Chapter 124 – Trauma and Ancestor

Kai backed away slowly, keeping his eyes on the shadow. He knew he had to find a way out of this memory before it was too late. But as he turned to leave, he saw that the portal was growing larger, and its energy was becoming more intense.

He knew he had to act fast. With a deep breath, Kai steadied himself and prepared to fight. But then his eyes widened. He couldn't use his Spirit Power!

The shadow picked himself up, preparing another attack.

"Begone! You're not supposed to be here!" The shadow bellowed once again as it retreated to the portal, much to Kai's confusion.

"Huh?" He let out a confused voice. What had just happened?

The shadow was the only hint in this place that might be connected to his trauma. He couldn't lose him.

Without any choice, Kai gritted his teeth and darted forward. His heart raced as he ran and plunged through the portal.