Chapter-33 | Delicious & Filling...

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Regarding Peter deciding to stay here, Schiller thought it was still a bit shallow.

Indeed, Spider-Man is kind, brave and determined, but at the same time, Peter also has the same flaws that many boys his age have, such as staying up late at night and not getting up in the morning, being addicted to games and sleeping during the day.

Perhaps due to the Spider mutation, Peter has a large appetite and is addicted to various American burgers and fried chicken. He believes that if this continues he will become a crab, because he will gain fat from the spider.

Schiller knocked on the pot edge and said, "Listen, I don't care how much physical strength you have spent practicing with Steve recently, but no human can want to eat a large bucket of porridge after eating five pots of rice."

Peter put down his bowl and touched his stomach, saying, "I never dreamed that I could eat so much before. I suspect there is a black hole in my stomach."

Matt limped in the door. His injury had not fully healed. Peter quickly stood up to support him, and Matt said, "He is growing now, it is natural to eat more, but kid, you have to promise me, after eating, hurry up and exercise. If you don't want to become a ball, it's wise not to stay in your room all day playing games."

Schiller also picked up Pikachu and said, "I guess you're the one who corrupted Peter, either by eating so much all at once or playing games all the time with your hands on the controller..."

Pikachu retorted in a Deadpool-like voice, "How can you blame me for this? This sticky kid is skinny like bean sprouts, and he's really terrible at playing games. Every time I play a fighting game with him, I have to let him use one hand, and in Armed Assault, the onions you cut in the morning are better at aiming at enemies than he is..."

Before Pikachu could finish speaking, Peter covered his mouth and Schiller said, "There's no more rice at the clinic. We'll have to buy more tomorrow. So you guys will have to figure out dinner for yourselves tonight."

Peter gave a wail and Schiller wiped the water droplets from his hands and said, "It's not just your dinner, it's mine too."

"Are we going out to eat?" Peter asked.

"Of course, and I know a suitable place. It's one of the perks they offer me as part of my job. I hear the food there isn't very tasty, but it'll definitely fill you up."

"Hmph." Peter gave a contemptuous snort and said, "Then they're still too young. I feel like I could eat ten cows right now."

The international headquarters of the Shield Agency are located in New York, with the entrance in a phone booth not far from Manhattan. However, once you enter the phone booth, the elevator takes you on a winding journey to who knows where.

Suddenly, the elevator stops and Schiller realizes they're in the suburbs.

Schiller and Peter walked out of the elevator. Coulson stood in front of them to welcome them and said, "As you can see, welcome to the international reception center of SHIELD, a special reception center for SHIELD's external members and a base for elite field agents."

Schiller looked at his watch and said, "I think you should fulfill the benefits written in the contract when you joined, right?"

"Yes, the employee cafeteria is always free, and so is the coffee, but the concentrated coffee here may not meet your standards. If you have high demands for coffee, I can report it to the higher-ups." Coulson said with a smile.

"No, it's fine," Schiller waved his hand and said, "I don't really have much hope for the coffee tastes of people who like to drink boiled water."

Coulson led Schiller and Peter through the hall and then through the living area. There was not much in the way of science fiction decorations here, but rather a Nordic minimalist style, with a lot of fabric decorations that looked quite comfortable.

Peter looked around, a little disappointed and said, "I thought you would work in a place like an alien spaceship."

"Uh... the International Defense Headquarters and some research headquarters are like that, but this is just a reception center, not a high-tech base." Coulson explained with a smile.

"Well... international defense headquarters and some research headquarters are like that, but this is just a reception center. It's a place for field agents to eat and rest. Do you think it's a wise idea to stay on an alien spacecraft for 24 hours?"

Peter didn't answer, but it was clear that this did not meet his expectations of SHIELD.

Coulson is a smart man. He said, "If you officially join SHIELD, you'll have the opportunity to go to headquarters and it will surprise you."

Before Peter could ask, they arrived at the cafeteria. This place was a little bit sci-fi because there was no chef, but rows of food were placed on various conveyor belts, coming out of various windows.

"Is this a buffet?" Schiller asked.

"Field agents don't have much time to wait for a chef to cook, so this is a buffet. But you can be assured that you can find dishes from all over the world here and the taste is not bad."

"That's all I want," Schiller said.

Peter touched his stomach and Schiller patted his shoulder and said, "Go, Peter. I think you can make them regret giving me this job benefit."

Coulson smiled and said, "SHIELD is not so poor that they would let agents become hungry. Come on, kid, your eating speed can't keep up with the production line here."

Schiller smiled slightly.

Three hours later, Natasha walked in through the door with a phone in her hand, shouting at the person on the other end, "Don't you know I'm following Stark on a mission? ... And what nonsense are you talking about? When did SHIELD change the contract? Is there anything we can't provide in the treaty? Do you need me to rush back now to change it?"

She walked quickly towards the dining hall while talking on the phone and pushed the door open, saying, "Coulson! Damn it, you better give me a valid reason, or I'll complain to the director about your interference with my work..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the mountain of plates in the center of the dining hall.

This was not an exaggerated adjective, but a fact. The entire circular dining hall was quite large, about several thousand square meters. However, at this moment, the center of the dining hall had been blocked by a pile of plates that reached the ceiling, like a huge pyramid.

This pile of plates was at least three people high and dozens of people could not even lift it together. And from the situation on the scene, it seemed they had not finished eating yet.

Natasha stepped over the remains of food and tapped a delivery robot that was smoking, saying in shock, "What happened here? Did Nick Fury finally decide to raise dinosaurs in SHIELD?!"

Coulson leaned weakly against a bar and said, "The clause on employee meal benefits in the contract really needs to be changed..."

Nathasha looked over the stack of dishes and said, "I remember this rule, but employees are not allowed to bring outsiders, right? How many people did he bring? Could there be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent?"

Coulson pointed and Nathasha walked around the stack of dishes, finding only three figures, two large and one small.

Peter had already lost, leaning on a chair and taking a nap. Pikachu looked slightly sluggish, but still threw plate after plate onto the top of the stack.

Only Schiller, with his grey mist, was not afraid of not being able to finish so much food. Instead, he just stored the food in the grey fog, decomposing it and not eating it at all.

Simply put, he was here to restock.

In addition to eating, the gray mist also ingested fear poison gas and consumed several dozen kilograms of desserts with chocolate, syrup, and pickled fruit. Schiller even allowed it to ingest some of the concentrated poison gas. At this moment, it was happily looping the magic song it learned from television in Schiller's mind.

Nathasha blinked and was momentarily speechless.

"Hey, is the restaurant open for business? I just finished my run and came back. There's rosemary beef tonight..."

Captain America pushed open the door and was stunned. He exclaimed in shock, "I knew it. Decades ago, Nick told me he wanted to raise an elephant, but I didn't expect him to fulfill that wish now..."

When Coulson lifted his arm, Captain America also bypassed the pile of plates and saw the three people eating to their hearts' content.

"Hmm..." Captain America bit his lips, hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Natasha and said, "Don't tell me that all the food in the restaurant has been eaten by them."

Natasha gave a fake smile that was not really a smile, and fiercely tapped the top of the delivery robot beside her, popping out a panel.

After looking at it, she said, "Well, now we can decide which restaurant in New York to have dinner at, and consider where to eat for breakfast and lunch tomorrow."

Schiller stood up like a person who had nothing to do, he said: "Thank you for your hospitality, I think the employee benefits here are really helpful, but unfortunately I am in a hurry today, after all, I have a friend who is hungry, I have to pack some food for him to go back, let's just have lunch here for now."

Natasha stopped him and said, "Although SHIELD can afford the cost of these items, if you eat here, you have to give us some time to restock. During the restocking period, other agents won't have anything to eat. Can you bear to let your colleagues stay hungry?"

Steve said, "Can't you see it?" Of course he could bear it. He can even bear to let his friend grow hungry. I was originally planning to get a big piece of steak, but now it looks like I can't even get fries."

Schiller snapped his fingers and Pikachu dropped the last meat patty. He jumped onto Schiller's shoulder and Schiller smiled, saying, "I have a great place to recommend to you guys. It's a perk of my other job. Even though the food there isn't very tasty, it's definitely filling."

Natasha and Steve squinted their eyes.

Five hours later, Stark looked at the piles of plates in the middle of his employees' cafeteria and he opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Jarvis spoke up, saying, "I think you probably don't want to hear about the food loss in detail right now, but I must say that if new food reserves aren't delivered by 10 o'clock, all the company's employees will be hungry tomorrow."

Stark took a deep breath. He could already imagine the complaints of an angry Pepper tomorrow.

Dressed in his armor, he clanked through the piles of plates and looked at the few people rolling around on chairs, saying, "Very well, you've caused the first food crisis in Stark Industries in a hundred years. If Pepper gets angry with me tomorrow, I'll have to punch one of you."

Schiller said, "Don't worry, we'll just have to buy some more."

"It's already almost 9 o'clock now. Where are you intending to have the procurement team buy something? And all our transport vehicles are out of service. How will we transport it if we do buy something?"

"Come on! You have Captain America, two super agents, Spiderman, and Iron Man and you can't even carry a few groceries?"

Two hours later, everyone flew back with bags in hand.

Stark never dreamed that the first mission for the super hero team would be to go to the nearest super market and buy a ton of food. This would be followed by one person carrying numerous shopping bags back.

Stark complained as he flew, "Dammit, I can't let my fans see Iron Man looking like this. Am I some kind of nanny robot? Or a home-made rice cooker?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed off.

The next day, the front page headline of the New York Times was Iron Man covered in a dozen shopping bags. This was followed by two people flying between skyscrapers behind him also carrying bags of various household goods.

And Pepper, she was yelling at Stark on the top floor of Stark Tower, "You damn busybody! The high-gluten flour you bought has made all the bread and cakes in the employee meals as hard as rubber bands!!!"