Chapter 19

Daisy was still going through her shame flop when sleep overcame her power to act. She smuggled deeper into effect Ethan still seeking his warmth while him on the other hand, pulled out of her, telling himself to give her room to herself but his body unable to agree with him.

So, he found himself holding her like if he blinked, she would disappear off the surface of the earth. And to add to his misery, throughout the night, she would snuggle deeper, her hand making an unconscious trail on his body which left his manhood harder and aching painfully.

If things were different, he would rouse her up to finish what she started, or even plunge into her while still asleep which ke she wake up moaning and begging him not to stop. But things aren't normal and if he tries that, it would ruin any ray of light he has to redeem himself with her.