowed from the place where he landed, and the strong smell of blood made the world in front of Peter's eyes a hazy red.

He rushed down like a madman, and Matt lay there. His eyes, nose, and mouth were all oozing blood. His spine was twisted into a weird shape as if it had been broken.

But he wasn't dead, but after losing the nerves connected to his brain, he couldn't move at all.

Peter was trembling all over. He couldn't care less, he quickly picked Matt up and rushed in through the back door of Schiller's clinic. He shouted, "Doctor! Doctor! There is someone here who needs treatment!!!"

When Schiller saw Matt, he knew that he might have been attacked by those who wanted to assassinate him again. He said, "The garage is next to him. Put him in the car and take him to the Presbyterian hospital immediately."

With such a serious injury, I am afraid that only the most reputable hospitals have a chance of saving him.

Schiller rampaged through the streets of Manhattan and took Matt to Presbyterian Hospital as fast as he could. In this hospital, staff still remember him as he sent Matt to the emergency room.

A serious-looking doctor replied to them, "It is unlikely that this gentleman can be saved. Unfortunately, he is no longer able to write a suicide note or an oral will. You should contact his family members in case they want to see him for the last time."

Peter was on the verge of collapsing; all things were interconnected. He really didn't expect that who the gangsters wanted to murder that day was precisely the only good person in Hell's Kitchen - Daredevil Matt.

He couldn't accept that all this was caused by him. If he killed those gangsters when he heard about it, no, if he just told Matt about it, he would definitely be more careful.

If he didn't stay at the clinic to eat but left immediately after taking the medicine, Matt would not come out to find him.

He had so many chances to save his friends, but he still did nothing.

Daredevil was dying, and Peter couldn't accept that fact.

Schiller was very calm. He asked the doctor in charge: "Where is his main problem? Cardiopulmonary function? Brain surgery? Or intra-abdominal trauma?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "None of them. There is a problem with his spine. I'm afraid his nerves will no longer be connected. Even if he can barely save his life, he will not be able to move for the rest of his life."

Schiller took a deep breath and said, "I just want to know how to save him."

The doctor hesitated and said, "Maybe Dr. Strange has a way. He is the most skilled neurosurgeon in our region, and maybe he is the only one who can connect so many nerves."

Schiller turned around immediately, and said, "Peter, I'm hoping to find someone who can save Matt, but you have to stay here. You know Matt is in the hospital, but those who want to kill him will not give up. After I leave, you must ensure that no one enters the operating room, and I will come back as quickly as possible."

After speaking, he left immediately.

Peter kept talking, trembling all over, "No one will go in the operating room, no one will go in the operating room, I won't let anyone in..."

After Schiller left the hospital, he called Pepper and said, "I hope to get the home address of a doctor named Strange."

Pepper didn't ask him why. Soon, he received a string of addresses on his mobile phone. It was not far from the Presbyterian hospital, and it was the most upscale apartment nearby.

Schiller teleported directly and arrived at the apartment building as quickly as possible. He didn't take the elevator at all, and he didn't intend to knock on the door. With a series of flashes, he passed through the wall and appeared behind Strange who was having afternoon tea.

Strange heard a movement, and as soon as he turned his head, a crutch pressed straight against his Adam's apple.

"Listen, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. A friend of mine was seriously injured and is now being treated at Presbyterian Hospital. You are the most skilled neurosurgeon around. Now get your stuff right away."

Strange showed an absurd expression. Schiller let go of his hand holding the crutch, but the crutch was still floating in mid-air, pointing straight at Strange. Strange raised his hands and stepped back. There was nothing holding the crutch. He took it but kept it against his neck.

As soon as Schiller reached out to the air, Strange's coat on the hanger flew over. Strange's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief. Schiller threw the coat at him and said, "I think you understand that you have no right to refuse now. Just follow me immediately."


[ShaneFreak: Anyone? Quicker way to shut up Strange and make him do you bidding?...]