
With a heavy heart, Alexis took the letter that Tyler found in several piles of ruins in the living room leading to the second floor. He opened the letterhead slowly because the envelope was not glued, so he could open it and take out its contents.

After being opened by Alexis, a letter was written which was intended for him.

"Hi honey, sorry I wrote this letter, you will also read it when you get home. I can't reach your number; there's a signal problem, so I wrote this for you immediately. I went to your grandmother's town in the Shield City; it will take four hours because I was in a hurry; the information was in the afternoon when Grandma was sick. I looked for you but couldn't find you, and couldn't call you either, because I had already ordered a ticket, so I went alone, so sorry, because I didn't invite you to meet grandma. Next time, I will invite you; I will leave a Card for you, well, the pin is the same as the one you had before; I hope it's okay; I don't know when I'll be back. Love you, dear."

After finishing reading the letter from his mother, Alexis immediately took a deep breath and sat limply on the messy sofa.

"Huh, thanks," He said while holding his chest.

"How's?" Xavier asked worriedly too.

But he had already explained to the two of them after he read the letter, so there was no longer anything to worry about. In essence, he knew that his mother was safe there. And there must be news about what's happening in Rainbow City.

"Okay, since we're done, how about we head back?" Xavier asked, offering to Alexis and Tyler. They agreed to the idea, but before heading back there, they brought a few supplies they could take to their base.

Finished with packing, the three of them decided to go straight back to their headquarters because too long in a place quite close to the castle of the Villain Wizard is also dangerous.

They had only taken a few steps out of Alexis' house; suddenly, Tyler gave a code to stop walking. Xavier, who was about to whisper to Tyler, was immediately forbidden by him and asked them both to remain silent, waiting for Tyler's signal.

I asked the two of them to stop when I suddenly heard a loud noise not far from Alexis' house, in the alleyway in front of Alexis' house. Tyler thought as he crept.


Tyler swiftly made a rectangular shield that had space to hide the three of them, making anyone who was there unable to see their whereabouts.

Their eyes widened at the sight of a somewhat sinister creature, the head of a wolf but the body of a human, in front of the three of them. More precisely, in the alleyway in front of Alexis's house.

The three of their legs spontaneously went limp when they saw the scary creature in front of them. The wolf creature was not alone, but two others were walking uprightly, looking to the right and left as if looking for something.

Soon the two creatures crawled and sniffed the road in front of Alexis' house.

"They're here!"

The three of them were surprised when they heard that the wolf-headed creature could speak. Their hearts were beating fast; they didn't know what to do.

This wolf has a very sharp smell and good hearing; his eyes can also see the prey ready to be locked by them. But this time, a werewolf was in front of them with a human body. They're A Werewolf.

Xavier, Tyler, and Alexis remained in the same position beside the railing close to the wall. The two Werewolves jumped off the fence and entered Alexis' house.

"They know we're here!" Tyler quickly invites Xavier and Alexis to leave Alexis' house, still using the shield that Tyler made.

They walked rather quickly, holding hands so as not to be left behind with the shield that Tyler had made. The creature is still in Alexis's house, ruffling Alexis' house to find the whereabouts of the three of them.

Alexis looked back as he managed to run away some distance from the two Werewolves. But soon, the two creatures were seen chasing the three of them.

"Tyler, Xavier, they are after us now!" Alexis said in a panic.

Tyler took Xavier and Alexis to a rather large area because it was impossible for the two creatures to be fought. Tyler had thought of all these risks. That's why he was now taking one step ahead of the creature.

The three stopped at a rather spacious place, a bus parking lot.

"Guys, you have to focus on changing you two; I will change now too. because this is our chance to test our abilities!" Tyler said swiftly and was directly approved by his two friends.

Tyler quickly changed himself into Overpower Mode, just like Uruz's appearance. Likewise with Alexis, who turned himself. Xavier also changed himself into Mannaz Overpower Mode.

The transformation of the three of them was astonishing as they changed simultaneously, which made an extraordinary epic impression.

The three of them were already in their respective positions, with the shield still active from Tyler.

Not long after that, the Werewolves arrived, running on all fours like wolves in general, but after they arrived, they both stood bravely and sniffed again where Adam and his friends were standing.


Shouted Tyler let go of his shield and immediately jumped into the air and stood face to face with one of the creatures.

Xavier flew low to the other creature.

Alexis was deliberately behind the two because the healers had to be protected from the combat mode they were going into for the first time.

"It is true what Your Majesty said, that they are here!" One of the Werewolves said.

"Mannaz, Uruz and Inguz! It's complete; it's time for us to play like before!!!"

The Werewolf that confronted Xavier immediately attacked him quickly. He swiftly avoided him, but Xavier did not remain silent; he launched a purple laser out of his right hand at the Werewolf now attacking him.


The creature was instantly destroyed.

"Ewwww, disgusting!" Xavier said when he managed to destroy one of the Werewolves that attacked him.

Now it was only Tyler making his number one shield to ward off attacks from the Werewolf. The Werewolf fighting with Tyler is smarter than the one dealing with Xavier.

Because the one who faced Xavier earlier was very stupid infighting.

"Feel this!"

Tyler jumped from the right side quickly when the creature was about to attack him from the left side with its claws.

In that instant, they both jumped, and Tyler made a shield number 3 just as he faced the creature now jumping at him.

Tyler dodged a little quickly; the speed of the Werewolf was nothing to Tyler's speed. So that their position is now side by side, he quickly made the 3rd shield seal.

And the Werewolf was cut in half; from head to waist, it was inside Tyler's shield, and from waist to toe, it was outside Tyler's shield.

"I want to throw up!" Alexis shouted from a distance.

And they managed to beat the two Werewolf-headed creatures with badass.

Xavier approached Tyler and gave him a high five.

"Extraordinary!" Said the two of them, who still remember their high fives when they were little.