The Wrath Of The Villain Wizards!

Fortunately, Tyler had already guessed the attack that would come because if it was too late, the shield that covered him might not be able to block Raidho's attack. Because the attack from Raidho that had just been given to him was so great, a burst of lava appeared from the ground below the four of them. So if they were a little late, they might have turned to ashes.

"Almost!" Tyler said with a deep breath.

"They're no longer playable!" Said Alexis, who started to seriously respond to the Villain Wizards.

"I won't forgive the four of you!" shouted Dagaz from a distance, and suddenly, he changed himself into a different display mode.

Xavier and his friends were shocked when they saw that Dagaz's appearance had changed instantly. "It's bad that he changed his Combat Mode! Just like Xavier usually does!" said Tyler, who warned his three friends to be more careful when fighting Dagaz with such a display mode.