Chapter-26 | Zero-Dollar Purchase...

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"For this class assignment, I would like to give extra credit to Mr. Robert, his argument for emotion splitting analysis is very much in line with the theories I covered in class, and of course Miss Hoff wrote the most words this time, but I must say that word count does not mean quality of completion, and I would be much happier if you could articulate your argument in less than 3,000 words. "

"And not surprisingly, there is still one person who has not turned in their homework this time, Mr. Wayne, please come to my office after class, if you are still not able to finish your homework, then I guess you don't have to come to the final exam, after all, if you don't have any homework points, even if you take the exam, you will definitely not get the credit for the semester. "

Schiller closed the textbook in front of him and said, "Class dismissed."

Gotham University is located on the East Coast of the United States. As we all know, almost all of the famous universities in the United States are located on the East Coast, including Harvard, MIT, Princeton, and so on.

As a national university, Gotham University is not a competitor to these schools; it is a nationally recognized institution, but it is not an Ivy League school. The notorious Gotham City has notoriously bad security, so almost no local students apply; Gotham City is a place where people can attend college, but they can also apply to top local universities and colleges.

This leads to students who stay at Gotham either not applying outside or being foreign students.

You can hardly expect good grades from these people, and a good chunk of them get their homework done on time, all because of Schiller's fierce reputation.

Although this is not the main reason why Gotham University is not ranked high, after all, Gotham University has the tremendous support of the Wayne family. Therefore, even if you spend money, you can also hire many top professors. With top professors and high-end laboratory equipment, there is no worry about attracting top talent. Regarding the security issue, as long as you do not leave Gotham University, you will be fine.

The problem is that the president of Gotham University has been reluctant to let the Wayne family control the school too much. I don't think he is so noble. Gotham University is a bargaining chip in his political arsenal. He is not willing to give this fruit to the Wayne family.

So, the University of Gotham has been in a state of half-death. Schiller is very unhappy. He doesn't want his flawless resume, teaching experience at a bottom-ranked school.

Let Gotham be in chaos, Schiller only wants to plant Gotham University, he set himself a small goal--First, let Gotham University become an Ivy League member.

We are all northeastern universities; Gotham University's football team also has positive results, so joining the Ivy League is not excessive, is it?

Until then, Batman and other criminals will beat their brains out, he doesn't care.

In the afternoon, after Bruce came to Schiller's office, he explained: "Professor, in fact, I did not write the paper. I will let my butler send over the flash drive later."

"Not bringing it means you didn't write it." Schiller said viciously.

He tapped the table and said, "If I can't do anything about Bruce not writing his homework, then no one else will be affected either, is that what you think, right? After all, it's normal for the Waynes to have some privileges."

"But it's not like the hundreds of millions of dollars you're funding the school is flowing into my pocket, so if you don't do your homework again, I'll dock all your credits just the same and keep you from getting your diploma."

Bruce whispered, "I actually have my diploma right now, and the factory that printed it is owned by my family."

Schiller rubbed his forehead and said, "What am I wasting my time with you, this damn rich kid ... How's your investigation progressing?"

"Miss Christine really did not leave Gotham University, she disappeared within the school, but it is also true that this has nothing to do with Jonathan, because she disappeared only after Jonathan was arrested."

"Do you have a suspect?" Schiller asked.

"In fact, the president of Gotham University is highly suspicious."

Before Schiller could open his mouth to question, Bruce said, "It's true that I have no evidence to prove that he kidnapped Christine, but the three jurors who actively exonerated Jonathan, as well as Jonathan's defense attorney, are from a very well-known gang in eastern Gotham, the Red Ravens."

"And the president of Gotham University is friends with the head of this mob, they've been to the mayor's dinner together and, most importantly, his daughter is married to the head of the Red Ravens who runs smuggling logistics."

"But what role does Christine play in this story? As far as I know, she's just an ordinary girl, only very good-looking."

"I suspect that Miss Christine may have heard some of the principal's plans concerning Jonathan."

Bruce put both arms on the table as he frowned and said, "You know, the football league is about to start and the cheerleading troupe has a lot to deal with. Before their dance uniforms for the upcoming season were never approved, Christine was so anxious about it that she chose to talk to the principal, and maybe that's when she heard something she shouldn't have heard. "

"Do you have any evidence of that?" Schiller asked.

"I don't think I'm willing to dwell on the evidence anymore, and I certainly wouldn't just arbitrarily turn to the principal, because it might spook him."

Schiller said, "I suspect she is still alive. You know, if the person who did it was really the principal, then it is unlikely that he would just kill Christine. This is because there is no way that the cheerleading troupe can replace a leader in such a short period of time. If something is wrong with the cheerleading troupe, it will definitely affect the performance of the football game. This is the only thing that Gotham University has an advantage over. It's part of the principal's personal resume."

Bruce sighed and said, "Either way, Miss Christine is innocent."

"Have you seen Gordon lately? How's it going on his end?"

"Not so well. I think if I can find Miss Christine and get her to act as a witness against the group for deliberate exoneration, then maybe Jonathan can go to the slammer."

"Actually, have you ever thought about that? Jonathan can be sent to jail without having to be in Gotham Prison."

"You want me to build a private prison?"

Schiller did not speak, he just stood up and said, "Every criminal you catch in the future, you intend to put through a set of such a process?"

"Or do you think it would be fun to fight them through these judicial proceedings that are full of injustice?"

"What exactly is Batman supposed to do? You know better than I do, Bruce."

As far as Schiller is concerned, Jonathan's fear of gas will run out sooner or later if he's sent to prison and he himself does not have the recipe. It would be a pity for such a useful weapon to disappear.

Whenever he thinks of Jonathan, he knows that the right course of action is not to try to force the recipe on him for fear of gas, and much less to fish him out of prison and make him work for himself - that is trouble and dangerous as well.

Basically, all he needed to do was find an underling for Jonathan, let them use the formula, manage Jonathan to work, and then Schiller could sit back and enjoy stealing the ready-made fear gas.

Schiller estimates that the current Jonathan is still too young, he has already handed over the recipe for fear of gas, the gang got the recipe, and there are ways to get it back.

There will be a fair amount of fear gas as the gang plans something quite substantial. Therefore, to mass produce this gas, they must need a factory assembly line.

Gotham has many chemical plants, but most are not very professional; only one place has high-end chemical production lines, and that is Wayne Chemical Plant.

It doesn't matter what this group of people do to cover up or operate, as long as they want to achieve their goals, there is no escape from Wayne Chemical Plant's production lines.

Using gray mist, Schiller could walk farther at night.

Not to his surprise, on another rainy night, Schiller saw a car with a license plate ending in 676 outside the railing of the Wayne Chemical Plant. This car was driving into the plant.

In the days that followed, a steady stream of trucks shuttled between Wayne Chemical plants, possibly transporting some large equipment. Schiller had no intention of stopping them, but instead tracked the trucks to their destination: smuggling chemical plant production lines.

It was in the eastern part of Gotham City, where the Red Ravens were located. There was a chemical plant there, but it was not as large as the Wayne plant. Equipment stolen from the Wayne plant was transported to this small chemical plant.

However, when the new production line started, there was a problem, as they lacked a few machines. After all, the Wayne chemical plant wasn't prepared for producing fear gas, so some machines still had to be purchased.

The second is that they find these chemists, but it seems that none of them are as accomplished as Jonathan. On the assembly line the experiment turned out poorly. As a result, the fear gas was not as powerful as Jonathan's.

So, all the problems came down to this. They must fish Jonathan out.

Schiller also did not expect this group of gangsters to be so stupid.

As a result, Schiller's zero-dollar purchase plan failed.


Helper of the day!

Rigchel : Thanks for correcting silly mistakes!