"What your father taught you, Tiese, is what's called in Eng…I
mean, in the sacred tongue, the 'noblesse oblige.' It's an idea that
the noble, or the powerful, should use that power for the sake of
the powerless…It's a kind of pride, in a way."
Despite an entire year's worth of lessons in the sacred tongue,
Eugeo had never heard this phrase before, but for some reason,
the definition fit squarely into his mind. It made perfect sense.
Kirito's quiet voice rode the spring breeze. "That pride is more
important than any laws or rules. There are things that aren't illegal but should never be done, and sometimes there are things
that must be done, even when they are forbidden by law."
In a way, the latter half of that statement was a refutation of the
Taboo Index—and the Axiom Church as a whole. Tiese and Ronie
gasped. But Kirito fixed his unwavering stare on them and continued, "A long, long time ago, there was a great man named
Saint Augustine. He said that an unjust law is no law at all. You
must not put blind faith in any law or authority, no matter how
powerful. Humbert might not be breaking the Index or school
rules, but his actions are wrong. He must not be allowed to bring
an innocent girl to tears. That means someone has to make him
stop, and if anyone here is going to do that…"
"Right…that's us," Eugeo agreed. "But Kirito…who decides if
the law is just or unjust? If everyone decides for him- or herself,
then what becomes of the proper order? Isn't that why the Axiom
Church exists, to decide that for everyone?"
The Taboo Index did not determine the legality of every single
human action. That was how Humbert got away with unfairly
punishing his page. But just as Sister Azalia had scolded Zink for
his pranks, Eugeo and Kirito had the right to call out Humbert's
actions as his classmates. That was a completely separate principle from casting doubt on the structure of the Church itself.
God created the world, and the Church was the holy agent. It
had guided humanity correctly for centuries. It could not possibly
be wrong.
To his surprise, it was not Kirito who answered this question
but the previously silent Ronie. The quiet, shy girl spoke with a
force of will that took Eugeo aback.
"Um…I think I know what Kirito means. It's an important
mentality that isn't mentioned in the Taboo Index—meaning that
it's a type of justice that exists within ourselves. Not to blindly
obey the law but to consult the law in accordance with our justice
and think about why it exists. Maybe he's saying that it's more
important to think than to obey…"
"Exactly, Ronie. The mind is the most powerful tool a human
being wields. It's stronger than any sword or secret technique,"
Kirito replied, grinning. There was admiration in his eyes, and
something deeper lurked behind it. Even after two years of constant companionship, there were still things about Kirito that
Eugeo didn't know.
He asked, "But Kirito, who was this…Saint Augus-whatever
person? An Integrity Knight?"
"Hmm, more like a priest, I bet. Probably long dead," Kirito
said, smirking.
Once Ronie and Tiese had headed back to the primary trainee
dorm, empty picnic basket in one hand and the other waving
good-bye, Eugeo turned to look at his partner.
"About Humbert…do you have a plan, Kirito?"
Kirito frowned and mumbled, "Hmm…something tells me that
just commanding him to stop picking on the underclassman isn't
going to work. But on the other hand…"
"On the other hand…what?"
"Humbert's one thing, but his boss, Raios, is nasty, scheming,
andsmart. He came out as first seat, so he has to have good marks
in sacred arts, law, and history, too."
"True. Better than whoever ended up in sixth seat."
"You can say that about more than one of us," Kirito shot back.
They were on the verge of getting into one of their usual sniping wars, but Eugeo knew it was too important of a topic to get
derailed. "And…?"
"Raios shares a common room with Humbert, right? Don't you
find it strange that he would just sit back and allow this bullying
to happen? Whether he suffers discipline or not, eventually bad
rumors are going to get out, and that will affect the reputation of
his roommate. That seems like just as much of a stain on Raios's
honor as any punishment…"
"Still, it's a fact that Humbert is tormenting Frenica. Doesn't
that mean Humbert's so upset that not even Raios can rein him
in? If that's stemming from our duel, then I have a responsibility
to say something…"
"There. That's it," Kirito said, scowling as if he'd bitten a dried
tanglevine. "What if this is their clever trap designed to ensnare
you? What if you protest Humbert's actions, and they've set up
some kind of trick that will cause you to break the school
"What?" Eugeo asked, stunned. "You can't be serious. That's
not possible. Humbert and I are still disciples. As long as I don't
openly insult him, warnings and admonishment don't count as
acts of rudeness. I'm more worried about you, Kirito."
"Ah, well…good point. I'd hate to accidentally splash mud on
his uniform," Kirito said, straight-faced. Eugeo sighed. At the end
of the previous school year, Kirito committed that very act of
rudeness against First Seat Volo and had to undergo the punishment of a first-strike duel with real, live blades.
"Listen, when we go to Humbert's room, I'll talk first, got it?
You just stand behind me and look menacing."
"Sure thing, boss. I'm good at that."
"…Please, Kirito. We'll try to be diplomatic this time, and if
they don't respond to reason, we can petition the management to
change Frenica's placement. They'll at least ask Humbert what
he's getting up to, and that alone should have an effect on him."
"Yeah…good point," Kirito said, still looking a bit glum. Eugeo
slapped him on the back and started walking up the hill to the
elite disciple dorm. The righteous fury he felt over Tiese's story
stuck with him, quickening his pace.
A year ago today, when he was a newly assigned page with no
idea what he was doing, he climbed this hill to visit Golgorosso
Balto, an imposing disciple who looked to be in his twenties.
With Golgorosso's massive body, covered in rippling muscles,
and sideburns that bristled proudly like the mane of the lions said
to live in the southern empire, Eugeo had initially been afraid
that he'd wandered into an instructor's room by mistake.
Golgorosso gave the nervous Eugeo a single glance and ordered him to take off his clothes. That was shocking, but Eugeo
wasn't going to disobey, so he stripped off his gray uniform and
stood there in his underwear. He'd felt the piercing gaze scan him
from head to toe—and then Golgorosso smiled at last and said,
"You're in good shape."
Eugeo had put the uniform back on with utter relief, and Golgorosso admitted that as a common-born man who rose through
the garrison ranks himself, he had chosen Eugeo for his background. In the year that followed, his boldness was sometimes
troubling but never crossed the line, and he taught Eugeo much
about the sword in his own bracing way. Eugeo's success at the
disciple placement tests had as much to do with Golgorosso's Baltio style as it did with Kirito's Aincrad one.
On the day Golgorosso graduated and left the city, Eugeo summoned his courage and asked him the question that had been on
his mind all year: Why did he pick Eugeo and not Kirito, who had
come up from the same place?
True, I could tell during the entrance tests that his skill was a
bit above yours. But that's exactly why I chose you. I could sense
that you had further to go and were more desperate to improve
yourself, just the way I was. But either way, Liena was second
seat, so she got to pick Kirito first.
Golgorosso boomed with laughter and rubbed Eugeo's head
with his thick hand. Earn your way to being a disciple, and treat
your page well, he said. Eugeo nodded repeatedly, fighting back
the tears, and stood at the school gate until Golgorosso's imposing form was out of sight.
He had taught Eugeo that a disciple and page were not just a
simple instructor and servant. He didn't think he would ever be
as good a tutor as Golgorosso was, but he was going to spend this
entire year teaching Tiese as much of what he'd learned as possible. Wouldn't that be what Kirito had talked about—something
not written in the rules but more important than anything?
Humbert and Raios might not understand it. They'd probably
slacked off in the entrance exams to come in under the top twelve
so that they didn't have to be pages. But even so, he had to say
what needed to be said.
Eugeo put his hands on the door, pushed his way into the
dorm building, and headed up the front stairs, leather boots ringing against every step.
He knocked on the eastern door of the third floor, and after a few
moments, Humbert's voice asked who was there.
"It's Disciple Eugeo and Disciple Kirito. We'd like to speak
with Disciple Zizek," he replied, trying not to sound too aggressive. The sound of rough footsteps came from beyond the door,
then it hurtled open. Humbert glared at them and shouted loud
enough for anyone down on the ground level to hear:
"It is rude of you to call without a prior arrangement! Your
first course of action should obviously have been to put your request for a meeting into writing!"
Before Eugeo could answer, Raios Antinous's soothing voice
came from farther in the room. "There, there. They are our fellow
pupils and residents. Let them through, Humbert—though I'm
afraid we cannot arrange for tea on such short notice."
"…You'd better be grateful for Raios's generous nature," Humbert snarled under his breath, then turned back from the doorway. Eugeo gave them a proper salute and walked inside, wondering what that little bit of theater was all about.
"What in the—?" Kirito started to say as he followed Eugeo in,
so the other boy had to loudly clear his throat to drown him out.
They proceeded to the couch in the middle of the room. The
room was the same size as theirs, of course, but the internal decorations, from the rugs on the floor to the delicate window drapes
rustling in the breeze, were of the highest quality.
Humbert sank into the right end of the couch, which was
about three mels long, silk-bound, and stuffed with soft cotton.
On the left end, Raios had parked his rear on the edge of the
cushion, his head back against the headrest and his feet up on the
table, such that he was very nearly lying down.
The noble heirs weren't wearing their school uniforms but
lounging around in thin robes. Raios's was red, and Humbert's
was yellow, both woven from lustrous southern silk and vivid to
look upon. The scent of the tea from the cups sitting on the table
suggested green tea from the east. Raios picked his up, gave a
leisurely sip, then looked at Eugeo at last.
"Now…what brings our friend Disciple Eugeo here to our
chamber on this free evening?"
There was another couch on the other side of the table, but
neither of them made any motion to invite the two guests to sit.
Eugeo considered that to be in his favor and glared down at them
from his standing position with as stern an expression as he could
"We've heard some rather unsavory rumors about your behavior, Disciple Zizek. I've come to deliver an anticipatory warning,
before you deal a grave blow to our school's reputation."
Humbert's face immediately screwed up to deliver a raging rebuke, but Raios reached out to still him. Raios grinned up at
them, his lips surprisingly red. "Is that so…?"
Through the rising steam of the cup in his hand, he continued,
"This is both a surprise and a welcome development. It makes me
proud to see you concerned with our academy's reputation. However, I cannot for the life of me imagine what these rumors are.
I'm ashamed to have to ask for an explanation."
"I've heard that Zizek has been inflicting vulgar instructions
upon his own trainee page. Perhaps that sounds familiar to you?"
"How dare you!" shrieked Humbert, rising from the couch.
"You—a miserable frontiersman without a name— dareto accuse
me, a fourth-rank noble heir, of being vulgar?!"
"That will be enough, Humbert," Raios said, waving his hand
again to silence his henchman. "We might be from different backgrounds, but we are all students under the same roof now. Here
at this school, no statement can be taken as an insult and breach
of decorum…but that will be a different story if the tale is found
to be without merit or evidence. Where did you hear this bizarre
rumor, Eugeo?"
"Let's not waste any of our valuable time, Antinous. You know
full well that it is true. We heard the story straight from primary
trainees who share a dorm room with Zizek's page."
"Oh? So I take it that Humbert's page has officially enlisted
you to argue on her behalf, through an intermediary dormmate?"
"…Well…not exactly…" Eugeo muttered, promptly at a loss.
They hadn't heard the story directly from Frenica's lips, so it
would be difficult to dig their heels in if faced with charges of
false accusation.
But he couldn't turn back now, not with Raios mocking them
from his lazy position and Humbert seething with barely contained rage. "So…you deny these charges? You deny that Humbert has been performing untoward acts upon his page, Frenica?"
"Untoward? That's a rather strange term to use, Eugeo. Why
not be clearer and state that they are against the school rules?"
He paused again. The school rules applied only on campus
grounds, but to the students, they were just as important as the
Taboo Index and Basic Imperial Law—no one would dare break
Eugeo knew full well that Humbert hadn't broken the rules,
and that was what made this so despicable. He was doing whatever he knew he could get away with. Eugeo took a deep breath to
settle his nerves and said, "But…but even if it's not against the
school rules, there are actions that are clearly inappropriate for
an upperclassman—especially an elite disciple charged with guiding and tutoring a primary trainee!"
"I see. And what is it that you are accusing Humbert of doing
to Frenica, Eugeo?"
Eugeo couldn't answer that question. He hadn't wanted to
press Tiese and Ronie for details, so he didn't know the exact nature of the "untoward orders." Raios spread his arms theatrically
and shook his head from side to side.
"Good grief! This is starting to get ridiculous, I'm afraid. Humbert, do you have any idea what Eugeo is talking about?" he
asked. The other man, who'd been leaning forward and staring
daggers at Eugeo, threw himself back onto the couch.
"Not in the least! I have no clue what he is referring to! For
one thing, I've never done a single vulgar thing to Frenica in my
life. She's certainly never said 'no' to anything I've told her to do!"
Humbert reached up and slicked back his gray hair, putting on a
venomous smile. "At worst, I've only ordered her to provide a few
trifling services. As I'm sure you remember, Eugeo, after my miserable draw in our duel the other day, I've been putting myself
through harder training than ever before. I used to avoid exercises that added unsightly muscles, but no longer—and my body
has been screaming at me for it. So I merely had her massage my
sore flesh during my evening baths. And to save her the trouble of
a wet uniform, I've been nice enough to allow her to perform the
task in her undergarments. I fail to see what makes any of this
As Eugeo watched Humbert chuckle delightedly, he sensed an
unfamiliar emotion surging up from deep inside him.
Was there any point in politely attempting to convince such a
Was it really words that were appropriate now, or a striking
blow with a wooden sword?
Eugeo's hand twitched, preparing to draw his practice blade
and declare a duel on the spot, but then he realized he had not
brought his weapon. He inhaled and exhaled several times, and
with as level a voice as he could manage, said, "Humbert, do you
think…you will get away with this? There might be no rule against
demanding that of her—but only because it should not be necessary to point it out. Ordering your page to disrobe before you is
utterly shameless—"
"Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
Raios abruptly broke the silence, glee on his face. It was as if
he'd been waiting for Eugeo to say exactly those words.
"Ha-ha-ha! I never thought I'd hear those words from Disciple
Eugeo's mouth! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Especially given that when he was
a page, that common-born giant of a man had him remove his
uniform every night!"
"Why, what a curious tale! The man who happily stripped to
his skin accuses others of being shameless for the same action!
Ha-ha!" laughed Humbert, joining in.
Eugeo felt his body tremble again with that unfamiliar urge.
He was about to launch an insult that would surely get him into
hot water with the school rules when Kirito loudly clicked his
heels, bringing him to his senses.
Golgorosso had indeed ordered Eugeo to take off his shirt once
or twice a month. But that was only to inspect his musculature
and provide more detailed instructions for exercise, nothing more
salacious than that. But if he argued to that effect, it would only
embolden them, and they'd start insulting Golgorosso, too. So he
did his best to hold in the emotion and spoke in a quiet, suppressed voice.
"My experiences are not the point here. All I know is that your
page is undergoing great stress because she cannot refuse your
orders. If her situation does not improve, I may be forced to petition a teacher to look into the matter. Keep that in mind."
Eugeo turned and left the room, while the other boys laughed
and urged him to go ahead with his plan. Once the door had shut
behind him, he clenched his fist, ready to smash it against the
wall—but he knew he had enough strength to put a dent in it, thus
damaging the life of the building. Intentionally destroying school
facilities or property clearly violated the rules and would be an
example of that "temper tantrum" he'd been warned about. For a
moment, he wished for that Gigas Cedar again, its bark so tough
that he could smash all his frustration into it without consequence.
As a pathetic replacement, he stomped as hard as he could toward his own room on the west end, when Kirito said, "You need
to calm down, Eugeo."
The sound of that familiar voice cooled the burning-red furnace of his mind ever so slightly. Eugeo exhaled. He slowed down
so that his partner could catch up.
"I'm…surprised. I figured that you'd explode before I did,"
Eugeo noted.
Kirito smirked and tapped his waist. "If we had our swords, it
would have ben a different story. But like I said earlier, I felt like
they were up to something, so I held it in and watched them
"That's right, I remember you saying that. Well, nowI do…So
what did you notice?"
"Humbert is one thing, but I can say for certain that Raios was
testing you. He probably figured that you'd heard about Frenica
from Tiese and Ronie and was prepared to level the highest possible disciplinary punishment if you crossed a line with Humbert.
You really can't underestimate the wicked cunning of the upper
"You mean…you think Raios let Humbert carry on because he
wanted me to come and argue about it? This is…crazy," Eugeo
mumbled, coming to a stop in the middle of the hallway. "And it
all starts with my embarrassing Humbert in that duel. How many
times did you warn me that nothing good comes from taking their
"Don't be too hard on yourself," Kirito said, putting a hand on
Eugeo's shoulder in a rare display of tenderness. "We've got the
first testing matches coming up. You need to beat them to be the
school representative anyway, so you were bound to run afoul of
them at some point. I'm guessing that they're satisfied with this
for now. Just make sure that the papers to request the faculty's
involvement are all prepared, in case we hear that Humbert's still
harassing Frenica."
"Yeah…good idea. But if it came to that, I'd have had better
luck just breaking down and crying in front of him," Eugeo said,
patting Kirito's hand with gratitude. He felt the tension leave his
Humbert and Raios were both skilled swordsmen with good
scholastic marks as well. They got healthy allowances of shiacoins
from home each month, good for all the clothes or items they
could want, and if they got tired of the cafeteria food, they could
easily eat out at a restaurant every night. Eugeo couldn't help but
be jealous, given how he was making ends meet with his savings
from the Zakkaria garrison.
So why did they single out Eugeo at every opportunity, mocking him and attempting to dominate him? What did they think
this was getting them? Eugeo knew there were good and bad people in the world, but whether noble or common, they were still
human beings, weren't they?
The Axiom Church taught that "good" was the province of the
human realm, which was created by Stacia, while "evil" belonged
to the Dark Territory ruled by Vecta. That meant that no matter
the personality, every human being possessed a heart that was essentially good—even Raios and Humbert.
If they crossed swords in a proper, official match, not one born
of a grudge, and exhibited their techniques and skill to their utmost ability, surely they would find some common ground of mutual appreciation. Surely.
Eugeo opened the door to his room and went inside. Before his
partner could disappear, he made sure to announce, "Kirito, now
that the sacred arts test is done, you're going to practice with me
all day tomorrow!"
"You're not usually this excited about it."
"Maybe not…but I've got to get way, way stronger. Raios and
Humbert need to know that they can't just sit back without practicing and expect to win every time."
Kirito smirked and nodded. "In that case, I must impress the
hardships of training upon Disciple Eugeo."
"That's what I was hoping to hear. Well…see you at dinner."
They waved to each other and retreated to their rooms to
change clothes, but Kirito paused halfway, his expression serious.
"Be careful, Eugeo. You don't want to get heated if they say something to you when I'm not around."
"I—I know! Stay cool, right?" Eugeo said, remembering that
the sacred language phrase was both a calming reminder and a
parting statement. Kirito smiled in embarrassment for some reason, and then repeated it back to him.
Perhaps they had been satisfied with their triumph, because, during the morning lessons and afternoon classes, Raios and Humbert paid no attention to Eugeo whatsoever. Until last week,
Humbert had scowled with hatred every time he saw Eugeo, but
now he just looked right past him.
This came as no small relief to Eugeo, of course, but the real
issue was whether Frenica's treatment had improved. He and Kirito had filled out and signed the investigation request for the
school faculty last night. Once submitted, Raios and Humbert
and their pages would be subject to questioning, and they would
hate even the suggestion of any slight to their honor.
After the boring imperial history class—in which nothing of incident happened—Kirito went to the library to return a book, and
Eugeo headed straight back to the disciples' dorm to wait for
Tiese and Ronie.
A short while later, the four o'clock bells rang and the girls
showed up, greeting him with good cheer and getting down to the
cleaning. Eugeo sat in his chair and watched Tiese tenderly as she
He'd offered a number of times before to help her, but she always sternly told him that cleaning was part of her duty. With
chagrin, he recalled that he'd said something like that to Golgorosso, too. Eugeo tried not to mess up his own room too much in
the meantime, but she actually expressed displeasure at that, too
—she needed a certain amount of clutter to make the chore
After thirty minutes of twirling around with the long-handled
rag, Tiese was done with the common room and bedroom. She
entered Eugeo's room, closed the door behind her, and clicked
her boot heels.
"Elite Disciple Eugeo, I have a report to make! Today's cleaning has been completed!"
Kirito must have come back, too, as he could faintly hear
Ronie's voice through the door. Eugeo decided that his partner
could be responsible for explaining the situation to her, so he returned the salute to Tiese and said, "Thanks for the good work, as
"No, not at all. This is the page's duty!" she replied, as always.
He had to fight not to grin.
"Well, um…I need to talk with you now. Go ahead and take a
seat," he said, and then realized that the room had only the one
desk chair. If he motioned toward it, she would claim that she'd
rather stand, so he headed her off by pointing at the bed by the
Tiese's eyes bulged briefly, then she nodded, blushing. "Wwell…if you insist."
She walked over and sat timidly on the corner of the bed.
Eugeo had to consult his memory to be certain that sitting on a
bed with a girl was not against the Taboo Index or the school
rules before he took a seat a comfortable distance away. He
turned his upper half toward her and put on as serious a face as
he could manage.
"About Frenica…I went to confront Humbert about it yesterday. I don't think he wants things to get ugly, so I doubt he'll be
making any more of those unreasonable orders. I'll try my best to
make him apologize for his actions, too…"
"Oh, I see! That's wonderful…Thank you, Elite Disciple. I'm
sure Frenica will be happy," Tiese said, her face shining.
Eugeo answered with a pained smile. "Just call me Eugeo after
you're done with your duties. Plus…I owe you an apology. As I
tried to explain yesterday, this whole string of events started with
my duel with Humbert. When I went to confront him, I realized it
was all a plot to inflict disciplinary punishment on mefor making
rude accusations…In other words, Frenica was just collateral
damage for Humbert's rivalry with me. I want to meet with her to
apologize in person. Do you think you can arrange that…?"
"Oh…I—I see…"
Tiese lowered her head, thinking hard. When she looked back
at Eugeo, she shook her head. "No, Eli…Eugeo. It's not your fault.
I'll tell her what you said. Um…do you mind if I come a bit
"Uh…o-okay," Eugeo said, feeling a bit flustered.
Tiese leaned toward him, cheeks much redder now, and
shifted closer until he could practically feel her body heat. Then
she stared straight ahead at the wall and whispered, "Eugeo, I
was thinking really hard last night before I fell asleep, trying to
figure out why Elite Disciple Zizek would do such awful things to
Frenica, when he couldn't possibly hate her or have some grudge
against her…Kirito said that nobles should have pride. But…as a
matter of fact, I know that among the higher nobles, there are
some who…who toy with the women who live on their property…"
She glanced over at him now, with those eyes the color of an
autumnal forest after a long rain.
"I'm…scared. Not long after I graduate, I'll take over the
Schtrinen house and end up wedded to another family in the
same rank, or perhaps one higher. What if my future husband is…
is someone like Zizek? What if he doesn't have that noble pride
and he does horrible things to those around him? It's…it's terrifying…"
Eugeo held his breath as he gazed into her teary eyes.
He understood how she felt, but it was also impossible not to
be aware of the difference in social class between them. She was
Tiese Schtrinen, the eldest child of a sixth-rank noble family, and
he was just plain Eugeo, the third son of a pioneer farmer.
Because the harvests in little villages like Rulid were limited,
the population had to be carefully managed. Almost without exception, it was the eldest son who took over the house and fields,
so (depending on their callings) the later sons were typically forbidden to marry and were bachelors into old age. If he hadn't met
Kirito, Eugeo quite possibly could have led a life of nothing more
than chopping at the Gigas Cedar every single day. Just like Old
Man Garitta.
Now he was living in Centoria among nobles of every stripe—
but what would he do if he failed to be school representative after
graduating? He could try to get a position within the Imperial
Knights or a garrison in some other large town. He could even go
all the way back to Rulid to work for his brother. In any case, he'd
never need to concern himself with a noble estate.
So naturally, Eugeo was shocked to breathlessness when Tiese
leaned over and clung to his arm.
The noble girl stared right into Eugeo's bulging eyes from
point-blank distance. Her gray uniform gave off a faint scent of
solbe leaves.
"Eugeo…I, um…I want to ask you for something. Please, please
graduate top of the class, and win the Battle Tournament, and appear in the Four-Empire Unification Tournament."
"Um…well…that's what I'm hoping to do…"
"And then…um…" she said, trying to find the words, her face
as red as her hair now. "I-I've heard that if you place highly in the
Unification tourney, you can earn a noble title, like Miss Azurica
at the primary trainee dorm. So, um…Oh, geez, I really shouldn't
be asking you this…but…if you don't end up as an Integrity
Knight…will you…will you be my…?"
She couldn't finish that sentence. She just stared at the ground
and trembled. Eugeo stared at her petite head, dumbfounded.
It took a little while for him to recognize what she was asking.
With understanding came a tiny echo of his own voice inside his
The reason I'm trying to get to the Unification Tournament is
to be an Integrity Knight and find Alice. That's all. That's all…
But he couldn't explain that to Tiese now. He would lie to her
if necessary—she was a sixteen-year-old girl fearing the uncertainty of her future for probably the first time in her life. Yet he
could sense that spurning his page's desires at this moment
wasn't the right thing to do.
Eugeo lifted his left hand and awkwardly rubbed her head.
"Yeah…I know. When the tournament's over, I'll come see you."
Tiese's shoulders quivered, and she slowly, timidly looked up.
Tears glistened on her cheeks, and she wore a smile like the budding of spring. "I…I'll get stronger, too. Strong enough to be like
you…and say the right things when they need to be said."
When the sun dawned on the twenty-second day of the fifth
month, they had the first instance of rough weather that spring.
Large drops lashed the windows, hurled by the occasional gust
of wind. Eugeo paused from his sword polishing to consider the
gray sky—which was already losing Solus's light, despite it being
only the end of class.
The layers of dark clouds writhed like some living creature,
blasts of purple lightning sneaking through the gaps here and
there. Back in Rulid, spring storms were a bane on the villagers,
as they would flatten or uproot the fragile young stalks. When
Alice had learned the sacred art of weather forecasting, it practically set off a festival celebration. Sadly, they had only two years
to make use of that gift before…
It wasn't until he started learning sacred arts at the academy
that Eugeo truly understood the immensity of Alice's talent for
them. Spells that made use of the laws of nature like weather and
geography were some of the most notable higher arts, whose
chants could extend over a hundred lines, and Eugeo couldn't
even predict if the next day's weather would be sunny or cloudy.
Alice had been able to predict the coming of a storm a week ahead
of time; by now, she had to be able to manipulate the weather itself. Perhaps this angry storm was a manifestation of her own irritation that Eugeo still hadn't come to get her…
He pushed out that frustration with a groan and resumed polishing the cloudy silver of his blade with the oiled rag. He'd never
missed his weekly upkeep of the Blue Rose Sword, but since he'd
gained admittance into the academy, these were essentially the
only times that he pulled it from its sheath. Everyday practice was
with a wooden sword, and for the test matches, each student was
given an identical sword to ensure fairness. Compared to the divine object in his hands now, those school blades were much
lighter and seemed like they might fly out of the handle if he
swung hard enough, but he understood that he couldn't go waving around this tremendous blade in case it destroyed someone's
iron sword with a single blow.
The only thing I can imagine freely clashing against with this
sword is something similar tothat, Eugeo thought as he looked
up at the black longsword being polished by his partner on the
other couch.
The Gigas Cedar had loomed over the south of Rulid for three
centuries, and when it fell at last, they broke off its top branch
and lugged the lead-heavy thing with them all the way to Centoria
—Kirito often joked that they should just plant it on the side of
the road. They took it to Sadore, a metalworker and old friend of
Garitta's, and it took an entire year for him to fashion it into this
Sadore, who was practically the dictionary definition of eccentric, grumbled that the blade had ruined three blackbrick grindstones that were supposed to last a decade, but he didn't charge
them, as it was a once-in-a-lifetime piece of work for him.
The finished sword shone with such a deep, rich light that it
was impossible to believe it was made out of a tree branch. Kirito
had used it in his duel with Volo Levantein two and a half months
ago to achieve a draw, but he hadn't taken it out of its sheath
since then except to polish it.
Eugeo was starting to think that they'd never have an actual
use for these particular swords during their stay at the school.
They couldn't be used in official matches, and it was hard to
imagine any other students challenging them to a duel using personal weapons.
So if he wanted to fight with the Blue Rose Sword, he needed
to be chosen as school representative and earn entry into the Imperial Battle Tournament. That was the whole idea of being here,
of course, but he wasn't entirely sure that he could master this
heavy sword within a single match—and on such a huge stage, to
Rather than a student, he'd be facing some veteran of the Imperial Knights or a famous sword-bearing line, with an equally
impressive blade of his or her own. Fighting with real blades
meant that a blow in the wrong spot could put him in the hospital
for a month or two.
As a matter of fact, both Volo Levantein and Sortiliena, the last
year's school representatives, had fallen to the knighthood's representative. Liena's whip had been sliced and knocked from her
hands, but Volo's left shoulder had been crushed and broken.
Normal sacred healing arts were enough to seal the skin and prevent the dropping of his life, but it couldn't repair the bone—he
was probably still undergoing treatment.
According to the newspaper that was pasted on the bulletin
board once a week, that representative of the Imperial Knights
was from one of the most elite imperial noble families of all: the
first-rank Woolsburg line. He won not only the Battle Tournament but the Four-Empire Unification Tournament in April and
was invited to the holy garden of the Axiom Church to be honored.
Perhaps it was no surprise that Liena and Volo would lose to
such an opponent—but Eugeo hadto win, no matter whom he
faced. At next year's Unification Tournament, he had to emerge
triumphant, like this year's Norlangarth representative, and pass
through the gate of Central Cathedral. There was no other choice.
I'll need your help. Please lend it to me, he prayed to his sword
as he polished the tip. Meanwhile, Kirito was sliding his blade
through the folded rag. Eugeo stared at that pitch-black sword,
shining in the lamplight, and said, "Hey, Kirito."
"Have you come up with a name for your sword yet?"
It was the fourth time he'd asked since the sword was finished,
and the answer Kirito gave him was again the same: "Erm…
"Just name the damn thing already. You can't keep calling the
poor sword 'the black one' forever."
"Hmm…well, at the place I used to live, the swords' names
kind of came with them…um, I think," Kirito mumbled vaguely.
Eugeo was going to tear into him again when Kirito's hand shot
up all of a sudden.
"Hang on. Was that the four-thirty bell?"
Eugeo paused and listened. Through the howling of the wind,
he could hear the faint sound of bells ringing.
"You're right. That late already? I didn't even hear the four
o'clock chime," Eugeo muttered, looking out of the darkened window.
But Kirito's expression was hard. "Ronie and Tiese are late."
Eugeo's breath caught in his throat. Tiese and Ronie hadn't
shown up later than four o'clock to clean their rooms once. Eugeo
shrugged, trying to fight back the creeping sense of worry.
"Well, the storm's pretty bad. Maybe they're just waiting until
the rain stops. It's not like there's a rule about when they have to
"Do you think rain would keep them away…?" Kirito asked,
looking at his hands in thought. "I've got a bad feeling about this.
I'm going down to the primary trainee dorm. You wait here, just
in case I miss them by accident."
He slid his black sword into its sheath, placed it on the table,
and got up. There was a light rain jacket nearby that he fastened
with his left hand while opening the window with his right.
Eugeo screwed up his face against the burst of wind and rain
and said, "Um, Kirito, shouldn't you go out the d…"
But his partner had already leaped from the windowsill to a
nearby branch and slid down out of sight, leaving only the sound
of rustling leaves. Eugeo sighed, exasperated, and shut the window behind him.
With the sounds of the storm at bay, suddenly the burning of
the lamp on the wall seemed much louder. Eugeo returned to the
couch, picked up his sword, and sheathed it, disquiet steadily
building in his chest.
Higher sacred arts could tell you the location of a person, but
they required a lot of spatial power and thus a catalyst. And on
the school grounds, any arts that targeted another person were
forbidden, even if benign. All Eugeo could do was sit on the couch
and wait for something to happen.
After several long minutes of nothing, there was a small knock
on the door.
Eugeo exhaled a huge breath. See? Of course you'll miss them
if you jump out the window, he thought, getting off the couch
and crossing the room to the door.
"Thank goodness, I was wor—"
The words caught in his throat. It wasn't the familiar red and
dark-brown hair he was expecting but a light brown tousled by
the wind.
A strange girl was standing in the hallway, neither Ronie nor
Tiese. Her short hair and gray primary uniform were wet from
the rain, and her dripping cheeks were pale. Her large, doe-like
eyes were full of impatience and panic, and her lips were trembling.
In a quavering voice, she said, "Um…are you Elite Disciple
"Uh…y-yes. Who are you…?"
"I…I'm Frenica Cesky. I-I'm sorry for visiting you without
making arrangements first. B-but…I just don't know what to
"Oh…you're Frenica?"
He gave the short girl another examination. She had a delicate
body that seemed ill-suited to swordplay and tiny hands that
looked more like they were meant to weave crowns of flowers. His
rage at Humbert rose anew.
But before he could say anything else, Frenica clutched her
hands to her chest and pleaded, "Um…Disciple Eugeo, I'm so
grateful to you for what you've done about Humbert Zizek and
me. I'll spare you the details of what's happened to me, as I'm
sure you already know. But…tonight, he ordered me to perform
some tasks that are…d-difficult to explain here…"
Her face was deathly pale and tense, and Eugeo could sense
that the shame of those words had to be burning her alive on the
"I…I admitted to Tiese and Ronie that if I had to keep following those instructions, I…I'd rather quit the academy. Instead,
they rushed off to plead to him in person…"
"What?" he rasped. He felt his fingers gripping the white
leather scabbard going cold.
"But I just kept waiting, and they never came back, and I…I
just don't know what to—"
"When did they leave?"
"Um, I think it was right after the three-thirty bell."
That was over an hour ago. Eugeo held his breath, looking
across the hallway toward the far door. The girls had been here,
on the third floor of the disciples' dorm, this whole time. That
was far too much time for an argument or petition.
He turned back to the storm-beaten window, but Kirito was
not about to return through it. It would take at least fifteen minutes to visit the primary trainee dorm and come back in this
weather. There was no time to wait around.
"All right," he said to Frenica quickly. "I'll go check it out. You
wait here in this room. And…if Kirito shows up, tell him to come
to Humbert's room, will you?"
She nodded uncertainly, and Eugeo left the room. After a few
steps down the parquet hallway, he realized he was still holding
the Blue Rose Sword, but he didn't want to turn around to put it
back. He let it hang in his left hand and walked east down the
curving hallway. With each step, the mass of anxiety in his chest
The reason the girls had gone to argue their case directly was
clear. Eugeo and Kirito's first argument had not been successful,
and Tiese had admitted her wish to him the night before—she
wanted the strength to say the right thing, and now she had a
chance to test that resolve.
But perhaps…that was…
"Was that the intent from the very start…? Not us but the
girls…?" he muttered under his breath as he ran.
Between trainees and disciples of the same rank, you could
speak freely without problems. But a primary trainee and an elite
disciple was a different matter. They'd have to choose their words
very carefully to avoid breaking the school rule on politeness. If
they crossed the line, the disciple could choose to enforce disciplinary punishment in the place of a faculty member. Kirito had
learned this lesson the hard way with Volo Levantein.
Eugeo consulted his memory of the school rules.
When an elite disciple hands down disciplinary punishment,
one of the following three types of commands is allowed. 1)
Cleaning the school grounds (see area limits). 2) Training with a
wooden sword (see regimen). 3) A duel with the disciple (see
rules). In all cases, higher law takes priority.
"Higher law" meant Basic Imperial Law and the Taboo Index,
of course. In other words, the taboo against reducing the life of
another without reason still held priority over the disciplinary
punishment. If Humbert commanded Tiese and Ronie to accept a
duel and insisted it be first-blow rather than stop-short, he would
not be allowed to physically harm them if they did not accept. So
there shouldn't be too much to fear about Humbert's punishment.
But the worry and dread that stabbed at his heart would not
At the east end of the circular third-floor hallway, the door was
closed. Eugeo didn't even wait to gather his breath. He slammed
his fist against it.
After a few seconds, Humbert's muffled voice answered. "Well,
well, you're late to arrive, Elite Disciple Eugeo. Please, do come in
and grace us with your presence!"
It was as if he'd been waiting for Eugeo to come, a realization
that only quickened his pulse. He yanked the door open.
The fancy lamps they'd installed were dimmed, making the
shared common room much darker than the last time he'd been
here. There was some thick eastern incense burning, hazing the
air in the room. Eugeo grimaced at the smell, looking around.
At the couches in the center, wearing the same thin robes as
yesterday, were Raios and Humbert. Raios sat with his back to
Eugeo, legs up on the table again, glass in his left hand. The contents were dark red, probably wine. Alcohol was allowed in the
disciples' dorm, with certain restrictions, but drinking on a normal day was frowned upon.
Across from him, Humbert was clearly intoxicated already.
There was a slack smile on his reddened face as he leered, "Don't
just stand there. Come here and sit, Eugeo. We just opened a
fifty-year vintage from the western empire. Common folks rarely
get a chance to sample such fine drink!"
So Humbert wasn't just offering him a seat but a drink as well.
Eugeo silently looked around the room, feeling even stranger.
Gloomy though the room was, he could see no one else was there.
Had Ronie and Tiese already left? Had they even been here? If
they'd come and gone, why didn't they at least stop at Kirito and
Eugeo's room on the other end of the hall? Questions raced
through Eugeo's brain, but the girls' absence did at least remove
some tension from his shoulders.
"No, I don't drink alcohol. More importantly, Disciple Zizek,"
he said, moving forward and choosing his words carefully, "did
you perhaps have a visit today from my page, Tiese Schtrinen, or
Disciple Kirito's page, Ronie Arabel?"
It was not Humbert who answered him but Raios Antinous.
He looked over his shoulder, still holding up the glass, eyes narrowed.
"…Disciple Eugeo, you look pale to me. Why not take a glass to
revive your spirits?"
"No, thank you. Will you answer my question?"
"Hah, what a shame. I'm only thinking of you—as a friend."
Eugeo could sense the slick sweat in the palm of his hand as it
gripped the sword sheath. Raios gazed at him like he was a snack
to go with his drink, took a tiny sip, and set the cup down on the
"Ahh. So…those were your pages, were they?" he said easily,
licking the moisture from his lips. "They are bold trainees, to pay
an unannounced visit to the first and second seats who stand
above all other students in this academy. Small wonder they're
yours. But you ought to be careful—sometimes boldness can spill
into rudeness and disrespect. Don't you agree, Disciple Eugeo?
Oops…pardon me. I suppose I'm wasting my time lecturing you
on the courtesy of the nobility. Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha…"
So Tiese and Ronie had come here.
Eugeo could barely resist the urge to grab the collar of Raios's
robe. His voice was low and tense. "I will hear your lecture on another occasion. Where are Tiese and Ronie now?"
This time it was Humbert who languidly poured more wine
and said, "Eugeo…was the burden too much for you to bear? How
is a mere lumberjack from the most distant lands supposed to in-
struct a noble girl, even one of the lowest rank? Ha-ha-ha…you
couldn't. You didn't know enough to teach them not to hurl disrespectful accusations at a fourth-rank noble like me. Distasteful as
I found it, I had no choice but to fulfill my grand duty. It is the
role of the upper nobles to correct the lower."
"Humbert, what did you…?!"
Eugeo stopped short when the man held out his free hand,
drained the glass, and got to his feet. Raios stood next and took a
few steps farther toward the back of the room. Standing together,
the nobles looked like brothers, wearing wicked grins as they
shared a glance.
"Well, Raios…shall we have Eugeo indulge in the finest pleasure of the evening?"
"Indeed, Humbert. We're missing one other audience member, but I'm tired of waiting. I'm sure he'll catch up soon."
"Pleasure…? Tired of waiting…?" Eugeo repeated, numb.
Humbert jutted out his long jaw, mocking him. The two disciples
turned, robes fluttering, and headed to the bedrooms on the west
side of the room. Eugeo walked unsteadily after them.
Behind the door Humbert opened, the darkness was absolute,
choked with the smoke of incense. Raios walked through first,
followed by his partner.
Eugeo stopped when he saw the lavender smoke wisping along
the floor. The trail felt like the smoldering of true evil, a thing that
should not exist at the academy—should not exist in this vast empire. It was even worse than the smoke of the campfire lit by
those wicked goblins in the far northern cave years ago.
His reflexes wanted him to turn away, but something in the
smell caught his attention, something clean. A note like the familiar scent of solbe leaves.
The smell from Tiese's uniform.
He raced forward into the bedroom just as the lamp came on.
The first thing he saw was a large canopy bed with two girls
lying on it. No, laid uponit. Both were tied up with bright-red
ropes on top of their gray primary trainee uniforms. Their eyes,
red and brown, were staring absently into space, their minds apparently dulled by the thick incense fumes.
"Wha…? Wh-why…?"
Eugeo rushed toward the bed to at least untie the ropes first.
Then Raios cried, "Not so fast!" and thrust out a palm into his
face. Eugeo glanced over at the man and rasped, "Wh-what do
you think you're doing, Raios?! Why are our pages being treated
"This is a necessary measure, Eugeo."
"Indeed. Primary Trainee Schtrinen and Primary Trainee Arabel visited this bedroom without a prior arrangement and displayed brazen disrespect for us."
"What kind…of disrespect?" Eugeo repeated.
Humbert leaned away from the wall, leering. "You should have
heard the things they said. You wouldn't believe your ears. Those
lesser nobles dared to accuse me of mistreating my page, without
reason, to fulfill my own desires— me! When I, as second seat of
this fine academy, am merely and rightfully guiding Frenica!
Even a generous, understanding man such as I could not overlook
this slight."
"And that's not all, Eugeo. They also claimed that, as I share a
common room with Humbert, I am complicit in the actions they
accuse him of committing. And when I said I did not understand…Can you believe it? That sixth-rank noble girl asked me, a
third rank myself, if I had no pride as a nobleman! My goodness,
what a question."
Humbert and Raios shared a look and chuckled. It was clear
now that they'd orchestrated the situation to produce this exact
result. Humbert knew that Frenica was close to Tiese and Ronie
and intentionally disgraced and humiliated her—until the other
girls came directly to argue on her behalf.
The girls would have minced their words at first, of course. But
Raios and Humbert were too slippery, too coaxing to keep them
on safe footing. Eventually, they would have said something that
could be taken as rude and protocol breaking.
"But Raios, even if this is all true…tying them up and locking
them in your room is clearly beyond the bounds of the disciplinary punishment powers we possess!" Eugeo snapped, just barely
holding his thunderous emotions in check.
The girls were tied up over their uniforms and didn't seem to
be wounded. But the only punishment allowed for acts of rudeness were cleaning, training, and duels. Abduction with restraints
did not match any of those options. Raios and Humbert had to be
breaking school rules—
"Disciplinary punishment?" Raios murmured, leaning closer
to Eugeo. "When did I say that I was making use of that childish,
limited power?"
"Wh-what do you mean? The school rules are quite strict in
how they define the allowed types of punishment for trainee
breach of protocol…"
"That's where you've made your mistake. Have you forgotten
thispart of the school rules? 'In all cases, higher law takes priority.'"
Raios's expression swiftly changed. His red lips curled upward
at the ends, turning sadistic to a degree Eugeo had never seen before.
"Higher law means the Taboo Index and Basic Imperial Law.
That means I cannot directly damage their life. Those ropes are
made of fine eastern silk, very stretchy…They will not harm what
they hold, no matter how tightly they are tied."
"B-but…there's no way you can tie up a student for punishment, no matter how fine the ropes are…"
"Don't you get it yet, Disciple Eugeo? If higher law takes precedence, that means it's not disciplinary punishment I'm inflicting
on this sixth-rank girl for talking back to a third-rank nobleman…
it's my judicial authority as a noble!"
Judicial authority.
Eugeo instantly recalled his conversation with Tiese in the forest the other day. Only fourth-rank and higher nobles had the
right to wield judicial authority, and the ranks below that were
subject to its powers…
Raios waited, clearly savoring the dumbfounded expression on
Eugeo's face. After a few moments, he spread his arms theatrically and declared, "Judicial authority is the greatest of noble
privileges! It only applies to fifth- and sixth-rank noble families
and the common people who live on our private estates, but the
contents of the punishment are up to us! We must follow the
Taboo Index, of course, but as long as it is not a taboo, we can do
Eugeo recovered from his shock at last. "B-but Raios! Just be-
cause you can choose your punishment doesn't make it right to
tie up teenage girls like this! It's too cruel…"
"Ha-ha…ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!" Humbert cackled. He
doubled over, yellow sleeves flying. "Ha-ha-ha! This is too rich,
Raios! Disciple Eugeo thinks that our judicial review is merely to
tie them up with ropes!"
"Heh-heh. Can you blame him, Humbert? He's fresh down to
the big city from his home up in the hills, and the disciple he
served was just as common as he is! But I think after today,
Eugeo will finally understand just what sort of power we nobles
wield!" Raios said, and turned away.
He strode up to the bed where Tiese and Ronie lay and knelt
atop the mattress. The frame creaked, and Tiese blinked blearily.
Then her red eyes bolted open and took account of Raios as he
descended upon her. Her frail voice filled the room. "No…no…!"
She twisted, trying to escape, but could do nothing with her
limbs bound. Raios extended a pale, clammy hand to trace her
cheek. Next to them, Humbert climbed up as well, running his
hands along Ronie's legs. She awakened, too, took stock of the situation, and gaped silently.
At last, from barely three mels away, Eugeo understood the
nature of this judicial "decision."
Raios and Humbert were going to defile Tiese and Ronie with
their own bodies. They were going to forcefully perform the act
that Stacia granted only to a husband and wife—or so Eugeo believed—as a means of noble authority.
In the instant of understanding, Eugeo screamed, "Stop!!"
He took a step toward the bed, and Raios bolted upright, his
eyes gleaming.
"Stay back, commoner!!" he commanded, pointing at Eugeo
with one hand while his other fondled Tiese's face. "This is the
just and absolute right of nobility, as ordained by Basic Imperial
Law and the Taboo Index! Interference with our judicial authority is a crime in itself! One more step, and you will be a criminal
in violation of the law!"
That's not my problem! Get away from Tiese and Ronie!he
wanted to shout. He wanted to leap onto Raios as he screamed it.
But suddenly his legs came to a stop, as definitely as if they'd
been nailed into the ground. The halt in momentum was so sudden, he fell to his knees. His legs wouldn't cooperate, wouldn't
help him stand up again.
Inside his head, the phrase criminal in violation of the lawrepeated over and over. Eugeo didn't care about the law. He didn't
care about anything other than helping Tiese and Ronie, but he
was subject to the whim of a voice that was not his.
The Axiom Church was absolute. The Taboo Index was absolute. Disobedience was forbidden. It was forbidden to all.
He gritted his teeth, gasped, and raised his right leg. It felt as
though his familiar leather boot—and the foot inside—was as
heavy as lead.
Raios watched this display of will and hissed, "That's right.
Stay there and watch like a good boy."
He ignored the taunt, desperately moving that foot back to the
ground, but he could do no more. Even now, Raios's filthy hands
were reaching for Tiese and Ronie on the bed.
"…Eugeo," came a fragile voice. He moved his eyes, the only
part of his body he could control.
With Raios moving to mount her, Tiese had her face turned to
look at Eugeo. Those apple-red cheeks were pale with terror, but
her eyes shone with a meaningful willpower.
"Don't move, Eugeo. I'll be…fine. I've earned…this punishment," she said, her voice halting. Then she nodded and rolled
her face upward again. She glared at Raios in defiance, then shut
her eyes. Ronie had her face buried in Tiese's shoulder but was no
longer shrieking.
Raios seemed a bit surprised, taken aback at the strength of
their will. Then he grinned venomously. "Very impressive resolve
for a sixth-rank noble girl. It'll be interesting to see how long they
can last, eh, Humbert?"
"Let's see which will break down into tears first, Raios!"
There was no nobility or pride in their actions now. Their faces
were full of vulgar excitement and lust.
He'd seen that look before. Through dulled wits focused on
moving his stonelike legs, Eugeo tried to remember. Yes—it was
the expression the goblins wore back in that cave. They were the
spitting image of the denizens of darkness who attacked Kirito
and him with their scimitars.
Raios and Humbert reached to touch the girls' faces at the
same time, running their fingers down foreheads and cheeks, savoring the fear and humiliation. They deftly avoided touching the
girls' lips, as physical contact there—before the kiss that sealed a
marriage—was forbidden. But if that was forbidden, how could
the law allow this kind of assault on an unmarried woman? What
purpose could there be in such a law?
A sharp pain jolted deep inside his right eye. The odd, familiar
pain from whenever he questioned the law or the Church.
Ordinarily, Eugeo would instinctually stop thinking when he felt
it. But this time, this one time, as he crumpled to the floor,
Eugeo's mind kept racing.
All the laws and taboos existed to ensure that every resident of
the human realm could live in peace and happiness; it had to be
so. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not harm. Thou shalt not disobey the Axiom Church. The obedience of the masses was how
the world stayed at peace.
But then, why did the many laws only "forbid"? Why create
hundreds of pages of rules forbidding this and that, when you
could simply write, "All human beings shall respect their fellows,
treat them with courtesy, and act with good faith and benevolence"? One simple sentence in the Taboo Index, and these men
would never have laid this trap to torture Tiese and Ronie.
Because it was impossible. Even with the absolute authority of
the Church, it was impossible for all people to act solely out of
goodness. Because…because…
Because all people embody both good and evil.
The Taboo Index was merely suppressing a facet of human
evil. That was how Raios and Humbert could easily slip through
the loopholes of the law—in fact, to usethe law to their advantage
—to prey upon the innocent like this. And Eugeo had no ability or
right to stop them. At the moment, the law allowed them to do
this and forbade Eugeo from preventing it.
The nobles had completely forgotten about him by now, their
eyes gleaming with lust and power as they surveyed their helpless
victims. They undid the front of their robes, growing closer to
performing the final act.
Tiese's and Ronie's faces quaked in even greater terror and revulsion as they sensed the men approaching. They shook their
heads back and forth in futile resistance, but even that action only
added fuel to the predators' enjoyment.
At last, Ronie gave in and begged, "N-no…no…no…!"
Hearing her friend whimper broke down Tiese's last bit of
bravery. Tears spilled onto her cheeks as she wailed, "Please…
help…help, Eugeo! Eugeoooo!"
Tiese and Ronie had summoned all their courage to step up for
the sake of their friend Frenica—and the law blessed this hideous
treatment of them.
Raios and Humbert had plotted and schemed to ensnare the
girls so that they could humiliate them and steal their chastity—
and the law did nothing to stop them.
Was it an act of goodness to uphold this law?
With every last ounce of will, Eugeo lifted his leaden body off
the ground, stretching his arm across his side to pull the hilt of
the Blue Rose Sword. The pain in his right eye had transcended
into a lump of burning fire, turning his vision red. He ignored it
and squeezed.
Once he drew the sharp steel sword and turned it on the two
men, Eugeo would lose everything he'd gained at this school—his
fifth-seat position, his enrollment, his dream of being school representative and appearing in the Imperial Battle Tournament.
But if he stood here and watched as they committed these acts,
he would lose something even more precious—his pride as a
swordsman…and his human heart.
In the woods the other day, Kirito had said there were things
that had to be done, even if they were against the law. Things
more important than the law, than the Index, than the Axiom
It all made sense now.
He knew why Alice had touched the dirt of the land of darkness all those years ago. She had gone to help the dark knight
whose chest the Integrity Knight had pierced. She did that to protect what was precious inside her.
Now it was Eugeo's time. He couldn't put what that precious
thing was into words—in fact, most of the people in the world
might even think of his action as evil.
"But…I have to!" he screamed, the words inaudible. He tried to
pull the sword from its sheath.
But it was as though both sword and sheath, and perhaps even
his arm itself, had turned to ice. His right arm simply stopped
moving. A tremendous jolt of agony shot from his right eye, back
to the center of his head. Sparks burst through his bright-red vision. His mind took flight.
…What…is this?
...Actually...it's like back then.
Eight years ago. In the clearing out in front of the church in
Rulid. When he tried to stop the Integrity Knight from taking
Alice away.
Unable to move, unable to speak, sword a few measly milices
His legs felt rooted deep into the ground, impossible to move
even the tiniest bit.
Raios and Humbert sensed something happening and turned
to see him humiliatingly frozen in place, hand on his sword. They
leered at him, then slowly, theatrically, lowered their waists toward their wailing victims, watching his reaction.
An odd phenomenon then happened between them.
In the center of his right-eye vision, now dyed a pale red, was a
shining circle of sacred letters in the color of blood, rotating to
the right. It said, SYSTEM ALERT: CODE 871, but he had no idea
what it meant.
But Eugeo could sense that this was some kind of seal. A magical seal placed deep in his eye that prevented him from moving,
now and eight years ago, forcing him to comply with the law. This
was why he had only been able to stand and watch as Alice was
taken away.
He desperately clung to his consciousness, trying to prevent it
from leaving him altogether as he concentrated on the crimson
seal. And on the other side of that vision, the sight of Raios and
Humbert, preparing to pierce the bodies of those girls with their
It was unforgiveable. Absolutely unforgiveable. He turned that
hatred into the strength to move his arm. The blade slid along the
sheath. As it did, the sacred letters grew larger and rotated faster.
"N-nooooo! Eugeoooo!!" Tiese screamed.
"Rrraaaahhhh!!" Eugeo roared.
A silver light exploded in his right eye, and the eyeball burst
from the inside with a squelching sensation.
Even the loss of half his sight did not register to Eugeo as he
yanked on the hilt of the sword. The blade was glowing bright
blue, even before it came out all the way—the Aincrad-style secret
technique Horizontal.
Raios caught its lightning flash out of the corner of his eye and
dipped down just in time. The sword caught his hair as it
dropped, slicing the fibers free.
But behind him, Humbert was too slow to react. He halted just
before he entered Ronie, swayed left, and then gaped at what he
A brief shriek was cut short as he raised his left arm in reaction—and the Blue Rose Sword caught it directly on the elbow.
There was no physical feedback. But the blade cut straight
through Humbert's left arm, the loose half spinning through the
air until it landed on the fine carpet.
No one moved or made a sound. Eugeo paused at the finish of
his swing, feeling the pain in his nonexistent right eye.
After an eternity, the raised stump of Humbert's arm sprayed
a gush of blood. Most of it landed on the shining sheets, dyeing
them red, but some of the liquid landed on Eugeo's left side, spotting his dark-blue uniform.
"Ah…aaah… aaaaaah!!"
The guttural shriek burst out of Humbert's throat. His eyes
bulged, staring at the blood spurting out of his severed elbow.
"My…my arm…my arm! Blood…all the blood…! My life…my
life is draining away!!"
At last he had the presence of mind to squeeze the stump with
his remaining hand, but that did not stop the blood. The liquid
continued gushing onto the sheet, seeping over toward Raios next
to him.
"R-Raios! Sacred arts! No…the normal kind won't work in
time! Life…Share your life with me!!" he pleaded, reaching out
with his bloodied hand. Raios ducked away from it and got off the
bed. Tiese and Ronie were unable to process what had happened
and lay on the sheets, expressions blank.
"Raios, give me liiiife!" Humbert wailed, but Raios merely
looked at him in surprise and cold impassivity.
"Stop squealing, Humbert. You're not going to lose your life
over a single arm…or so the readings suggest. Tie up the wound
with that rope to stop the bleeding."
"More importantly, did you see that, Humbert?"
Humbert was trying to wind the two ropes holding the girls'
legs together around his arm now, expression desperate, but
Raios turned away to look at Eugeo, who was kneeling at the end
of his swing. The nobleman's tongue flicked out and wet his lips.
"That country bumpkin there cut off your arm. It's tremendous, fantastic…I've never seen someone break taboos this way. I
was hoping for an act of rudeness at best…and I got a violation of
the Taboo Index itself!! Truly fabulous!!"
Raios spun around, his open robe swaying, and walked to the
wall on the other side of the bed. He pulled down a large
longsword in a red leather scabbard. "Ordinarily, only lower nobles and residents of our holdings are the targets of judicial authority…but certainly that limitation doesn't apply to a taboobreaking criminal!"
He looked even more excited now than he had when he was
about to attack Tiese. Raios drew his sword. It gleamed like a
mirror as he held it up with his right hand.
Outside the window, an especially loud blast of thunder
sounded. Purple light caught the blade and glinted in Eugeo's left
eye. It was clear that Raios Antinous intended to render Eugeo's
judgment with that sword—to kill him. But Eugeo couldn't move.
Even after violating the Taboo Index, with his right eye blown out
by that mysterious seal, he was too shocked to hold up his sword,
or even move, after the stunning impact of his attack on Humbert.
"Hah…heh-heh-heh! It's too bad, Disciple Eugeo. I really was
looking forward to facing you at next month's testing match. Who
could have seen that our parting would come in this manner?"
Raios said, his voice lilting with mad joy. He stepped forward.
Then again.
Through his blurred left eye, Eugeo saw the sword rise high.
He had to move; he had to avoid his almost certain death. But
on the other hand, another voice told him it didn't matter anymore. The dream of being an Integrity Knight and seeing Alice
again was dead. His sword had tasted human blood, and he was a
criminal. But at least he saved Tiese and Ronie. Neither Raios nor
Humbert would try to hurt them anymore. So at least his terrible
crime had achieved one meager good.
"Heh, heh-heh…even I have never cut off a man's head with
my sword before. I doubt even Father or Uncle has done it. This
will make me stronger…far stronger than even that cocky Levantein heir."
Again, Raios's sword and face glowed, followed by another
burst of thunder. On the floor, Humbert was cradling his lost
arm, but he looked up, briefly forgetting his pain, while, trapped
on the bed, Tiese was trying to say something.
Eugeo smiled back at the primary trainee who had worked so
hard at being his page for the past month, then hung his head.
"Disciple Eugeo—no, Eugeo the Guilty!! I, Raios Antinous,
third-rank noble son, hereby sentence thee to judicial authority!!
Give up all of your life to the gods…and do penance for your sin!!"
Raios announced. His blade roared.
Gwiiing!A metallic crash. Eugeo waited, but no sword landed
on his neck. He raised his head—and saw.
Right in midair, Raios's sword had met another…a pitch-black
blade that held it in place. The sleeve around the arm hanging
over his head was also black. The intruder's hair, slick with rain—
"Kiri…to…" Eugeo mumbled. He'd gone all the way to the primary trainees' dorm to look for the girls, and yet he was here. His
partner mouthed the word Sorry. Then he stared forward at his
"Remove your sword, Raios. I won't let you hurt Eugeo."
Raios sneered hatefully as he recognized his foe, but the smile
eventually came back. "At last you arrive, Disciple Kirito. But
sadly, you are too late! That bumpkin there is no longer even a
citizen of the empire, much less a student here. He is guilty of
breaking the Taboo Index! I, Raios Antinous, third-rank noble
and first-seat elite disciple, have the authority to pass judgment
on his crime! So stand back and watch as this criminal's head
falls from his shoulders…just as your flowers fell!!"
In contrast to Raios's long and haughty speech, Kirito's response was far shorter and heavier.
"I don't care about your taboos and noble rights."
His eyes gleamed as they stared at Raios. He didn't bother to
wipe away the water dripping from his bangs. "Eugeo is my
friend. And you are scum, lower than the goblins of the land of
Shock appeared first on Raios's face, followed by hatred, then
a savage joy. "My goodness…What a shock! So both of you hayseeds were agreeable enough to commit treasonous crimes together! Now I can eliminate the both of you. What a glorious
day…Truly, Stacia smiles upon me!!"
He pulled back his sword and held it high again. This time, he
clutched the handle with both hands and turned sideways, long
robes rustling. When he crouched, the blade glowed a blackened
red color: the High-Norkia secret technique, Mountain-Splitting
Without realizing it, Eugeo tried to get to his feet as soon as he
saw the stance.
During his duel with Volo Levantein a few months ago, Kirito
had bested that same attack with the four-part Aincrad skill Vertical Square. But Raios's attack seemed to swirl with a wicked,
twisted energy that he'd not seen before. It wouldn't have the skill
that Volo's technique did, but Raios's burgeoning noble pride was
feeding it a terrible strength of its own.
Sensing that even Kirito couldn't handle this alone, Eugeo desperately tried to get up, but he could not will any power into his
Suddenly, he felt his partner's hand push on his shoulder. "It's
all right," Kirito murmured, moving Eugeo against the wall. Once
back in place, he gripped his sword with both hands, like Raios
This action stunned Eugeo, even through his quickly fading
wits. Like the Zakkarite style, Aincrad style was almost entirely
one-handed—and none of the secret arts were two-handed. Besides, both Kirito's sword and the Blue Rose Sword didn't have
the handle length for two…
Suddenly, understanding struck, and Eugeo gasped.
The handle of Kirito's black sword grew, emitting little tinging
noises. In fact, it wasn't just the handle—the blade itself was expanding in both width and length. Not as big as Raios's massive
sword but a good five or six cens longer than Eugeo's.
Kirito held his enlarged black sword above the waist on his
right side. It buzzed, vibrating the air, and glowed a jade-green
color. That wasn't Aincrad style. It was the Serlut style's Ring
Vortex—a move he'd seen at the testing matches last year.
"Kah! Ka-ha-ha…So in your desperation, you turn to mimicking the work of others?! My greatest technique will shatter your
measly attempt!!"
"Come on, Raios! You've earned enough debt; now it's time to
pay up!!"
Both swords roared with power, lighting the small bedroom in
red and green.
Humbert, huddling on the floor in the back; Tiese and Ronie,
now sitting up on the bed and clutching each other; and Eugeo,
kneeling along the wall—all silently watched the two swordsmen.
It was a fight between elite disciples—a showdown they would
have seen at next month's testing match, if not for today's events.
The next bolt of lightning was the signal to start.
" Kyeaaaaa!!" Raios screamed, and brought his sword down.
" Seyaa!!" Kirito belted, slicing upward on a diagonal.
Red and green trails of light clashed in midair, rumbling the
floorboards and blowing all the glass windows outward. As he
stared at the intersection of the black and silver blades, Eugeo
understood why Kirito hadn't used the Aincrad style.
The speedy but light single-handed attacks would not be
enough to stop a double-handed High-Norkia technique. It would
require leaping away at the moment of impact to disperse the
shock, then chaining together more swings after that, but that
wasn't possible without the space of the training hall. Maybe in
the common room next door, but Kirito had no choice but to fight
here to protect Eugeo. That was why he chose to use the Serlut
two-handed Ring Vortex.
"K-Kirito!!" Eugeo gasped, his throat parched, right as Kirito
fell to his left knee. The black sword was being pushed backward,
creaking with the pressure. Raios's eyebrows and the corners of
his mouth had risen as high as they could, and he screeched with
"How's that…? How do you like that?! You miserable, inferior
peasants!! Why would you ever think you could get the better of
Raios Antinous?! You might be able to bring dead flowers to life
with some occult arts, but your parlor tricks will not affect
The glow infusing Raios's blade shifted from red to filthy
black, spreading from the weapon up his arms and around his
body, his robes and golden hair rippling. Kirito's position was
pushed back near to his original stance, the green color on his
sword flickering weakly.
"Kiri—" Eugeo started to say, then stopped.
Ring Vortex, overpowered by Mountain-Splitting Wave—he'd
seen this exact sight before.
Yes, from this March, at the final match of the previous elite
disciples' testing tournament. Volo's powerful sword had pushed
Sortiliena down to one knee, just like Kirito was now…and then…
Kirito roared again. The brilliant jade color flashed through
his black sword once more, brightening the room. It was a combination of two single-use attacks.That was how Liena had defeated Volo in the end.
Normally, all secret techniques came to a halt if their form was
broken. The only extension to their power came if the sword was
pushed back along the same trajectory it initially followed. Liena
saw it happen during Kirito and Volo's duel, then mastered it in
just half a month—a dual use of the Serlut style's Ring Vortex.
Kirito had been Liena's page, but since she graduated right
after the final testing match, he couldn't have had time to learn
this right from her. He had made her technique his own, just
from seeing it performed.
This was the proper way of a disciple and page.
This was the true nature of the sword.
Tears welled in Eugeo's left eye. They were tears of admiration
for this incredible feat and tears of longing that he could have
learned more in his short time. Through his blurred eye, he saw
Kirito's second Ring Vortex snap Raios's sword in half…
And then it severed the first seat's hands, well above the wrist.
When Raios toppled onto the carpet, landing on his behind, he
stared dumbfounded at his nearby broken sword half and the hilt
piece, still clutched in his two loose hands. Eventually, his eyes
traveled back to his own arms. They extended from his red
sleeves, severed clean before the elbow. Jets of blood erupted
from the sheer cross-sections, spilling more red on his chest and
belly to match the color of his robe