Chapter-31 | Shield & Iron Encounters...

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"I've never seen such an annoying guy like him. I dare say that if he were on the battlefield, he would have been shot dead countless times by his superiors!"

Steve paced back and forth in the middle of Schiller's psychiatric clinic waiting room, his waist crossed and fists waving, loudly expressing his views. He looked like an angry lion, his military temperament showing no signs of dissipating.

Steve said, "I really should give him a waist-to-shoulder throw to see if his damn iron shell is as fragile as glass!"

Steve's anger began last night...

Last night, Peter finished his final exams. Naturally, he wanted to wander around New York, longing for the feeling of flying through the slightly cool air in the city after being cooped up studying for weeks.

But recently, his relationship with Gwen has been heating up. After the exams, Gwen naturally invited him to a party, feeling that Peter had been too isolated and should interact more with his classmates. So she insisted on dragging him to the post-exam party.

Peter really wanted to be a superhero, but he really liked Gwen too. In the end, Peter agreed to Gwen's invitation and the two happily headed to the party.

It was foreseeable that Spider-Man would come out to play after the exams, and not just Schiller. Of course, there was also the genius Tony Stark.

Steve stopped on top of a tall building, and the mech hovered in mid-air. A voice came from across from him:

"Look, another hero has appeared. As if one swinging Spiderman in New York wasn't enough, what's your code name? Galactus Superman?"

Steve said, "I thought modern people would be more polite. So, who are you?"

"You don't know Iron Man? Where are you from, an antique? Don't tell me, you were mesmerized by the radiance of my flashy mech, hahaha."

Iron Man has become quite famous in New York now. Although Stark's rescue operations are often rough, his mech is really cool, and countless spectators have recorded Iron Man's heroic posture. There is even a small group of fans who have set up a website dedicated to him, making him quite well-known in the US.

"I am indeed an antique," Steve said.

"But at least I know manners. Before we talk, shouldn't you tell me your name first?"

Stark doesn't mind revealing his true identity because he can see that the person in front of him also has special abilities. After all, an ordinary person wouldn't be able to jump more than ten meters away.

Since we are all colleagues, there is nothing to hide, he said: "As you can see, I am Stark. Who else but the owner of Stark Industries could develop such advanced mechs?"

Steve's face suddenly changed. He said: "You are Stark? ...Your last name is Stark?"

"What is your relationship with Howard Stark?"

The mech across from him landed and he said: "Don't mention that name to me, you weirdo. What does that have to do with me?"

"You have no relationship with him, yet you inherited Stark Industries..." Steve's face became even stranger.

Before Stark could continue to mock, he was hit by a huge force and flew directly out.

Indeed, Captain America is not the small Spider-Man of today. In the comics, he has more than once smashed Stark's mech. Stark's mech has not yet undergone several upgrades and Iron Man has not yet reached the peak, but Captain America has always remained at the peak.

Mark 5's interior burst with sparks. Jarvis sounded the alarm. Stark was shocked and tried to control the mech to escape. He had never encountered such a monster before. Steve's strength rendered the advanced metal alloy shell as brittle as a cookie.

Steve held him by the waist, pressed Stark to the ground, and then swung his fist. The mech's mask was smashed by a few punches, Jarvis frantically sounded the alarm, and Stark shouted angrily: "Direct electric shock!!"

Jarvis said: "An electric surge could cause the mech to be scrapped."

"I said, launch the electric shock directly!"

With a loud noise, Mark 5's body emitted a bright electric light. Steve was directly knocked out, and Stark was even worse off. He was urgently ejected from the mech and fell to the ground.

Both of them became pitch black and their hair stood up due to electricity.

"You damn thieves!" Steve said.

Stark said: "You crazy person! Why did you suddenly attack me? I don't even know you!"

"But I am friends with old Stark!"

Steve quickly stood up and grabbed Stark's collar, asking, "How did you get Stark Industries? Where are Howard's descendants? What did you do to him?"

Suddenly, Jarvis said in Stark's ear: "According to Mr. Schiller's provided microexpression analysis logic, there may be a huge misunderstanding here."

Stark turned off the headphones and asked, "In the current situation, is it necessary to read microexpressions?"

He looked at Steve, although he was grabbed by the collar, he still shook his head arrogantly and said: "I suspect that you can't understand English, when did I say I have no relationship with Howard..."

Steve looked at him with a dumb look, as if he were a senile dementia patient.

"Damn it! I meant, but that's not what I meant!"

Stark turned his eyes to the side and reluctantly admitted: "He is my father, but my genius creation has nothing to do with him..."

Steve raised his hand and threw Stark to the ground, causing him to cry out in pain.

Steve hugged him and said: "You have nothing in common with Howard. Your father was a brave warrior, and you, do you know how annoying you are?"

Indeed, Stark's arrogance is engraved in his bones, and anyone who sees him will not think he is a good person to get along with.

Stark sat up and said loudly: "Are you a sufferer of mania? How could you possibly know my father? Is it a matter from a previous life?"

Steve was too lazy to explain it to him. After coming out tonight, he did not meet the target he was looking for, but met the descendant of Howard, and his old friend's descendant looked crooked, which made Steve feel very irritable.

Suddenly, Steve heard a gust of wind, but he was slow to react because he was immersed in thought. A mecha hugged him and rushed out, throwing him downstairs.

This height is not enough to kill Captain America. Steve rolled twice after landing, and then saw Stark on the roof, looking at him with a mocking face, and then the brand-new mecha was armed on him, the face armor lifted up, Stark said: "It seems that you may indeed be friends with my father, after all, my friends would not react as slowly as you."

After saying this, he flew away.

Steve was angry and hammered the ground fiercely.

So Steve appeared in Schiller's psychological clinic and scolded Stark.

If Stark were just a stranger, Steve would not have been so angry. However, he had fought side-by-side with Howard. When he thought about the son of his old friend becoming like this, Steve was both angry and a bit ashamed. He felt that he had not fulfilled his educational responsibilities.

After Schiller left, Coulson called Schiller.

"Doctor Schiller, I have to admit, my previous praise may have had a formal component, but now it definitely doesn't. Captain America has suddenly become very lively. He just returned and ran to the training room, beating up a dozen coaches. Nick Fury had a talk with him about preparing a special operations team, and he agreed without hesitation. He even requested that the agency prepare a special training room for him."

"My God, Captain America, he's been reborn!"

Schiller chuckled and said, "Positive emotions that drive people to be proactive don't necessarily have to be a sense of responsibility or ideals. It could also be anger."

Coulson said somewhat cluelessly, "The captain looks a little angry. What's wrong? Did he run into any trouble?"

"He does have a small problem, but that's not something you can solve anymore," Schiller replied before hanging up the phone. His doorbell rang and Peter, wearing a school uniform and carrying a bag, opened the clinic's door and waved at Schiller while saying, "Hey, Doctor! You wouldn't believe how much fun the party I just went to was..."