Chapter 108 – Past Catching Up



And blood.

Those three things filled New York City and Romania 10 years ago.

The sky was dark at that time, covered in dark clouds. Not even a single bit of sunlight could get past it.

Five men stood in the middle of New York City in a circle, looking at the destruction of the city and a purple color that decorated the sky alongside black smoke and rain that dripped adjacent to water.

Darkness filled the city even though it was still midday.

Many bodies lay on the street. Bloodied, bruised. Some even had missing body parts.

Arms, legs, red… bloody red.

"Support! There are 3 over here!"

"Where is the support?! Reinforcement!"

"The Slayers from New Haven are on their way! Long Island is also attacked, so they can't send anyone to New York!"

"Shit! We are going to be destroyed at this rate! These fucking scarecrows!"
