Chapter 57 – A Restricting Truth

Returning to the US was easy, with Amber carrying both Kai and Ibaraki on top of her real Phoenix body. They didn't forget about the timezone this time and arrived in the US at 5 AM.

They landed on a clearing a bit away from Kai's house and walked to the restaurant on foot. Amber had changed her clothes back to the sleeveless red Qipao she often used when working as a restaurant waitress.

All of their baggage was already taken from the inn and was brought by Kai in his bag. There was something unexpected happening before they returned, though.

"I never thought Rena would visit our inn and give us this." Kai raised a small wooden box in his hand with a smile. "She didn't forget her promise."

"Fufufu, almost all Mythical creatures remembered their promise, Kai. They really took the promise as something important." Amber replied with a soft giggle from the side as they entered Chinatown.