Chapter-58 | The World In The Ring...

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[I have changed translation style a bit, tell me if it makes any difference...]


"Later, you should go send this statement to Mrs. Felton in the Registrar's Office. Of course, anything related to the club will be organized after the final exams. I don't think the students have much free time to worry about these things now." Evans nodded, holding the paper tightly in his hand. "Indeed, almost all of them are studying hard. Even those who used to skip classes have been frequenting the library lately," he added.

Schiller, sitting at his own desk, turned over and handed him a pile of papers. "Although I told you the whole book is significant, I think it would be foolish to try to memorize it all at your current level. This is the scope of information for the thesis proposal. Let them use their time to read it," he said.

As he spoke, Bruce knocked on the door. Evans said, "I won't take up any more of your time, Professor. I'll arrange everything as soon as possible." Bruce then came in and took a seat. Schiller asked him as he gathered his textbooks on his desk, "Have you finished reviewing them all?"

"Of course," Bruce replied, still quite proud of his IQ and memory.

"You'd better make sure you pass your paper, or I'll give your butler...what's his name again?"

"Uh, Alfred. Professor, my housekeeper's name is Alfred," Bruce said.

"Oh, yeah, if you don't pass this exam, I'll call your butler Alfred," Schiller warned.

Bruce paused for a moment before responding, "Well, you'd better give me some more information." He couldn't shake off the feeling that Schiller's "call your parents" attitude made him feel like a child, and it made him resentful. But as soon as he imagined the scene, Bruce realized he needed to go back and study more.

"What are you planning to do on your vacation?" Bruce asked, trying to change the subject.

"I have a lot to do," Schiller replied. "What about you? What are your plans?"

"An old classmate of mine, who is the attending physician at Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, called me yesterday. He's a bit short-staffed and invited me over to help out. I'm planning on taking two students with me for an internship."

"Oh? Who are you planning on bringing?"

"I've already talked to Falcone, and Evans is definitely coming. His grades are pretty stellar and he's currently first in the class. I haven't decided on the other student yet."

Just as Bruce was about to speak, Schiller added, "But it's definitely not you. Your grades suck."

Bruce bristled at the comment. "Things haven't settled down at the eastern docks lately. Without the Edwards family, there's been a lot of chaos again. I've been busy at night, as has Gordon."

"I see," Schiller replied. "You should be busy at night not only with your heroic career. How's the female thief who stole your heart?"

Bruce said, "I've been busy lately with other half of my career. Of course, Serena's best friend Maggie hasn't been feeling well lately and she hasn't even been venturing out."

"But..." Bruce smiled a bit and continued, "Our justice attorney, Mr. Harvey, seems to be making some moves. He's interested in the girl from Gotham. That's a rarity. Who has that kind of charm?"

Schiller raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who is she?"

"Kristen. The head of the cheerleading troupe. But isn't she a fan of Batman?"

"Yes, she is. But Harvey helped Christine testify against the old principal again and, this time, thanks to Harvey's defense, the old principal had no excuses like medical parole to use. He was sentenced to 137 years and I'm afraid he'll never come out again."

"How can it not gain the gratitude and admiration of a girl who is so eloquent and so persuasive in court?" Schiller asked with a crease in his brow. "Tsk, tsk, our Mr. Lawyer is a real show-stopper."

After Bruce left, Schiller also returned to his apartment building. His mind was still talking to Green Lantern. He was all too familiar with this situation, because Green Lantern was now in exactly the same state as the little spider who had just gained superpowers.

It appears that Hal obtained the Green Lantern ring from an alien's hand. Compared to Peter, Hal is more mature and responsible. Being older and having a flight license and better psychological qualities than a high school student like Peter, he was able to keep his excitement in check. He didn't reveal anything about the alien or the magic ring.

Schiller chatted with him for a while and then clicked on his avatar to find that Green Lantern's abilities could indeed be copied. He clicked the copy button, but there was a long delay this time and the system didn't give the usual beep. After a while, Schiller noticed that the symbiote in his head was emitting a slight buzzing sound. He called out to the symbiote a few times, but there was no response. Only after a while did the system beep and say "The world in the ring has been loaded."

[ShaneFreak: At first I thought, 'world in the ring' was some error...]

Schiller was confused when the symbiote sent a series of excited brainwaves and he felt something extra on his finger. He looked down and saw that it was an antique silver-grey ring. He found it strange as the system's ability to copy should not be able to duplicate things outside the body. Even if it could copy the Green Lantern ring, it should have been green.

The symbiote then gave Schiller the answer. Green Lantern is a very special hero, and the majority of his abilities come from the Green Lantern ring. These abilities include shaping green energy blades, creating a force field of Green Lantern energy, teleportation and healing abilities, etc. These are the special abilities brought to him by the Green Lantern Ring.

Schiller does not have the Green Lantern ring, so the system uses a symbiotic gray mist as a carrier for these abilities. "So the carrier is you, then what is the use of this ring?" Schiller asked the symbiote. "Nothing useful, but it's pleasant to look at," it replied.

Schiller glanced at his finger and noticed that the ring was quite plain. It was a silvery grey band with a few wavy lines forming a pattern. It didn't look out of place. The only thing that was a bit strange was that it was on his ring finger.

"So how is this ability going to be used?" Schiller asked the symbiote. "Think about it in your head," it replied. Schiller closed his eyes and concentrated. Soon, he found a gray mist within his pitch-black vision, which gradually grew. After a moment of white light, his consciousness appeared on an island shrouded in gray mist.

The island Schiller found himself on was small, as far as the eye could see. He flew to the edge and looked down to discover a vast, sprawling city with no visible boundaries. The city was obscured by layers of hazy gray fog, making it difficult to make out the shapes of the buildings. Occasionally, giant creatures could be seen moving through the city, but their shapes were unclear.

This island was floating in the sky above the city, and Schiller couldn't help but think of Green Lantern's ring from the comics. In the comics, the Green Lantern's ring had its own separate world inside, where the Green Lantern would shrink his enemies and trap them. Schiller realized he may have been trapped in a similar world, one that he couldn't fully control.

The good news was that the isolated island didn't seem to have any connection to the city below. In addition, the creatures below didn't seem to have noticed the island above them. Schiller was also surprised to find that he was able to communicate with the symbiote in this world, just as he could in reality. He disconnected his consciousness, returned to reality, and checked his watch. Time was passing.

In simpler terms, there is a safe haven within the ring that can be accessed if he ever finds himself in a dangerous situation. Schiller thought that the hidden city and figures within the gray mist must hold a terrible secret. This could be dangerous, so it's prudent to avoid it unless absolutely necessary.

Later, Schiller's colleague Mrs. Felton came by to discuss the cost of textbooks for the next semester. However, she also mentioned that the new principal had been released from the hospital and may make some big changes.

As predicted, Schiller received a call from Principal Sheldon that evening. Instead of pressuring Schiller to do something, he spoke casually and mentioned that there may be changes in the professors at Gotham University. He also mentioned that he had invited some old friends from Princeton to introduce new experts and professors to form a new team.

It seems that the person in charge wants to make Schiller feel uneasy by using this approach. After all, a professor's resources at a university depend on the importance of their teaching subject to the university.

Schiller is currently a valuable asset to Gotham University, as his resume is impressive and even out-of-town students apply specifically to study under him. However, if more world-renowned experts and scholars join the university and establish their own labs, it's uncertain if the university's resources will continue to prioritize the field of psychology.

Schiller didn't have a problem with this initially, as he also wanted Gotham University to excel and boost his own resume. That is, until he saw Victor Fries's name on the list of new professors hired by President Sheldon.

[ShaneFreak: HAHA, a new villain! XD!! ]


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