No Pushing

"Do not insult me." She sharply growled at him.

"That was not an insult, but if you see it as one, that's on you. But I'll let you know there's a thin line between stupidity and pride, and you're tilting towards the former."

That had her eyes burning with anger, and her nose flaring.

"I think you're the stupid one for trying to force your money on someone who doesn't want it. You should go invest it, if you have nothing to do with it."

"Unfortunately, I have a lot of money I don't have use for, and will never exhaust before my death, and I'm seeing this as an investment. You're worth investing over."

"As your whore."

"No, as someone who's intelligent and deserves to get a break from the coarse hand of life."

"I don't need you pity. I'm not charity." She barked at him with her eyes ablaze.

There was a volcano waiting to erupt, and while he could take her head on, her stubbornness was only going to turn it into a bloody war.