Chapter 99 – Creeping Darkness

In the deep of the jungle, at the top of a certain mountain in Romania, a single figure looked up at the dark clouds in the sky while its buttoned rag face made a frown.

"Dragon King."

It didn't have its usual smirk or unique laugh. No, this figure of Boogeymen looked serious and… felt fear.

"Awakened at a time like this? Do you want to stop us again? Like 10 years ago?"

Boogeymen had no idea, but they knew they needed to move fast. The threat posed by Dragon King was way higher than a Mythical Oni or a Phoenix combined. That was how dangerous Dragon King was, even though she had just awakened from her slumber.

The plan they carefully cooked would be a mess once Dragon King was fully awakened from her sleep. That was how much power Dragon King had in that body of hers.