Chapter 79 – Important Exchange

In a certain dark alleyway near the Slayer Organization's main office, Dragon was leaning her back against the wall beside a trash bin.

The atmosphere in this place was bleak and eerie; the sunlight was unable to pierce through between two massive buildings, even more so as the old lady with a young appearance looked toward the end of the alleyway where darkness like an abyss wriggling as if it was alive, about to swallow up the world.

"If you're here, then say something, will you?" She spoke while her lips curled up.

The darkness at the end of the alleyway dissipated, and an old man appeared from behind, scratching the back of his head.

"Scary old woman. Even when you're blind, you can still fucking sense me hiding behind my familiar."

"Fufufu, it's not that hard. How are you doing, Marcus? Is the brat doing alright?"