Chapter 43 – A Prophecy

Inside the chief's mansion, the situation wasn't as great either. Kirimaru immediately went to the roof by jumping to look at the situation while Chigusa stayed in the room. Following the chief was the tanned Oni.

"This is not good," Kirimaru mentioned as he looked at the Tear in the distance. Several blue and red Onis were on the ground looking at him, and he turned at them and swung his right hand, issuing an order.

"Evacuate the guests and the civilians! Every able body is to protect them, and I will go to stop the Tear personally!" Then he turned to his son, who was watching him excitedly. "Ranga, you come with me."

"Alright, pops!"

Kirimaru jumped down from the roof and was about to leave with Ranga, but Sayo suddenly approached and stopped him with her hand.

"I will go too."

"No." Kirimaru replied as he stopped in his tracks. "You're not part of this village anymore."

"But…" Sayo lowered her hand, clearly crestfallen.