"Ugh! Gross, gross, gross! A mere HUMAN?! Doren, get rid of her!"
Doren sighed to himself as he shook his head.
"I can no longer do so, my Lady. It would be against Demon custom."
Both girls gave the wolfman confused looks.
"My Lady, as I know you didn't do this on purpose, I will at least show you. I literally can no longer harm her."
Lydia was quick to brace herself as Doren launched himself at her. As his massive hand neared her body, the girl shot a small rock directly at his hand.
"W-what?! Doren, are you okay? Why did I..."
"Worry not. Miss... Knight? Might I ask for a small bit of help?"
Lydia raised an eyebrow, but sighed as she placed her gauntlets on the floor. Her hands hovered over the large, furry hand. Soft blue lights began to seal the small wound he had gotten.
"It's Lydia, and I'll ignore your attack and how you knew I could do this, but why did she stop you?"
Doren flexed his hand before speaking.
"My Lady is from a prominent house of Demonkind. They have a strange and long forgotten curse... or blessing. A fated partners kiss will bring forth protection from the other. If I were to strike my Lady, Miss Lydia will come to her side. It also forewarns dangerous situations."
Taking a chance to show it, Doren attempted to strike at his master. Lydia didn't even blink as she watched him.
"You... don't even want to harm her. I didn't feel like throwing myself in the way."
"Doren, strike me. This is an order!"
Her voice immediately brought Doren around. His fist ripped at the air, only to slam directly into Lydia's. Her eyes were like bright purple fires as she shoved his hand away and launched a kick at his ribs. Doren doubled over, gasping for breath.
"Oh. So you're that kind of strong. My magic amplifies my power, so you stood no chance."
The way she flaunted her strength began to annoy Lydia. She spun on her heel and lean towards the Demon.
"Can you shut it? I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened! I just..."
Lydia went quiet as the ruby eyes looked up at her. Aside from her demonic strength, the girl seemed to be extremely innocent.
"Jeez. Why'd you have to be cute?"
Lydia massaged her forehead as the girl began to glare.
"L-Lydia, I seem to have... well, found another issue here. I tried to kill, then enslave you. Right?"
Lydia nodded.
"Umm... I don't want to, not anymore."
Doren wheezed as he spoke.
"A side effect. You're fated partners, so of course you would not wish harm on one another. This will hinder your plans, but you now have a strong human beside you!"
Doren seemed excited, his tail swishing to and fro.
"Well I don't need this fated garbage. I have no desire to be bound to anyone, let alone a Demon. I want to be rid of this... curse."
Doren had a sad look on his face now. His tail dropped and his ears fell. His master rubbed his arm as she started speaking.
"Nothing to worry about. Just go our separate ways! Since it's a weird... link to each other, we can just ignore one another. No one said we had to get married and all that."
Lydia sighed and began to grab her armor. As soon as she was done, she headed towards the exit.
"Fine. Just... don't attack the world? If I can't even bring myself to kill you, and I'll protect you with everything I have, I'd rather not end up being a traitor."
Being waved off, Lydia made her way to the exit. As the Sun began to shine down on her once more, she began to shudder.
"Why is it cold? Lu?"
Looking around, Lydia could see deep gouges in the earth.
"Shit. He ran. Something else is here."
Her hand was on her blade as she dropped her fragmented armor.
"Hmm. A little girl? You're muscular, but still thin. Good thing I'm hungry!"
Chills spread across her body as the eerie voice pierced her ears. She had been frozen in place.
"Why again?! What is with these Demons!"
She spat as she spoke, attempting to move her body.
"So you survived a run-in with another Demon? Then I'll enjoy carving you up all the more!"
Lydia could feel an almost blade like nail touch the base of her neck. She attempted to move away, suddenly getting lifted from the ground. She could feel hot breath in her ear as she was held. The panting felt strange against her ear, but the voice that came was different and one she never heard before.
"Child, I think you should leave. This human is mine and mine alone. If you wish to live, then lea- on second thought..."
Lydia could feel a soft bite against the back of her neck, followed by the flick of a warm tongue.
"Sorry beautiful. You were poisoned, but that's gone now. I'll kill it for you."
Lydia was flustered for the first time in her adult life. Her cheeks were blazing red as she was set down, but before she could look back, her savior had launched themself away. A trail of silver in her wake. Lydia touched her neck, sending an enjoyable chill down her back. Her eyes rolled back slightly as her breath caught.
"What the hell just happened to me?"
Weak in the knees, she could only fall until a soft whisper in her ear brought her back to her senses.
"Why are you in a slump, beautiful? Ah, Lydia, I mean."
Peeking upwards, Lydia was stunned into silence. Beautiful ruby eyes and long white hair, however the skin itself was wrong. Aside from being a warm tan, she was easily taller than Lydia herself. Giving a dry gulp, Lydia was unable to speak.
"Forget about me already? I know the bratty side was out and all, but I'm hurt. Eh, at least I could see your beautiful face again."
Lydia couldn't resist as the Demon pulled her to her feet. A light kiss on her cheek seemed to snap her to her senses.
"What? Why? Are you that girl's sister?"
A mischievous little smile crossed the woman's lips.
"No, sweetheart. I AM her. Just a little more mature, in every way, and extremely interested in this gorgeous human that makes my heart flutter and my legs weak!"
Thank you,
Anna Haig!