Chapter-28 | The Stupid Villain...

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Wayne and the chancellor of Gotham University were thinking about how to deal with Bruce, but Batman was also thinking about how to deal with them.

He has figured out many things after these days of honing, such as Schiller asking him every question, and he has figured out the answer to each.

Now he has admitted that he is different from the police. While he is not the embodiment of absolute justice, he has nothing in common with criminals, since they do not follow the law. Instead, Batman has decided to defend only his own justice, without caring about judicial justice.

In this way, the methods he used to investigate Christina's disappearance are no longer so awkward and ridiculous.

Once Batman has figured it out, no one can match his intelligence and execution.

He began his career as a university chancellor. Compared to Victor, an old police officer who has worked in the police field for many years, the chancellor of Gotham University is also cautious, but he has not gone to the police academy, has not received professional anti-investigation training, and physically speaking, he is just an ordinary person. He is much easier to deal with.

One night, Batman sneaked into the chancellor's home. Although he did not find the location where Christina was kidnapped, he found several inconspicuous call records on the chancellor's landline.

He guessed that the kidnapping of Christina would not be personally done by the chancellor, he should have accomplices or subordinates, and contacting them through the landline was the safest way, because the means to crack the landline call records were not available to everyone, ordinary people could not see which numbers the old-fashioned landline had called.

Bruce resumed his student identity and walked to the chancellor's office on purpose. His reason was also very legitimate. He clearly wrote the homework, but Schiller still deducted his homework score, so he decided to complain to the chancellor.

During communication with the chancellor, Batman collected the chancellor's voice sample with professional equipment and then dialed the strange number through the pitch changer.

Batman's rhetoric was also fierce. He did not ask any questions, but just said ambiguously: "How is the person now?"

The person on the other side did not seem too cautious either. Without thinking, he replied to him: "Sir, we have not moved her according to your request, but with such a beautiful little girl, my subordinates are a bit uncontrollable..."

Unlike Batman, he said, "If you have any problems, you'll be finished.".

"Of course, of course, I will take proper care of them."

In fact, as soon as the person on the other side spoke, Batman knew that it was just a few gangsters. The gangs of Gotham were all of the same characters, and Batman was not familiar with them.

After finishing the call, Batman quickly located the location of these gang members. Although Batman's equipment was not yet fully developed, the Wayne family had so many satellites in the sky that it should not be difficult to track a cellphone signal.

Upon finding the location, it was indeed safe for Christine to be rescued. This is because the principal did not want to use her to threaten the Wayne family, but rather to use her as an informant. Naturally, he could not harm her, otherwise how could he be on a date with Bruce?

After Batman rescued Christine, although she did not suffer any physical injuries, she was still greatly shocked mentally. After Batman took her to the hospital, Christine also stated that she was willing to testify in court and identify the principal as the one who kidnapped her.

On the other hand, things weren't going well for Victor either. In front of an old hand like Victor, Gordon, a righteous assassin, was the most difficult person to deal with. After all, Victor could not shout at the police station that it was wrong for Gordon to pursue justice. He had to pretend to be a noble person.

Gordon knew in his heart what kind of person Victor was, but he still had to pretend to play along with him. He had to stall for time, and prevent him from having time to destroy evidence for Jonathan or tamper with the files.

Gordon examined everything related to Jonathan too closely, and it was he who solved the case in the first place. It was difficult for Victor to guarantee that after he destroyed the evidence in the police station, Gordon would not have a trick up his sleeves. Although this newcomer was reckless and difficult to deal with, he did have some ability.

And Maroni was even more unlucky. In order to increase Maroni's sunk costs, Schiller would occasionally travel to the chemical plant to cause damage. He didn't do anything major, just today taking two parts out of a machine, and tomorrow blocking the drainpipe. These small things would only be seen as accidental accidents, but they were very time-consuming.

Some of the parts in the machines had to be purchased from the original factory, and Maroni could only buy them by spending a great deal of effort. Some were not provided by the original factory, and he had to spend even more money to buy them from others.

In the end, another one million dollars was spent, but not even a splash was made.

Maroni believed that these problems were all caused by the slow release of Jonathan. He believed that these workers were not professionals and that only Jonathan could do the job, so he pressured Victor.

Victor, feeling nervous, had to go back to the principal, but the principal found that Christine, whom he had kidnapped, was missing. All the plans had not yet begun, and they had already failed.

Schiller was eager to implement the plan with him, and after the police chief and principal discovered that the key figure was missing, under tremendous pressure, they had no choice but to take the risk and decide to kidnap Bruce directly.

On the day that Schiller accepted Bruce's invitation to have dinner at Wayne Manor, Bruce finished his classes and headed straight for Schiller. The two of them got in the car together, planning to go directly to Wayne Manor.

There is a certain distance between Gotham University and Wayne Manor, but not as far as the East District. It takes at least half an hour to drive there.

If there is one advantage to Gotham, it is that the traffic is not as congested as in New York. The roads in this ghost town are straight and wide, so when you drive, you can accelerate freely.

In order to show sincerity, Bruce did not have the driver pick them up, but drove himself in a car.

Due to an apparent show-off mentality, he did not drive a heavy, safe vehicle, but a flashy Lamborghini in a bright blue color.

Just as Bruce was about to reach a speed of 140 mph, a few masked men suddenly rushed out of the corner, the black holes of their gun barrels pointing at the car. Bruce's first reaction was to turn the steering wheel.

He wasn't afraid, but the professor sitting in the passenger seat had not undergone any training. He shouted, "Professor, get down!"

Schiller calmly said, "I'm sure the car your butler ordered for you has bulletproof glass and tires."

Then he said, "If you want to find out who is behind this, you can pretend to lose control of the car and knock yourself unconscious. Maybe you'll get some clues later."

Bruce could see that these people were probably there to kidnap him, otherwise they wouldn't have shot all the bullets at the undercarriage of the vehicle.

Bruce hesitated. If he were alone, he would definitely do this, but he treated Schiller as an ordinary person. If he was kidnapped, the kidnappers would definitely not kill him, but Schiller might not be so lucky.

Schiller said, "I don't think you need to worry about me. I'm not joking around with my own life."

In the end, Bruce stopped the car. He turned the steering wheel hard, making the car spin a few times in the middle of the road before finally crashing into a street lamp. It looked like the brakes had failed. Then he leaned his head against the steering wheel, pretending to be unconscious. Schiller also pretends to pass out.

Those kidnappers were relatively chivalrous and saw that there was more than one person in the car, so they didn't immediately kill them. Instead, they tied Schiller up to the car, being cautious and putting hoods and handcuffs on both of them.

After the car drove for a while, they probably arrived at some slum. Bruce and Schiller were taken out of the car and brought to a room.

Their hoods were taken off, and Bruce and Schiller both pretended to be shocked, but Schiller was really shocked when the principal walked out.

He couldn't believe that the person behind the scenes would dare to come out so openly, not even wearing a mask and even wearing a suit from work. Schiller was speechless.

Even if you don't know that Bruce is Batman, if you cover up 99 steps of terrible deeds, the only thing left is this slip-up?

If you picked Bruce up and shook him now and there weren't two pounds of tiny cameras falling out of him, he would have let his guard down!

Of course, as in the movie, the fat principal began to talk in extensive detail about his evil plan.

He said that he had already prepared a substitute for Bruce, and as soon as Bruce was kidnapped, he could replace him. He had originally planned to kidnap Christine through kidnapping, but he didn't expect Bruce to be so weak and only a few gunmen were needed to succeed.

While boasting, he confessed to all his crimes.

Bruce quickly overpowered the kidnappers and handcuffed Dean. With the help of Gordon and the evidence they had gathered, they were able to bring the criminal to justice.

Finally, Bruce and Schiller retrieved the map and personnel details of the chemical plant they had been planning to take down, and Bruce, as Batman, set out to complete their mission.