Fundraising Event

"Baby, you're going to stay with Grandma Elise tonight, okay? Mummy got a party to cater for, and I promise I'll be back as soon as I'm done." She placed a kiss on Serena's hair.

With a nod, Serena sent little arms around Lina's neck. "Don't worry, mummy. I'll play with Grandma Elise."

"Yes, we'll play and have some fun night, right, honey?" 

Serena glanced at her and nodded. A smile curved up her lips.

Lina smiled too. She had no doubts they'd have fun, and she was certain Serena was in good hands, but this would be the first time she wouldn't be able to kiss her good night and cuddle her to sleep since they moved to Newfaux. 

"Stop looking at her with those sad eyes. You're just stepping out for a while, it's not as if you're leaving the city."