Chapter 94 – New Barrier

"They are not coming, huh?"


Dragon and Marcus were at Queens, looking at the big boulder in Cunningham Park. It was the last barrier cornerstone in New York City, and they had already observed it since afternoon.

Marcus ruffled his hair in frustration. "Shit, we are just wasting our time, aren't we?"

Rather than observing the cornerstone, they could've just tried to find the members of Memento Mori. But they were here, protecting the last line of defense, so the seal of the ghosts and demons wouldn't be broken.

The new barrier wasn't ready yet until tomorrow. And even now, when they were observing the last cornerstone, Marcus was working on the new cornerstone to erect a new barrier.

"If I concentrated on creating a new barrier, it would be done right now, dammit."

However, Dragon didn't think so. "I don't think we are wasting our time."