Chapter 51 – A night attack

It was night.

The sky had darkened, and there were unexpectedly stars visible even inside the barrier of Oni Village. A cold breeze hit the area, and the festival continued.

Onis were crazy. Even with the incident this afternoon, they still continued the festival because they could. The destroyed outskirts were isolated, though, as some Onis began to work to fix the destroyed buildings.

Vampires and Devils joined the festivals too. They were active at night, so they were used to the rowdy night. Unlike the afternoon, they joined the Oni and humans bunch, enjoying the festival in the street.

The VIPs that stayed in the chief mansion also enjoyed the festival. They left the mansion before night to join the lovely event.

Kai, however, had no luxury to do that. He was exhausted, so he relaxed in the mansion's garden, sitting on the terrace while drinking sake prepared by a servant in the mansion.