Chapter 103 – Acting Alone

At Amber's side, she was walking around the coast of Constanta to find the Dragon King.

Even if the creature was called the Dragon King, it was also known as the Dragon God and the Sea God. That was why, mostly, the Dragon King stayed at sea; hence Amber tried to find her here.

"It's no use." The Phoenix girl sighed tiredly. "The Dragon King concealed her presence and Spirit Power once she arrived in this country. I can't feel her anymore." She muttered to herself, sitting on a bench at an empty beach.

She pouted as her search ended in naught.

"Kai will be disappointed in me… And I don't want that. I want him to look at me more…"

It was an earnest wish of hers, and that was why she worked hard to get his attention more. Being saved by him, she had grown attached to and loved Kai.