Five Minutes

Her smiles were always so brilliant, so elegant, and very genuine. Lina found herself smiling right back.

"Good evening, Mrs Scott," she greeted.

"I don't have to remind you today, do I?"

"No." Lina answered with a smile. A blush and a smile on her face . "Good evening, Melissa." She corrected herself.

"Good evening, darling and do come in." She held open the door and Lina stepped in, her eyes holding a gleam of admiration for Melissa's home.

"I saw you getting off the car from the window upstairs, so I thought I'd welcome you myself."

"Thank you. And beautiful home you've got here."

"Thank you. All credit goes to my husband, Richard. He has an eye for decor. Something he does better than politics. Don't tell I said so." She leaned in and whispered into Lina's ear. They burst out into laughter.

Standing beside Melissa, Lina toured her gaze around in appreciation.