Chapter 49 | Armored Ambition (Part 1)

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At this time, Coulson was standing at the door of Nick Fury's office in confusion. He watched all the people who came to this intersection and turned right.

When Natasha came out of Nick's office, Coulson stopped her and asked, "What's the matter?" Why did they take a long detour? I remember that the road closest to the elevator should turn left?"

"Because our genius psychiatrist with exorbitant fees is in the office on the left, waiting for someone to show up for a psychological consultation."

"You actually invited him here. How much did he ask for? Shouldn't it be 100 million dollars an hour?"

"That's not true. Nick's report says 50 million dollars an hour."

Coulson took a breath and said, "That is to say, if I talk to him for psychological counseling now, it will be equivalent to spending 50 million US dollars in vain?"

"You can understand it that way."

"There should be a lot of people queueing up there. Can I still get in line today?"

"In fact, there's no one there." Natasha shrugged and said.

After she finished speaking, she also turned right and left. Coulson yelled, "You're heading the wrong way! There's an emergency passage over there! The elevator is on the left!"

Natasha said without looking back: "I want to exercise! You know, for health preservation!"

Coulson was even more confused. Immediately afterwards, Nick walked out of his office. Coulson greeted him: "Good morning, Director."

Afterward, Nick said, "Natasha has withdrawn from Stark's affairs, and she will look into the Hand Association case." You keep an eye on the one that swings around the city for me."

Coulson answered yes, and then he found that Nick was also turning around to turn right. He grabbed his superior and said, "Director, the elevator is over there. If you walk to the right, you will have to walk for at least 5 minutes."

"Recently, I was exercising and planning to take the stairs."

Coulson was full of questions. He walked directly to the left, muttering alone, and saw that the door to Schiller's office was open. He knocked on the door and walked in. Schiller was immersed in writing. When he saw someone coming in, he raised his head in surprise and said, "Someone actually came..."

Coulson was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't this place open now? I remember saying in the morning meeting that psychological counseling starts this morning."

Schiller stood up with a pen, and deliberately put a stool in front of Coulson. "Of course the door is open! Please come in; you are the first!" Schiller praised Coulson. This kind of enthusiasm made Coulson a bit confused.

"I don't understand. 50 million US dollars per hour of psychological counseling and there is reimbursement from the bureau. Why don't they come?"

"Probably because I offered 50 million dollars and Nick agreed..."

"What's the problem with this? Doesn't it mean that the director is very sure of your competency?"

"Hmm... Leaving aside some of his macroscopic understanding of funds in economics and the flexible use of reimbursement in the institutional framework, have you ever thought that perhaps it is his affirmation of me that makes no one come here?"

"You mean, they think your level is too high?"

Schiller said very speechlessly: "Are you really a level 8 agent? Then what level is Natasha? The full level should be level 100, right?"

"Which agent is willing to find a very powerful psychological counselor, and then see all the secrets in their hearts?"

"I thought it was just some simple emotional adjustment, such as releasing anxiety or something."

"Then you can go to the door to smoke a cigarette."

"That can't be done, the damn smoke alarms here are too sensitive." Coulson said.

"Well, do you want to come here to relieve some depression?"

"I think the captain and you have a pleasant relationship, so that's why I think that. I want him to sign a set of flash cards for me. Can you ask him for me?"

Schiller spread his hands and said, "Okay, I know, but you made me earn this money, if it really relieves your anxiety. Give me the card, and I promise to get him to sign one."

After Coulson left, Schiller was drinking coffee leisurely in the temporary office. However, before he could drink a sharp alarm sound resounded. A small device in his hand started glowing red.

Schiller was startled. His spider sensor did not respond at all! With a sharp sound the fire sprinkler was turned on, and a large amount of water was sprayed from the sprinkler like mist in an instant. If Schiller hadn't hid quickly, he would have drowned.

Coulson and a few agents ran over, looked up at the smoke alarm, and then glanced at Schiller, who was holding a coffee cup and staring at them.

"Smoking is not allowed here."

"I don't smoke."

Coulson showed a skeptical expression and said, "Natasha had the same expression as you when she was caught. Did you throw the cigarette down the sink pipe?"

"Of course not, I don't smoke indoors."

Coulson did not smell smoke. He looked up at the smoke alarm that had been beeping, and said, "Okay, it looks like the damn thing is broken again."

"How on earth did you make a smoke alarm sound hundreds of decibels?"

"If you have 32 fires a month in your home, you'll understand."

The symbiote said in Schiller's mind: "I feel a tad dizzy. Let's go."

Schiller said: "It seems that this is the end of today's psychological consultation. If it is less than an hour, it will be counted as an hour. Don't forget to ask Nick to pay the bill. I will leave first."

Schiller left decisively, because he knew that this was not an accident. Some people didn't want him to stay there.

Human beings are always like this. Since no one has mind-reading skills, they always fantasize that someone can understand them and their thoughts, but when there is someone who actually has the same ability as mind-reading skills, everyone avoids it.

Of course, in S.H.I.E.L.D., it's more likely because of Nick Fury's eccentric talent management system.

After returning to the clinic, Schiller, who hadn't slept for dozens of hours, planned to take a nap. He was hypnotized by the symbiont's music and fell asleep quickly, but before he fell into a deep sleep, he was woken up by a phone call.

"What?... Then what's the use of you looking for me? Go find Pepper."

"She is busy? You think I am free? Well, I am not busy, but I don't want to return to the laboratory. I really don't want to twist the light bulb anymore."

"Yes Yes Yes, I know you designed a magnificent armor, not a light bulb, can you talk about business?"

"Jarvis found an anomaly in the parts repository? The number of parts is wrong? Are you sure you didn't count them wrong? Well, I know... I know you're serious, but how can I help with this? I can't conjure it out of thin air, no, magic doesn't work either..."

"...It's difficult for me to say." Schiller was pacing from living room to clinic. "Perhaps you should ask Jarvis' speculation. He is not just a computer now."

"Jarvis is a little hesitant? Don't you know the answer? Or is it that you actually thought of someone you suspect, but you just don't want to admit it..."

"No, of course my mind reading skills can't be used for this kind of thing. Stop kidding...I can tell you that there is an 80% chance of the person you're thinking of..."

After hanging up the phone, Schiller grabbed Pikachu, rubbed his cheek and said, "A solid steel fortress is always the first to be breached from the inside. It's really difficult to tell."

"What's the matter with that guy?" Pikachu asked.

"It seems that something is missing from his armor. His smart butler gave a suspect answer that he didn't want to hear. Now he is doubting his life."

"You humans always like to add trouble to yourself." Pikachu concluded, "That kid named Parker, when he was playing a game, he was worried about killing the hostages inside. It was just a game. Even if the hostages died and the kidnapper group is wiped out, doesn't it count as our victory?"

"So you rushed over and killed the hostages first?"

"That kid is always dawdling, what can I do? You are obsessed with too many meaningless things, you always put yourself too deep into things. You are worried about things that have not happened yet."

"I really didn't expect that you, as a mouse, would be able to say such philosophical words."

"Of course, I'm Detective Pikachu."

In the Stark Building, all the lights in the Stark Laboratory were turned off, only some lights of the instruments were flickering faintly, like stars in the night sky.

Stark was leaning against the experimental table, sitting on the ground, and a symbol was beating on his mobile phone beside him, which indicated that Jarvis was there.

"I'm trying to comfort you, sir."

"So you turned off all the lights?" Stark's voice was a bit hoarse, and he was exhausted from staying up too late.

"It might relax you a little bit, and the dim lights help relax the brain," Jarvis said.

Stark closed his eyes, he changed to a more relaxed posture. Leaning on the laboratory table, he curled up one leg, then put his arm on it, raised his head, and said: "...maybe this is my retribution."

"The Stark Group's weapons have displaced countless people, so the people I once trusted will leave me one by one..."

"We are still not sure that Mr. Obadiah is the thief." Jarvis said, "In the analysis, he is only about 96% likely."

"Can be more straightforward." Stark said.

"Sorry, I mean there's still a 4% chance that it's not him."

"Who might be the rest?"

"Mr. Schiller 2%, Mr. Parker 1.2%, and yourself 0.8%."

"Schiller? You expect a person who can't even distinguish the numbered mecha parts from 1 to 10 to steal the most important core? And Peter, although that kid is a little stupid, he doesn't know how to steal things. He's a fool who would be shocked to see me smoking."

"I'm trying to comfort you," Jarvis said.

In the end, Stark felt that all the voices of the world were gradually muffled, and he remembered Howard's face while he was half asleep and half awake.

At that time, Uncle Obadiah was standing with his father. They were still very young.


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