L06-2 Discovery

"Can't you find them yet?" Matoba snapped. Two days had passed since the information on the girl stopped coming in, and Matoba was beginning to show his impatience.

"We checked all of the labs and research facilities L might go to with the virus, but we came up empty," said one Blue Ship member. He gestured with the reports he held in his hand and shrugged.

"After they were spotted in the mountains in Yamanashi Prefecture, nothing from the checkpoints...At this point, they could only have flown," Konishi said. If L were listening he might have said, "Well done." "You've been talking big about how you would kill L, Dr. Kujo, but no word yet." Matoba shot an icy glare at Kujo, who stood petrified. She had periodically continued to hack into the Kira Investigation Headquarters' line to send threats to the president. However, the president had shown no sign of moving against L. Since the Death Note was not actually in her possession, Kujo couldn't follow through on her threats or even demonstrate the power she claimed to have. Matoba, who sat on the sofa in front of the biotope, restlessly crossed his legs again. In order to drive up the selling price of the virus, the virus had to be effectively spread across the country to demonstrate the widespread damage it could cause. Maki could not be allowed to spread the virus first in a haphazard way. "The GPS on the girl's cell phone still isn't—hey!" Konishi switched screens and shouted, "What's going on? There's only one GPS signal." The members gathered around. "The dummy transmitters probably went dead." "Then this signal is the girl's location." "She's in Osaka," Kujo said. The Blue Ship gang stood as one.