The Wizard Healer

"Now it's your turn, Alexis," said Tyler, who then returned to his normal body.

"Okay, what should I do?" Alexis asked, curious about what kind of guidance Tyler would give him.

Xavier sat on the sofa near the fireplace, watching Alexis and Tyler, who were now sitting cross-legged on the floor, which was covered by a carpet that was quite soft when sitting on it.

Tyler asked Alexis to concentrate on himself and reach the deepest peak in his subconscious. And Alexis did that very quickly and well.

Soon Alexis saw a flash of pink light; he followed as Tyler said. Because that way, they will meet at the point of Alexis's subconscious.

It wasn't long before he managed to do this, and now he was faced with the figure of a woman with long hair who was truly beautiful and captivated anyone who saw her. She wore an all-pink dress with floral prints attached to her body.

"Surely you are the one who will inherit my power! Introduce me, Inguz, the Wizard Healer of the Wizard of Darkness," Inguz said softly, which could make anyone who heard it would feel sleepy with her very lulling voice.

"Okay, I'm Alexis!" Alexis replied, still stuttering, trying to calm down in front of a beautiful woman. Her beauty tempted Alexis himself.

"I will explain the task you will carry because I don't have much time before merging with you!" Inguz explained while sitting on a chair that suddenly formed from clusters of roses.

Inguz explained everything to Alexis, including her growing feelings for Mannaz, the Wizard Of Darkness.

As soon as the reincarnation they choose depends on the right chemistry.

"Okay, I understand!" Alexis said

"Well, shake my hand, and I will melt together with you! Give my greetings to Mannaz, the Wizard of Darkness!"

"I will do my best!" Alexis said, shaking Inguz's hand.

Inguz melted into one with Alexis's body. And changes also occurred in Alexis's outer body.

Xavier and Tyler, who saw the change, didn't blink until Alexis reached his OverPower. His transformation was enveloped by rose petals flying all over his body. Finally, the rose became a shirt that stuck to all parts of Alexis's body.

Alexis's change was striking because the shape of the clothes he was wearing now was very different from Inguz's. What is now embedded in his body is a male model with not let go of the size of a rose in every corner. His clothes were more in the direction of a ripe pink to red like rose petals.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Xavier said as he stood closer to Alexis.

"Inguz sends greetings to you, hmm, to Mannaz!" Alexis said.

But Xavier didn't pay attention to that because he was now only focused on Alexis's changes which made Xavier hypnotized, not only Xavier but Tyler too.

Xavier remembered the runes he had; he quickly changed himself back to his normal mode. Because he knew his transformation would be very tempting to anyone who saw it.

After he returned to normal again, Xavier and Tyler seemed confused by what had just happened to the two of them.

"Her name is Inguz; she is a very beautiful woman!" Alexis said to Xavier and Tyler.

"No wonder it makes me want to always approach you!" Tyler said with a chuckle.

"Ahh, Stop, hehe Don't talk about it anymore if it leads to that!?" Xavier cut while trying to cover Alexis's body from Tyler's gaze.

"After this, it's your turn, you!" Tyler said to Xavier.

After this, it was time for Xavier to truly fuse with Mannaz because otherwise, afraid of the consciousness possessed by Mannaz disappeared, and he did not have the opportunity to fuse with Mannaz the Wizard of Darkness.

Alexis sat on the sofa that Xavier formerly occupied; now, it was Xavier's time to perform the ritual.

Even though it is midnight, this ritual must be carried out so that it is not late and can be on guard. Because it was a will from Uruz to Tyler, he had to do it.

"Please really follow what I lead later, okay!" Tyler's message to Xavier.

Xavier nodded and now took a position by sitting cross-legged in front of Tyler. His eyes were closed, and his hands were up in an open position above his knees.

He concentrated on really getting to the light that Tyler said. But Xavier didn't see him at all.

The consciousness of Mannaz, the Wizard of Darkness, vanished in him. he thought...

"Xavier stays focused; you sure find that bright spot of light!" Tyler whispered

When Tyler said those words, Xavier suddenly saw a bright purple light through his face. He quickly moved after the light until it went to the deepest point of his subconscious.

He stopped when he saw the winged human figure in front of him. His body is strong and sturdy, with beautiful muscles adorning it. The wings are so dashing that the jet-black to-purple color adds to the impression of the figure's authority. He was bare-chested, wearing only trousers that looked very much like samurai swordsmen, but this time they had a cascade of fabric that looked more like ruffles at the top of the pants.

Xavier saw his face was so handsome with a purple crystal motif in the middle of his forehead. His hair was white, and his eyes were a light purple.

"You must be the chosen one to inherit my power! I am Mannaz, the Wizard of Darkness!" Mannaz said, smiling at Xavier.

Xavier was still amazed by it, but it was a bit difficult to say.

"Eum... Xavier," he answered, stuttering.

"I can see a huge potential in you, and I believe you can lead other Villain Wizards in the future!"

Mannaz explained and told all the stories he could tell Xavier Because he remembered that the time he had was so short with Xavier because earlier, he had used his consciousness to save the three of them from the Villain's Wizard of light.

"I think you have understood all my explanations, please shake my hand, and I will melt together with you!" Mannaz said softly.

"Wait," Xavier interrupted

"What is it?"

"You get a greeting from Uruz and Inguz; they will continue to support you and be by your side! That was their last greeting before merging with Tyler and Alexis."

"Okay, I'm so happy to hear that greeting; now, shake my hand!" Mannaz said, holding out his hand to Xavier.

Xavier took his hand and shook it.

"Thank you!" Said Mannaz, the Wizard of Darkness, before finally merging with Xavier.