Chapter 146 – Dream Realm

A familiar feeling washed Kai's body as soon as he fell into a deep sleep.

It was a wonder. How could he sleep so easily when his guard was up? The dust Spirit Power Lilith scattered before must be the answer. He was a bit careless, but that might be the only way to enter the Dream Real, the mentioned gate toward the Astral Plane.

His mind began to drift away from the physical world. He felt a sense of weightlessness, as if he was being lifted up and away on a soft, billowing cloud. The world around him began to fade away, replaced by a swirling mass of colors and shapes.

As Kai fell deeper into the dream, the colors became more vivid, the sounds richer, and the sensations more intense. He felt a rush of excitement and anticipation even when he knew it would be a bit… dangerous.