
The day couldn't go by any quicker. It wasn't just the idea of viewing the sun set with Christopher that had Alexa giddy and smiling, but it was more because she missed it. She had always done it with her mom, and from her vague memory of it, she had loved it.

Or maybe it was both? She couldn't tell.

"Come on, let's go, Christopher." She urged as he pulled up his trousers and zipped his fly.

He watched her from the mirror. She was eager and the excitement was written all over her face. She has worn a pale, floral sundress — one he had seen her wear a few times before.

She had combed her hair and pulled it up. It's tail dangling behind her neck as she kept moving around as if that would get him moving any faster.

She was cute when she wasn't trying, and cute when she made all the effort.

He sighed. "I'm sure the sun is not going to disappear into the cloud in the flicker of an eye, Alexandra. There's still time."