Chapter 46 – Second Contract

Kai didn't know what to do.

This situation was a bit beyond his comprehension.

In the middle of a clearing around collapsed buildings that the Malices destroyed. The Tear in the sky had closed slowly, but Kai only focused his gaze on the Oni, Ibaraki Douji, who knelt in front of him.

"Subordinate will fall, obsidian black and burning heart." Suddenly, Amber recited one line from the prophecy as she stared at Kai with a soft smile. "This is the prophecy, Kai. Didn't you say you would accept someone who wants to make a contract with you? She's the Ibaraki Douji, you know?"

"I did say that, but…" He replied to Amber and looked around.

Shuten Douji and Amber had amused smiles. They were looking at what happened to him with a gaze filled with amusement, enjoying his flustered reaction.

Then there was Sayo. He was thankful that there was someone more flustered than him. It calmed him down and made him able to observe the situation with a clear mind.